Publications of C. Brühl

Journal Article (71)

Journal Article
Gettelman, A.; Hegglin, M. I.; Son, S. W.; Kim, J.; Fujiwara, M.; Birner, T.; Kremser, S.; Rex, M.; Anel, J. A.; Akiyoshi, H. et al.; Austin, J.; Bekki, S.; Braesike, P.; Brühl, C.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M.; Dameris, M.; Dhomse, S.; Garny, H.; Hardiman, S. C.; Jöckel, P.; Kinnison, D. E.; Lamarque, J. F.; Mancini, E.; Marchand, M.; Michou, M.; Morgenstern, O.; Pawson, S.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D.; Pyle, J. A.; Rozanov, E.; Scinocca, J.; Shepherd, T. G.; Shibata, K.; Smale, D.; Teyssèdre, H.; Tian, W.: Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Tropics and global trends. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D00M08 (2010)
Journal Article
Hegglin, M. I.; Gettelman, A.; Hoor, P.; Krichevsky, R.; Manney, G. L.; Pan, L. L.; Son, S.-W.; Stiller, G.; Tilmes, S.; Walker, K. A. et al.; Eyring, V.; Shepherd, T. G.; Waugh, D.; Akiyoshi, H.; Añel, J. A.; Austin, J.; Baumgaertner, A.; Bekki, S.; Braesicke, P.; Brühl, C.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M.; Dameris, M.; Dhomse, S.; Frith, S.; Garny, H.; Hardiman, S. C.; Jöckel, P.; Kinnison, D. E.; Lamarque, J. F.; Mancini, E.; Michou, M.; Morgenstern, O.; Nakamura, T.; Olivié, D.; Pawson, S.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Pyle, J. A.; Rozanov, E.; Scinocca, J. F.; Shibata, K.; Smale, D.; Teyssèdre, H.; Tian, W.; Yamashita, Y.: Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D00M09 (2010)
Journal Article
Son, S.-W.; Gerber, E. P.; Perlwitz, J.; Polvani, L. M.; Gillett, N. P.; Seo, K.-H.; Eyring, V.; Shepherd, T. G.; Waugh, D.; Akiyoshi, H. et al.; Austin, J.; Baumgaertner, A.; Bekki, S.; Braesicke, P.; Brühl, C.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Cugnet, D.; Dameris, M.; Dhomse, S.; Frith, S.; Garny, H.; Garcia, R.; Hardiman, S. C.; Jöckel, P.; Lamarque, J. F.; Mancini, E.; Marchand, M.; Michou, M.; Nakamura, T.; Morgenstern, O.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Pyle, J.; Rozanov, E.; Scinocca, J. F.; Shibata, K.; Smale, D.; Teyssédre, H.; Tian, W.; Yamashita, Y.: Impact of stratospheric ozone on Southern Hemisphere circulation change: A multimodel assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D00M07 (2010)
Journal Article
Butchart, N.; Cionni, I.; Eyring, V.; Shepherd, T. G.; Waugh, D. W.; Akiyoshi, H.; Austin, J.; Brühl, C.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Cordero, E. et al.; Dameris, M.; Deckert, R.; Dhomse, S.; Frith, S. M.; Garcia, R. R.; Gettelman, A.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Kinnison, D. E.; Li, F.; Mancini, E.; McLandress, C.; Pawson, S.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Sassi, F.; Scinocca, J. F.; Shibata, K.; Steil, B.; Tian, W.: Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations of Twenty-First Century Stratospheric Climate and Circulation Changes. Journal of Climate 23 (20), pp. 5349 - 5374 (2010)
Journal Article
Morgenstern, O.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Shibata, K.; Eyring, V.; Waugh, D. W.; Shepherd, T. G.; Akiyoshi, H.; Austin, J.; Baumgaertner, A. J. G.; Bekki, S. et al.; Braesicke, P.; Brühl, C.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Cugnet, D.; Dameris, M.; Dhomse, S.; Frith, S. M.; Garny, H.; Gettelman, A.; Hardiman, S. C.; Hegglin, M. I.; Jöckel, P.; Kinnison, D. E.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Mancini, E.; Manzini, E.; Marchand, M.; Michou, M.; Nakamura, T.; Nielsen, J. E.; Olivié, D.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Scinocca, J. F.; Smale, D.; Teyssèdre, H.; Toohey, M.; Tian, W.; Yamashita, Y.: Review of the formulation of present-generation stratospheric chemistry-climate models and associated external forcings. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115, D00M02 (2010)
Journal Article
Kunze, M.; Braesicke, P.; Langematz, U.; Stiller, G.; Bekki, S.; Brühl, C.; Chipperfield, M.; Dameris, M.; Garcia, R.; Giorgetta, M.: Influences of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Water Vapor and Ozone Concentrations in the UTLS as Simulated by Chemistry-Climate Models. Journal of Climate 23 (13), pp. 3525 - 3544 (2010)
Journal Article
Tost, H.; Lawrence, M. G.; Brühl, C.; Jöckel, P.: Uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry modelling due to convection parameterisations and subsequent scavenging. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (4), pp. 1931 - 1951 (2010)
Journal Article
Baumgaertner, A. J. G.; Jöckel, P.; Brühl, C.: Energetic particle precipitation in ECHAM5/MESSy1-Part 1: Downward transport of upper atmospheric NOx produced by low energy electrons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (8), pp. 2729 - 2740 (2009)
Journal Article
Gettelman, A.; Birner, T.; Eyring, V.; Akiyoshi, H.; Bekki, S.; Brühl, C.; Dameris, M.; Kinnison, D. E.; Lefevre, F.; Lott, F. et al.; Mancini, E.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Shibata, K.; Stenke, A.; Struthers, H.; Tian, W.: The Tropical Tropopause Layer 1960-2100. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (5), pp. 1621 - 1637 (2009)
