Publications of D. Guinoiseau

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Markowska, M.; Martin, A. N.; Vonhof, H. B.; Guinoiseau, D.; Fischer, M. L.; Zinaye, B.; Galer, S. J. G.; Asrat, A.; Junginger, A.: A multi-isotope and modelling approach for constraining hydro-connectivity in the East African Rift System, southern Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Reviews 279, 107387 (2022)
Journal Article
Prud'homme, C.; Scardia, G.; Vonhof, H.; Guinoiseau, D.; Nigmatova, S.; Fiebig, J.; Gerdes, A.; Janssen, R.; Fitzsimmons, K. E.: Central Asian modulation of Northern Hemisphere moisture transfer over the Late Cenozoic. Communications Earth & Environment 2, 106 (2021)
Journal Article
Weber, M.; Lugli, F.; Hattendorf, B.; Scholz, D.; Mertz-Kraus, R.; Guinoiseau, D.; Jochum, K. P.: NanoSr - A New Carbonate Microanalytical Reference Material for In Situ Strontium Isotope Analysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 44 (1), pp. 69 - 83 (2020)
Journal Article
Guinoiseau, D.; Galer, S. J. G.; Abouchami, W.; Frank, M.; Achterberg, E. P.; Haug, G. H.: Importance of Cadmium Sulfides for Biogeochemical Cycling of Cd and Its Isotopes in Oxygen Deficient Zones-A Case Study of the Angola Basin. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (12), pp. 1746 - 1763 (2019)
Journal Article
Guinoiseau, D.; Bouchez, J.; Gelabert, A.; Louvat, P.; Moreira-Turcq, P.; Filizola, N.; Benedetti, M. F.: Fate of particulate copper and zinc isotopes at the Solimoes-Negro river confluence, Amazon Basin, Brazil. Chemical Geology 489, pp. 1 - 15 (2018)
Journal Article
Guinoiseau, D.; Louvat, P.; Paris, G.; Chen, J.-B.; Chetelat, B.; Rocher, V.; Guerin, S.; Gaillardet, J.: Are boron isotopes a reliable tracer of anthropogenic inputs to rivers over time? Science of the Total Environment 626, pp. 1057 - 1068 (2018)
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