Publications of C. Brühl
All genres
Journal Article (71)
Journal Article
115, D00M08 (2010)
Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Tropics and global trends. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
115, D00M09 (2010)
Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
115, D00M07 (2010)
Impact of stratospheric ozone on Southern Hemisphere circulation change: A multimodel assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
23 (20), pp. 5349 - 5374 (2010)
Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations of Twenty-First Century Stratospheric Climate and Circulation Changes. Journal of Climate
Journal Article
115, D00M02 (2010)
Review of the formulation of present-generation stratospheric chemistry-climate models and associated external forcings. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
23 (13), pp. 3525 - 3544 (2010)
Influences of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Water Vapor and Ozone Concentrations in the UTLS as Simulated by Chemistry-Climate Models. Journal of Climate
Journal Article
10 (4), pp. 1931 - 1951 (2010)
Uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry modelling due to convection parameterisations and subsequent scavenging. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2009
Journal Article
9 (8), pp. 2729 - 2740 (2009)
Energetic particle precipitation in ECHAM5/MESSy1-Part 1: Downward transport of upper atmospheric NOx produced by low energy electrons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
9 (5), pp. 1621 - 1637 (2009)
The Tropical Tropopause Layer 1960-2100. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
9 (4), pp. 1165 - 1172 (2009)
Clear sky UV simulations for the 21st century based on ozone and temperature projections from Chemistry-Climate Models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2008
Journal Article
113 (D11), D11306 (2008)
Coupled chemistry climate model simulations of the solar cycle in ozone and temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
8 (9), pp. 2519 - 2535 (2008)
A model intercomparison analysing the link between column ozone and geopotential height anomalies in January. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
8 (16), pp. 4529 - 4546 (2008)
Improved simulation of isoprene oxidation chemistry with the ECHAM5/MESSy chemistry-climate model: lessons from the GABRIEL airborne field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
8 (16), pp. 4965 - 4981 (2008)
The influence of natural and anthropogenic secondary sources on the glyoxal global distribution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2007
Journal Article
112 (D16), D16303 (2007)
Multimodel projections of stratospheric ozone in the 21st century. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
112 (D9), D09314 (2007)
Global distributions of HO2NO2 as observed by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
7, pp. 1313 - 1332 (2007)
Stratospheric dryness: model simulations and satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Journal Article
7 (21), pp. 5585 - 5598 (2007)
Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2006
Journal Article
111 (D23), D23303 (2006)
Isotopic composition of H2 from CH4 oxidation in the stratosphere and the troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal Article
111 (D22), D22308 (2006)
Assessment of temperature, trace species, and ozone in chemistry-climate model simulations of the recent past. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres