Publications of Christopher W. Nicholson

Journal Article (18)

Journal Article
Nicholson, C. W.; Watson, M. D.; Pulkkinen, A.; Rumo, M.; Kremer, G.; Ma, K. Y.; von Rohr, F. O.; Cacho, C.; Monney, C.: Bonding states underpinning structural transitions in IrTe2 observed with micro-ARPES. Physical Review B 110 (20), 205123 (2024)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C. W.; Petocchi, F.; Salzmann, B.; Witteveen, C.; Rumo, M.; Kremer, G.; Ivashko, O.; von Rohr, F. O.; Werner, P.; Monney, C.: Gap collapse and flat band induced by uniaxial strain in 1T−TaS2. Physical Review B 109 (3), 035167 (2024)
Journal Article
Salzmann, B.; Hujala, E.; Witteveen, C.; Hildebrand, B.; Berger, H.; von Rohr, F. O.; Nicholson, C. W.; Monney, C.: Observation of the metallic mosaic phase in 1T-TaS2 at equilibrium. Physical Review Materials 7 (6), 064005 (2023)
Journal Article
Jaouen, T.; Pulkkinen, A.; Rumo, M.; Kremer, G.; Salzmann, B.; Nicholson, C. W.; Mottas, M.-L.; Giannini, E.; Tricot, S.; Schieffer, P. et al.; Hildebrand, B.; Monney, C.: Carrier-Density Control of the Quantum-Confined 1T−TiSe2 Charge Density Wave. Physical Review Letters 130 (22), 226401 (2023)
Journal Article
Kremer, G.; Maklar, J.; Nicolaï, L.; Nicholson, C. W.; Yue, C.; Silva, C.; Werner, P.; Dil, J. H.; Krempaský, J.; Springholz, G. et al.; Ernstorfer, R.; Minár, J.; Rettig, L.; Monney, C.: Field-induced ultrafast modulation of Rashba coupling at room temperature in ferroelectric α-GeTe(111). Nature Communications 13, 6396 (2022)
Journal Article
Petocchi, F.; Nicholson, C. W.; Salzmann, B.; Pasquier, D.; Yazyev, O. V.; Monney, C.; Werner, P.: Mott versus Hybridization Gap in the Low-Temperature Phase of 1T−TaS2. Physical Review Letters 129 (1), 016402 (2022)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Schüler, M.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Fisher, I. R.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Sentef, M. A. et al.; Rettig, L.: Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System. Physical Review Letters 128 (2), 026406 (2022)
Journal Article
Dong, S.; Puppin, M.; Pincelli, T.; Beaulieu, S.; Christiansen, D.; Hübener, H.; Nicholson, C. W.; Xian, R. P.; Dendzik, M. R.; Deng, Y. et al.; Windsor, Y. W.; Selig, M.; Malic, E.; Rubio, A.; Knorr, A.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function. Natural Sciences 1 (1), e10010 (2021)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Esposito, V.; Porer, M.; Rittmann, J.; Leuenberger, D.; Kubli, M. et al.; Savoini, M.; Abreu, E.; Johnson, S. L.; Beaud, P.; Ingold, G.; Staub, U.; Fisher, I. R.; Ernstorfer, R.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.: Nonequilibrium Charge-Density-Wave Order Beyond the Thermal Limit. Nature Communications 12, 2499 (2021)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C.; Puppin, M.; Lücke, A.; Gerstmann, U.; Krenz, M.; Schmidt, W. G.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.; Wolf, M.: Excited-state band mapping and momentum-resolved ultrafast population dynamics in In/Si(111) nanowires investigated with XUV-based time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Physical Review B 99 (15), 155107 (2019)
Journal Article
Puppin, M.; Deng, Y.; Nicholson, C.; Feldl, J.; Schröter, N.; Vita, H.; Kirchmann, P. S.; Monney, C.; Rettig, L.; Wolf, M. et al.; Ernstorfer, R.: Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of solids in the extreme ultraviolet at 500 kHz repetition rate. Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (02), 023104 (2019)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C.; Lücke, A.; Schmidt, W. G.; Puppin, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.; Wolf, M.: Beyond the molecular movie: dynamics of bands and bonds during a photo-induced phase transition. Science 362 (6416), pp. 821 - 825 (2018)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C.; Berthod, C.; Puppin, M.; Berger, H.; Wolf, M.; Hoesch, M.; Monney, M.: Dimensional Crossover in a Charge Density Wave Material Probed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 118 (20), 206401, pp. 1 - 5 (2017)
Journal Article
Watson, M. D.; Feng, Y.; Nicholson, C.; Monney, C.; Riley, J. M.; Iwasawa, H.; Refson, K.; Sacksteder, V.; Adroja, D. T.; Zhao, J. et al.; Hoesch, M.: Multiband One-Dimensional Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Signature of Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid Behavior in K2Cr3As3. Physical Review Letters 118 (9), 097002 (2017)
Journal Article
Bertoni, R.; Nicholson, C.; Waldecker, L.; Hübener, H.; Monney, C.; De Giovannini, U.; Puppin, M.; Hoesch, M.; Springate, E.; Chapman, R. T. et al.; Cacho, C.; Wolf, M.; Rubio, A.; Ernstorfer, R.: Generation and Evolution of Spin-, Valley-, and Layer-Polarized Excited Carriers in Inversion-Symmetric WSe2. Physical Review Letters 117 (27), 277201 (2016)
Journal Article
Monney, C.; Puppin, M.; Nicholson, C.; Hoesch, M.; Chapman, R. T.; Springate, E.; Berger, H.; Magrez, A.; Cacho, C.; Ernstorfer, R. et al.; Wolf, M.: Revealing the role of electrons and phonons in the ultrafast recovery of charge density wave correlations in 1T−TiSe2. Physical Review B 94 (16), 165165 (2016)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C.; Monney, C.; Carley, R.; Frietsch, B.; Bowlan, J.; Weinelt, M.; Wolf, M.: Ultrafast Spin Density Wave Transition in Chromium Governed by Thermalized Electron Gas. Physical Review Letters 117 (13), 136801 (2016)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C.; Monney, C.; Krieg, U.; Tegenkamp, C.; Pfnür, H. E.; Horn, K.; Wolf, M.: Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Ag Nanowires on Si(557): Spectroscopic Evidence for Dimensionality. New Journal of Physics 17 (9), 093025 (2015)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Puppin, M.; Deng, Y.; Nicholson, C.; Monney, C.; Krenz, M.; Prochnow, O.; Ahrens, J.; Binhammer, T.; Morgner, U.; Wolf, M. et al.; Ernstorfer, R.: 500 kHz OPCPA-Based UV-XUV Light Source For Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. In: Optics InfoBase, SF2M.4. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, May 10, 2015 - May 15, 2015. Optical Society of America (2015)

Talk (9)

Nicholson, C.: A Chemical and Physical View of Ultrafast Phase Transitions in Solids. Seminar, Institut de physique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France (2018)
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