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Journal Article (60)

Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Ravasco, J. M.J.M.; Felicidade, J.; Pinto, M. V.; Santos, F. M.F.; Campos-González, R.; Arteaga, J. F.; Mehraz, M.; Langevin, C.; Fernandes, A.; Nguyen, H.-C. et al.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Coelho, J. A.S.; Pischel, U.; Gois, P. M.P.: Data-Driven Discovery of a New Fluorescent BASHY Dye for Bioimaging. JACS Au 4 (11), pp. 4212 - 4222 (2024)
Journal Article
Giubertoni, G.; Chagri, S.; Argudo, P. G.; Prädel, L.; Maltseva, D.; Greco, A.; Caporaletti, F.; Pavan, A.; Ilie, I. M.; Ren, Y. et al.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Bonn, M.; Weil, T.; Woutersen, S.: Structural adaptability and surface activity of peptides derived from tardigrade proteins. Protein Science 33 (9), e5135 (2024)
Journal Article
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Harley, I.; Xing, J.; Wu, Y.; Wagner, M.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Weil, T.; Ng, D. Y. W.: Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (17), pp. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhu, X.; Chen, Q.; Zhao, H.; Yang, Q.; Goudappagouda; Gelléri, M.; Ritz, S.; Ng, D.; Koynov, K.; Parekh, S. H. et al.; Chetty, V. K.; Thakur, B. K.; Cremer, C.; Landfester, K.; Müllen, K.; Terenzio, M.; Bonn, M.; Narita, A.; Liu, X.: Intrinsic Burst-Blinking Nanographenes for Super-Resolution Bioimaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (8), pp. 5195 - 5203 (2024)
Journal Article
Schauenburg, D.; Gao, B.; Rochet, L. N. C.; Schüler, D.; Coelho, J. A. S.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Chudasama, V.; Kuan, S. L.; Weil, T.: Macrocyclic Dual‐Locked "Turn‐On" Drug for Selective and Traceless Release in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (18), e202314143 (2024)
Journal Article
Roth, P.; Meyer, R.; Harley, I.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Wagner, M.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Supramolecular assembly guided by photolytic redox cycling. Nature Synthesis 2, 1646, pp. 980 - 988 (2023)
Journal Article
Alleva, N.; Eigen, K.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: A Versatile and Efficient Method to Isolate DNA-Polymer Conjugates. ACS Macro Letters 12 (9), pp. 1257 - 1263 (2023)
Journal Article
Felicidade, J.; Santos, F. M. F.; Arteaga, J. F.; Remón, P.; Campos-González, R.; Nguyen, H.-C.; Nájera, F.; Boscá, F.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Gois, P. M. P. et al.; Pischel, U.: Engineering the BASHY Dye Platform toward Architectures with Responsive Fluorescence. Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (31), e202300579 (2023)
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