Publications of T. S. Rhee

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Kettle, A. J.; Andreae, M. O.: Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from the ocean: A reassessment using basin-wide observations in the Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 114, D12304 (2009)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Röckmann, T.: Hydrogen isotope fractionation in the photolysis of formaldehyde. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (5), pp. 1353 - 1366 (2008)
Journal Article
Woolf, D. K.; Leifer, I. S.; Nightingale, P. D.; Rhee, T. S.; Bowyer, P.; Caulliez, G.; de Leeuw, G.; Larsen, S. E.; Liddicoat, M.; Baker, J. et al.; Andreae, M. O.: Modelling of bubble-mediated gas transfer: Fundamental principles and a laboratory test. Journal of Marine Systems 66 (1-4), pp. 71 - 91 (2007)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Nightingale, P. D.; Woolf, D. K.; Caulliez, G.; Bowyer, P.; Andreae, M. O.: Influence of energetic wind and waves on gas transfer in a large wind-wave tunnel facility. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 112 (C5), C05027 (2007)
Journal Article
Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Crutzen, P. J.; Boumard, F.; Dauer, T.; Dix, B.; Ebinghaus, R.; Filippi, D.; Fischer, H.; Franke, H.; Frieß, U. et al.; Heintzenberg, J.; Helleis, F.; Hermann, M.; Kock, H. H.; Koeppel, C.; Lelieveld, J.; Leuenberger, M.; Martinsson, B. G.; Miemczyk, S.; Moret, H. P.; Nguyen, H. N.; Nyfeler, P.; Oram, D.; O'Sullivan, D.; Penkett, S.; Platt, U.; Pupek, M.; Ramonet, M.; Randa, B.; Reichelt, M.; Rhee, T. S.; Rohwer, J.; Rosenfeld, K.; Scharffe, D.; Schlager, H.; Schumann, U.; Slemr, F.; Sprung, D.; Stock, P.; Thaler, R.; Valentino, F.; van Velthoven, P.; Waibel, A.; Wandel, A.; Waschitschek, K.; Wiedensohler, A.; Xueref-Remy, I.; Zahn, A.; Zech, U.; Ziereis, H.: Civil Aircraft for the regular investigation of the atmosphere based on an instrumented container: The new CARIBIC system. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (18), pp. 4953 - 4976 (2007)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Braß, M.; Brühl, C.: Isotopic composition of H2 from CH4 oxidation in the stratosphere and the troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111 (D23), D23303 (2006)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Röckmann, T.: The overwhelming role of soils in the global atmospheric hydrogen cycle. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6, pp. 1611 - 1625 (2006)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Mühle, J.; van Velthoven, P. F. J.; Hermann, M.; Zahn, A.; Oram, D. E.; Scharffe, D. H.; Koeppel, C.; Fischer, H. et al.; Lelieveld, J.: A case study of rapid mixing across the extratropical tropopause based on Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrumented Container (CARIBIC) observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 110 (D22), D22301 (2005)
Journal Article
Pupek, M.; Assonov, S. S.; Mühle, J.; Rhee, T. S.; Oram, D.; Koeppel, C.; Slemr, F.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.: Isotope analysis of hydrocarbons: trapping, recovering and archiving hydrocarbons and halocarbons separated from ambient air. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 19 (4), pp. 455 - 460 (2005)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Mak, J.; Röckmann, T.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.: Continuous-flow isotope analysis of the deuterium/hydrogen ratio in atmospheric hydrogen. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (3), pp. 299 - 306 (2004)
Journal Article
Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Janssen, C.; Kaiser, J.; Röckmann, T.; Rhee, T. S.; Assonov, S. S.: Isotope effects in the chemistry of atmospheric trace compounds. Chemical Reviews 103 (12), pp. 5125 - 5162 (2003)
Journal Article
Röckmann, T.; Rhee, T. S.; Engel, A.: Heavy hydrogen in the stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, pp. 2015 - 2023 (2003)
Journal Article
Fischer, H.; Kormann, R.; Klüpfel, T.; Gurk, C.; Königstedt, R. K.; Parchatka, U.; Mühle, J.; Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Bonasoni, P. et al.; Stohl, A.: Ozone production and trace gas correlations during the June 2000 MINATROC intensive measurement campaign at Mt. Cimone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, pp. 725 - 738 (2003)
Journal Article
Mühle, J.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Rhee, T. S.; Slemr, F.; Oram, D. E.; Penkett, S. A.; Zahn, A.: Biomass burning and fossil fuel signatures in the upper troposphere observed during a CARIBIC flight from Namibia to Germany. Geophysical Research Letters 29 (19), 1910 (2002)
Journal Article
Kettle, A. J.; Rhee, T. S.; von Hobe, M.; Poulton, A.; Aiken, J.; Andreae, M. O.: Assessing the flux of different volatile sulfur gases from the ocean to the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (D11), pp. 12,193 - 12,209 (2001)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
de Leeuw, G.; Kunz, G. J.; Caulliez, G.; Woolf, D. K.; Bowyer, P.; Leifer, I.; Nightingale, P.; Liddicoat, M.; Rhee, T. S.; Andreae, M. O. et al.; Larsen, S. E.; Hansen, F. A.; Lund, S.: LUMINY – An Overview. In: Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, pp. 291 - 294 (Eds. Donelan, M. A.; Drennan, W. M.; Saltzman, E. S.; Wanninkhof, R.). American Geophysical Union, Washington (2002)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Fischer, H.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Gurk, C.; Klüpfel, T.; Königstedt, R.; Kormann, R.; Mühle, J.; Parchatka, U.; Rhee, T. S.: Trace gas measurements during the MINATROC early summer campaign at Mt. Cimone station. In: A Changing Atmosphere. Proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, 17 - 20 September 2001, Torino (Italy)., TP3 (Eds. Hjorth, J.; Raes, F.; Angeletti, G.). A Changing Atmosphere. 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants., Torino, September 17, 2001 - September 20, 2001. European Commission, DG Research, Joint Research Centre, IES, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Torino (2002)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Rhee, T. S.: The process of air - water gas exchange and its application. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA (2000)
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