Publications of Yoav William Windsor

Journal Article (27)

Journal Article
Jung, H.; Dong, S.; Zahn, D.; Vasileiadis, T.; Seiler, H.; Schneider, R.; de Vasconcellos, S. M.; Taylor, V.; Bratschitsch, R.; Ernstorfer, R. et al.; Windsor, Y. W.: Element-Specific Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics in Monolayer WSe2. Nano Letters 24 (43), pp. 13671 - 13677 (2024)
Journal Article
Lee, S.-E.; Windsor, Y. W.; Zahn, D.; Kraiker, A.; Kummer, K.; Kliemt, K.; Krellner, C.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N.; Staub, U. et al.; Vyalikh, D. V.; Ernst, A.; Rettig, L.: Controlling 4 f antiferromagnetic dynamics via itinerant electronic susceptibility. Physical Review Research 6 (4), 043019 (2024)
Journal Article
Seiler, H.; Zahn, D.; Taylor, V.; Bodnarchnuk, M. I.; Windsor, Y. W.; Kovalenko, M. V.; Ernstorfer, R.: Direct Observation of Ultrafast Lattice Distortions during Exciton–Polaron Formation in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals. ACS Nano 17 (3), pp. 1979 - 1988 (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, S.-E.; Windsor, Y. W.; Fedorov, A.; Kliemt, K.; Krellner, C.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N.; Wolf, M.; Atxitia, U.; Vyalikh, D. V. et al.; Rettig, L.: Robust Magnetic Order Upon Ultrafast Excitation of an Antiferromagnet. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (36), 2201340 (2022)
Journal Article
Holldack, K.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N.; Kachel, T.; Baumgärtel, P.; Windsor, Y. W.; Zahn, D.; Goslawski, P.; Koopmans, M.; Ries, M.: Two-color synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy based on transverse resonance island buckets. Scientific Reports 12, 14876 (2022)
Journal Article
Qi, Y.; Guan, M.; Zahn, D.; Vasileiadis, T.; Seiler, H.; Windsor, Y. W.; Zhao, H.; Meng, S.; Ernstorfer, R.: Traversing Double-Well Potential Energy Surfaces: Photoinduced Concurrent Intralayer and Interlayer Structural Transitions in XTe2 (X = Mo, W). ACS Nano 16 (7), pp. 11124 - 11135 (2022)
Journal Article
Windsor, Y. W.; Lee, S.-E.; Zahn, D.; Borisov, V.; Thonig, D.; Kliemt, K.; Ernst, A.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Pontius, N.; Staub, U. et al.; Krellner, C.; Vyalikh, D. V.; Eriksson, O.; Rettig, L.: Exchange scaling of ultrafast angular momentum transfer in 4ƒ antiferromagnets. Nature Materials 21 (5), pp. 514 - 517 (2022)
Journal Article
Giorgianni, F.; Burian, M.; Gurung, N.; Kubli, M.; Esposito, V.; Staub, U.; Beaud, P.; Johnson, S. L.; Windsor, Y. W.; Rettig, L. et al.; Ozerov, D.; Lemke, H.; Saha, S.; Pressacco, F.; Collins, S. P.; Togashi, T.; Katayama, T.; Owada, S.; Yabashi, M.; Yamaura, K.; Tanaka, Y.; Scagnoli, V.: Melting of magnetic order in NaOsO3 by femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Review B 105 (15), 155147 (2022)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Jakobs, F.; Seiler, H.; Butcher, T. A.; Engel, D.; Vorberger, J.; Atxitia, U.; Windsor, Y. W.; Ernstorfer, R.: Intrinsic energy flow in laser-excited 3d ferromagnets. Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013104 (2022)
Journal Article
Parchenko, S.; Hernández, N. O.; Savoini, M.; Porer, M.; Decker, M.; Burganov, B.; Bothschafter, E. M.; Dornes, C.; Windsor, Y. W.; Ramakrishnan, M. et al.; Rettig, L.; Buzzi, M.; Schick, D.; Holldack, K.; Pontius, N.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.; Radovic, M.; Heuver, J. A.; Noheda, B.; Johnson, S. L.; Staub, U.: Ultrafast probe of magnetization dynamics in multiferroic CoCr2O4 and Co0.975 Ge0.025Cr2O4. Physical Review B 105 (6), 064432 (2022)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Schüler, M.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Fisher, I. R.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Sentef, M. A. et al.; Rettig, L.: Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System. Physical Review Letters 128 (2), 026406 (2022)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Seiler, H.; Windsor, Y. W.; Ernstorfer, R.: Ultrafast lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in platinum extracted with a global fitting approach for time-resolved polycrystalline diffraction data. Structural Dynamics 8 (6), 064301 (2021)
Journal Article
Seiler, H.; Zahn, D.; Zacharias, M.; Hildebrandt, P.-N.; Vasileiadis, T.; Windsor, Y. W.; Qi, Y.; Carbogno, C.; Draxl, C.; Ernstorfer, R. et al.; Caruso, F.: Accessing the Anisotropic Nonthermal Phonon Populations in Black Phosphorus. Nano Letters 21 (14), pp. 6171 - 6178 (2021)
Journal Article
Seiler, H.; Krynski, M.; Zahn, D.; Hammer, S.; Windsor, Y. W.; Vasileiadis, T.; Pflaum, J.; Ernstorfer, R.; Rossi, M.; Schwoerer, H.: Nuclear dynamics of singlet exciton fission in pentacene single crystals. Science Advances 7 (26), eabg0869 (2021)
Journal Article
Dong, S.; Puppin, M.; Pincelli, T.; Beaulieu, S.; Christiansen, D.; Hübener, H.; Nicholson, C. W.; Xian, R. P.; Dendzik, M. R.; Deng, Y. et al.; Windsor, Y. W.; Selig, M.; Malic, E.; Rubio, A.; Knorr, A.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function. Natural Sciences 1 (1), e10010 (2021)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Esposito, V.; Porer, M.; Rittmann, J.; Leuenberger, D.; Kubli, M. et al.; Savoini, M.; Abreu, E.; Johnson, S. L.; Beaud, P.; Ingold, G.; Staub, U.; Fisher, I. R.; Ernstorfer, R.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.: Nonequilibrium Charge-Density-Wave Order Beyond the Thermal Limit. Nature Communications 12, 2499 (2021)
Journal Article
Windsor, Y. W.; Zahn, D.; Kamrla, R.; Feldl, J.; Seiler, H.; Chiang, C. -.; Ramsteiner, M.; Widdra, W.; Ernstorfer, R.; Rettig, L.: Exchange-Striction Driven Ultrafast Nonthermal Lattice Dynamics in NiO. Physical Review Letters 126 (14), 147202 (2021)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Jakobs, F.; Windsor, Y. W.; Seiler, H.; Vasileiadis, T.; Butcher, T. A.; Qi, Y.; Engel, D.; Atxitia, U.; Vorberger, J. et al.; Ernstorfer, R.: Lattice dynamics and ultrafast energy flow between electrons, spins, and phonons in a 3d ferromagnet. Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023032 (2021)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Dong, S.; Beaulieu, S.; Pincelli, T.; Dendzik, M. R.; Windsor, Y. W.; Xian, R. P.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Rettig, L.: A quantitative comparison of time-of-flight momentum microscopes and hemispherical analyzers for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (12), 123112 (2020)
Journal Article
Windsor, Y. W.; Ramakrishnan, M.; Rettig, L.; Alberca, A.; Lippert, T.; Schneider, C. W.; Staub, U.: Multiple magnetic ordering phenomena in multiferroic o-HoMnO3. Physical Review B 102 (21), 214423 (2020)
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