Publications of Akimitsu Narita

Journal Article (196)

Journal Article
Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Bottom-Up Synthesis of Chemically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons. Chemical Record 15 (1), pp. 295 - 309 (2015)
Journal Article
Narita, A.; Wang, X.-Y.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: New advances in nanographene chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews 44 (18), pp. 6616 - 6643 (2015)
Journal Article
Pfeffermann, M.; Dong, R.; Graf, R.; Zajaczkowski, W.; Gorelik, T.; Pisula, W.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Feng, X.: Free-Standing Mono layer Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Organic Framework with Good Internal Order. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (45), pp. 14525 - 14532 (2015)
Journal Article
Schwab, M. G.; Narita, A.; Osella, S.; Hu, Y.; Maghsoumi, A.; Mavrinsky, A.; Pisula, W.; Castiglioni, C.; Tommasini, M.; Beljonne, D. et al.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Bottom-Up Synthesis of Necklace-Like Graphene Nanoribbons. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 10 (10), pp. 2134 - 2138 (2015)
Journal Article
Wang, X.-Y.; Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: B2N2-Dibenzo[a,e]pentalenes: Effect of the BN Orientation Pattern on Antiaromaticity and Optoelectronic Properties. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (24), pp. 7668 - 7671 (2015)
Journal Article
Zschieschang, U.; Klauk, H.; Müller, I. B.; Strudwick, A. J.; Hintermann, T.; Schwab, M. G.; Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Weitz, R. T.: Electrical Characteristics of Field-Effect Transistors based on Chemically Synthesized Graphene Nanoribbons. Advanced Electronic Materials 1 (3), 1400010 (2015)
Journal Article
Abbas, A. N.; Liu, G.; Narita, A.; Orosco, M.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Zhou, C. W.: Deposition, Characterization, and Thin-Film-Based Chemical Sensing of Ultra-long Chemically Synthesized Graphene Nanoribbons. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (21), pp. 7555 - 7558 (2014)
Journal Article
El Gemayel, M.; Narita, A.; Dössel, L. F.; Sundaram, R. S.; Kiersnowski, A.; Pisula, W.; Hansen, M. R.; Ferrari, A. C.; Orgiu, E.; Feng, X. et al.; Müllen, K.; Samori, P.: Graphene nanoribbon blends with P3HT for organic electronics. Nanoscale 6 (12), pp. 6301 - 6314 (2014)
Journal Article
Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Hernandez, Y.; Jensen, S. A.; Bonn, M.; Yang, H. F.; Verzhbitskiy, I. A.; Casiraghi, C.; Hansen, M. R.; Koch, A. H. R. et al.; Fytas, G.; Ivasenko, O.; Li, B.; Mali, K. S.; Balandina, T.; Mahesh, S.; De Feyter, S.; Müllen, K.: Synthesis of structurally well-defined and liquid-phase-processable graphene nanoribbons. Nature Chemistry 6 (2), pp. 126 - 132 (2014)
Journal Article
Narita, A.; Verzhbitskiy, I. A.; Frederickx, W.; Mali, K. S.; Jensen, S. A.; Hansen, M. R.; Bonn, M.; De Feyter, S.; Casiraghi, C.; Feng, X. et al.; Müllen, K.: Bottom-Up Synthesis of Liquid-Phase-Processable Graphene Nanoribbons with Near-Infrared Absorption. ACS Nano 8 (11), pp. 11622 - 11630 (2014)
Journal Article
Jensen, S. A.; Ulbricht, R.; Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Hertel, T.; Turchinovich, D.; Bonn, M.: Ultrafast Photoconductivity of Graphene Nanoribbons and Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Letters 13 (12), pp. 5925 - 5930 (2013)
Journal Article
Singh, B.; Mehta, B. R.; Varandani, D.; Govind; Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Bipolar resistive switching properties of Ti-CuO/(hexafluoro-hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene)-Cu hybrid interface device: Influence of electronic nature of organic layer. Journal of Applied Physics 113 (20), 203706 (2013)
Journal Article
Tan, Y.-Z.; Yang, B.; Parvez, K.; Narita, A.; Osella, S.; Beljonne, D.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Atomically precise edge chlorination of nanographenes and its application in graphene nanoribbons. Nature Communications 4, 2646 (2013)
Journal Article
Hesse, H. C.; Schaffer, C.; Hundschell, C.; Narita, A.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Nickel, B.; Schmidt-Mende, L.: Large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for application in donor-acceptor photovoltaics. Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science 209 (4), pp. 785 - 789 (2012)
Journal Article
Osella, S.; Narita, A.; Schwab, M. G.; Hernandez, Y.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Beljonne, D.: Graphene Nanoribbons as Low Band Gap Donor Materials for Organic Photovoltaics: Quantum Chemical Aided Design. ACS Nano 6 (6), pp. 5539 - 5548 (2012)
Journal Article
Schwab, M. G.; Narita, A.; Hernandez, Y.; Balandina, T.; Mali, K. S.; De Feyter, S.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.: Structurally Defined Graphene Nanoribbons with High Lateral Extension. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (44), pp. 18169 - 18172 (2012)

Conference Paper (7)

Conference Paper
Garcia-Orrit, S.; Vega-Mayoral, V.; Gu, Y.; Schollmeyer, D.; Narita, A.; Cabanillas-González, J.; Qiu, Z.; Müllen, K.: Cove-edged nanographenes as a potential optical-gain media for lasing. In: Technical digest series. Optical Devices and Materials for Solar Energy and Solid-state Lighting, from the session New LED Spectral Regimes and Gain Media (PvTu1H), Maastricht, July 24, 2022 - July 28, 2022. Optica Publishing Group (2022)
Conference Paper
Mutlu, Z.; Lin, Y.; Barin, G. B.; Zhang, Z.; Pitner, G.; Wang, S.; Darawish, R.; Giovannantonio, M. D.; Wang, H.; Cai, J. et al.; Passlack, M.; Diaz, C. H.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Fischer, F. R.; Bandaru, P.; Kummel, A. C.; Ruffieux, P.; Fasel, R.; Bokor, J.: Short-Channel Double-Gate FETs with Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons. In: 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES MEETING (IEDM). IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2021 - December 16, 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Electron Devices Group, New York, NY (2021)
Conference Paper
Hafez, H. A.; Kovalev, S.; Deinert, J.-C.; Mics, Z.; Green, B.; Awari, N.; Chen, M.; Germanskiy, S.; Wang, Z.; Tielrooij, K.-J. et al.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Bonn, M.; Gensch, M.; Turchinovich, D.: Room-temperature THz high harmonics generation in graphene. In: 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): San Jose, California, USA, 13-18 May 2018: proceedings, 8427066. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. CLEO: Applications and Technology 2018. From the session Postdeadline Papers Session I (JTh5A), San Jose, California, United States , May 13, 2018 - May 18, 2018. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2018)
Conference Paper
Ivanov, I.; Hu, Y.; Beser, U.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Bonn, M.; Turchinovich, D.: Terahertz Carrier Dynamics in Graphene Nanoribbons with Different Peripherial Functional Groups. In: 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): 5-10 June 2016: CLEO:2016, 7788713. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. CLEO: Science and Innovations 2016. From the session Terahertz Dynamics in Materials I (SM3L), San Jose, California, United States , June 05, 2016 - June 10, 2016. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2016)
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