Publications of Hsiao-Ping Hsu

Journal Article (18)

Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Stable polydisperse free-standing porous films made by mechanical deformation. Soft Matter 20 (34), pp. 6779 - 6790 (2024)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Glass transition temperature of (ultra-)thin polymer films. The Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (7), 071104 (2023)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Singh, M. K.; Cang, Y.; Therien-Aubin, H.; Mezger, M.; Berger, R.; Lieberwirth, I.; Fytas, G.; Kremer, K.: Free Standing Dry and Stable Nanoporous Polymer Films Made through Mechanical Deformation. Advanced Science 10 (18), 2207472 (2023)
Journal Article
Banerjee, A.; Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.; Kukharenko, O.: Data-Driven Identification and Analysis of the Glass Transition in Polymer Melts. ACS Macro Letters 12, pp. 679 - 684 (2023)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Efficient equilibration of confined and free-standing films of highly entangled polymer melts. The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (14), 144902 (2020)
Journal Article
Singh, M. K.; Hu, M.; Cang, Y.; Hsu, H.-P.; Therien-Aubin, H.; Koynov, K.; Fytas, G.; Landfester, K.; Kremer, K.: Glass Transition of Disentangled and Entangled Polymer Melts: Single-Chain-Nanoparticles Approach. Macromolecules 53 (17), pp. 7312 - 7321 (2020)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Clustering of Entanglement Points in Highly Strained Polymer Melts. Macromolecules 52 (17), pp. 6756 - 6772 (2019)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: A coarse-grained polymer model for studying the glass transition. The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (9), 091101 (2019)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Erratum: A coarse-grained polymer model for studying the glass transition [J. Chem. Phys. 150, 091101 (2019)]. The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (15), 159902 (2019)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Primitive Path Analysis and Stress Distribution in Highly Strained Macromolecules. ACS Macro Letters 7 (1), pp. 107 - 111 (2018)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Chain Retraction in Highly Entangled Stretched Polymer Melts. Physical Review Letters 121 (16), 167801 (2018)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Detailed analysis of Rouse mode and dynamic scattering function of highly entangled polymer melts in equilibrium. European Physical Journal - Special Topics 226 (4), pp. 693 - 703 (2017)
Journal Article
Binder, K.; Hsu, H.-P.; Paul, W.: Understanding the stiffness of macromolecules: From linear chains to bottle-brushes. European Physical Journal - Special Topics 225 (8-9), pp. 1663 - 1671 (2016)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.; Kremer, K.: Static and dynamic properties of large polymer melts in equilibrium. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (15), 154907 (2016)
Journal Article
Egorov, S. A.; Hsu, H.-P.; Milchev, A.; Binder, K.: Semiflexible polymer brushes and the brush-mushroom crossover. Soft Matter 11 (13), pp. 2604 - 2616 (2015)
Journal Article
Huang, A. Q.; Hsu, H.-P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Binder, K.: Semiflexible macromolecules in quasi-one-dimensional confinement: Discrete versus continuous bond angles. The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (24), 243102 (2015)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.: Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models for single polymer systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (16), 164903 (2014)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-P.: Lattice Monte Carlo simulations of polymer melts. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (23 ), 234901 (2014)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Berger, R.; Binder, K.; Diezemann, G.; Gauss, J.; Helm, M.; Hsu, H.-P.; Janshoff, A.; Metzroth, T.; Mey, I.; Milchev, A. et al.; Paul, W.; Rostiashvili, V. G.; Vilgis, T. A.: Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates. In: From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials, pp. 1 - 60 (Eds. Basche, T.; Müllen, K.; Schmidt, M.). Springer International Publishing (2014)
Book Chapter
Binder, K.; Butt, H.-J.; Floudas, G.; Frey, H.; Hsu, H.-P.; Landfester, K.; Kolb, U.; Kühnle, A.; Maskos, M.; Müllen, K. et al.; Paul, W.; Schmidt, M.; Spiess, H. W.; Virnau, P.: Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks: Complex Polymer Architectures. In: From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials, pp. 115 - 210 (Eds. Basche, T.; Müllen, K.; Schmidt, M.). Springer International Publishing (2014)
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