Journal Article
Tourpali, K.; Bais, A. F.; Kazantzidis, A.; Zerefos, C. S.; Akiyoshi, H.; Austin, J.; Brühl, C.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Dameris, M. et al.; Deushi, M.; Eyring, V.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Kinnison, D. E.; Mancini, E.; Marsh, D. R.; Nagashima, T.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Shibata, K.; Tian, W.: Clear sky UV simulations for the 21st century based on ozone and temperature projections from Chemistry-Climate Models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (4), pp. 1165 - 1172 (2009)
Journal Article
Austin, J.; Tourpali, K.; Rozanov, E.; Akiyoshi, H.; Bekki, S.; Bodeker, G.; Brühl, C.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M.; Deushi, M. et al.; Fomichev, V. I.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Gray, L.; Kodera, K.; Lott, F.; Manzini, E.; Marsh, D.; Matthes, K.; Nagashima, T.; Shibata, K.; Stolarski, R. S.; Struthers, H.; Tian, W.: Coupled chemistry climate model simulations of the solar cycle in ozone and temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113 (D11), D11306 (2008)
Journal Article
Braesicke, P.; Brühl, C.; Dameris, M.; Deckert, R.; Eyring, V.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Mancini, E.; Manzini, E.; Pitari, G.; Pyle, J. A. et al.; Steil, B.: A model intercomparison analysing the link between column ozone and geopotential height anomalies in January. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (9), pp. 2519 - 2535 (2008)
Journal Article
Butler, T. M.; Taraborrelli, D.; Brühl, C.; Fischer, H.; Harder, H.; Martinez, M.; Williams, J.; Lawrence, M. G.; Lelieveld, J.: Improved simulation of isoprene oxidation chemistry with the ECHAM5/MESSy chemistry-climate model: lessons from the GABRIEL airborne field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (16), pp. 4529 - 4546 (2008)
Journal Article
Myriokefalitakis, S.; Vrekoussis, M.; Tsigaridis, K.; Wittrock, F.; Richter, A.; Brühl, C.; Volkamer, R.; Burrows, J. P.; Kanakidou, M.: The influence of natural and anthropogenic secondary sources on the glyoxal global distribution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (16), pp. 4965 - 4981 (2008)
Journal Article
Eyring, V.; Waugh, D. W.; Bodeker, G. E.; Cordero, E.; Akiyoshi, H.; Austin, J.; Beagley, S. R.; Boville, B. A.; Braesicke, P.; Brühl, C. et al.; Butchart, N.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Dameris, M.; Deckert, R.; Deushi, M.; Frith, S. M.; Garcia, R. R.; Gettelman, A.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Kinnison, D. E.; Mancini, E.; Manzini, E.; Marsh, D. R.; Matthes, S.; Nagashima, T.; Newman, P. A.; Nielsen, J. E.; Pawson, S.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Schraner, M.; Scinocca, J. F.; Semeniuk, K.; Shepherd, T. G.; Shibata, K.; Steil, B.; Stolarski, R. S.; Tian, W.; Yoshiki, M.: Multimodel projections of stratospheric ozone in the 21st century. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 112 (D16), D16303 (2007)
Journal Article
Stiller, G. P.; von Clarmann, T.; Brühl, C.; Fischer, H.; Funke, B.; Glatthor, N.; Grabowski, U.; Höpfner, M.; Jöckel, P.; Kellmann, S. et al.; Kiefer, M.; Linden, A.; López-Puertas, M.; Tsidu, G. M.; Milz, M.; Steck, T.; Steil, B.: Global distributions of HO2NO2 as observed by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 112 (D9), D09314 (2007)
Journal Article
Lelieveld, J.; Brühl, C.; Jöckel, P.; Steil, B.; Crutzen, P. J.; Fischer, H.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Hoor, P.; Lawrence, M. G.; Sausen, R. et al.; Tost, H.: Stratospheric dryness: model simulations and satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7, pp. 1313 - 1332 (2007)
Journal Article
Brühl, C.; Steil, B.; Stiller, G.; Funke, B.; Jöckel, P.: Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (21), pp. 5585 - 5598 (2007)
Journal Article
Rhee, T. S.; Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.; Braß, M.; Brühl, C.: Isotopic composition of H2 from CH4 oxidation in the stratosphere and the troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111 (D23), D23303 (2006)
Journal Article
Eyring, V.; Butchart, N.; Waugh, D. W.; Akiyoshi, H.; Austin, J.; Bekki, S.; Bodeker, G. E.; Boville, B. A.; Brühl, C.; Chipperfield, M. P. et al.; Cordero, E.; Dameris, M.; Deushi, M.; Fioletov, V. E.; Frith, S. M.; Garcia, R. R.; Gettelman, A.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Grewe, V.; Jourdain, L.; Kinnison, D. E.; Mancini, E.; Manzini, E.; Marchand, M.; Marsh, D. R.; Nagashima, T.; Newman, P. A.; Nielsen, J. E.; Pawson, S.; Pitari, G.; Plummer, D. A.; Rozanov, E.; Schraner, M.; Shepherd, T. G.; Shibata, K.; Stolarski, R. S.; Struthers, H.; Tian, W.; Yoshiki, M.: Assessment of temperature, trace species, and ozone in chemistry-climate model simulations of the recent past. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111 (D22), D22308 (2006)
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