Publications of Sachin Kumar

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Wang, Y.; Kumar, S.; Nisar, A.; Bonn, M.; Rausch, M. K.; Parekh, S. H.: Probing fibrin's molecular response to shear and tensile deformation with coherent Raman microscopy. Acta Biomaterialia 121, pp. 383 - 392 (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, S.; Parekh, S. H.: Molecular Control of Interfacial Fibronectin Structure on Graphene Oxide Steers Cell Fate. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (2), pp. 2346 - 2359 (2021)
Journal Article
Fleissner, F.; Kumar, S.; Klein, N.; Wirth, D.; Dhiman, R.; Schneider, D.; Bonn, M.; Parekh, S. H.: Tension Causes Unfolding of Intracellular Vimentin Intermediate Filaments. Advanced Biosystems (2020)
Journal Article
Kumar, S.; Parekh, S. H.: Linking graphene-based material physicochemical properties with molecular adsorption, structure and cell fate. Communications Chemistry 3 (1), 8 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, X.; Chen, S.-Y.; Chen, Q.; Yao, X.; Gelleri, M.; Ritz, S.; Kumar, S.; Cremer, C.; Landfester, K.; Müllen, K. et al.: Nanographenes: Ultrastable, Switchable, and Bright Probes for Super-Resolution Microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (1), pp. 496 - 502 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, X.; Chen, S.-Y.; Chen, Q.; Yao, X.; Gelleri, M.; Ritz, S.; Kumar, S.; Cremer, C.; Landfester, K.; Müllen, K. et al.: Nanographene: ultrastabile, schaltbare und helle Sonden für die hochauflösende Mikroskopie. Angewandte Chemie 132 (1), pp. 504 - 510 (2020)
Journal Article
Varol, H. S.; Srivastava, A.; Kumar, S.; Bonn, M.; Meng, F.; Parekh, S. H.: Bridging chains mediate nonlinear mechanics of polymer nanocomposites under cyclic deformation. Polymer 200, 122529 (2020)
Journal Article
Paul, A.; Wang, Y.; Brännmark, C.; Kumar, S.; Bonn, M.; Parekh, S. H.: Quantitative Mapping of Triacylglycerol Chain Length and Saturation Using Broadband CARS Microscopy. Biophysical Journal 116 (12), pp. 2346 - 2355 (2019)
Journal Article
Crosby, C. O.; Valliappan, D.; Shu, D.; Kumar, S.; Tu, C.; Deng, W.; Parekh, S. H.; Zoldan, J.: Quantifying the Vasculogenic Potential of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Progenitors in Collagen Hydrogels. Tissue Engineering Part A 25 (9-10), pp. 746 - 758 (2019)
Journal Article
Rastian, Z.; Pütz, S.; Wang, Y.; Kumar, S.; Fleissner, F.; Weidner, T.; Parekh, S. H.: Type I Collagen from Jellyfish Catostylus mosaicus for Biomaterial Applications. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4 (6), pp. 2115 - 2125 (2018)
Journal Article
Jaidev, L. R.; Kumar, S.; Chatterjee, K.: Multi-biofunctional polymer graphene composite for bone tissue regeneration that elutes copper ions to impart angiogenic, osteogenic and bactericidal properties. Colloids and Surfaces B 159, pp. 293 - 302 (2017)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Wang, Y.; Kumar, S.; Bonn, M.; Parekh, S. H.: Fibrin Molecular Structure Induced by Shear and Tension Mechanical Stimuli can be a Key for Fibrinolysis. In Biophysical Journal, 120, 420-Pos, p. 86A - 86A. 65th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, Online, February 22, 2021 - February 26, 2021. Cell Press, Cambridge, Mass. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Kumar, S.; Wang, Y.; Parekh, S. H.: Molecular Structure of Fibrin Direct Platelet Response Under Mechanical Stimuli. In Biophysical Journal, 118 (3), 957-Pos, p. 605A. 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, CA, February 15, 2020 - February 19, 2020. Cell Press, Cambridge, Mass. (2020)