Publications of Sebastian Oener

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Gisbert Gonzalez, J. M.; Rodellar, C. G.; Druce, J.; Ortega, E.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Oener, S.: Bias Dependence of the Transition State of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 147 (6), pp. 5472 - 5485 (2025)
Journal Article
Sarabia, F. J.; Rodellar, C. G.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Oener, S.: Exploring dynamic solvation kinetics at electrocatalyst surfaces. Nature Communications 15, 8204 (2024)
Journal Article
Rodellar, C. G.; Gisbert Gonzalez, J. M.; Sarabia, F. J.; Roldan Cuenya, B.; Oener, S.: Ion solvation kinetics in bipolar membranes and at electrolyte–metal interfaces. Nature Energy 9 (5), pp. 548 - 558 (2024)
Journal Article
Oener, S.: Ions block up the junction. Nature Energy 8 (12), pp. 1313 - 1314 (2023)
Journal Article
Oener, S.; Bergmann, A.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Designing active oxides for a durable oxygen evolution reaction. Nature Synthesis 2, pp. 817 - 827 (2023)
Journal Article
Jeon, H.; Timoshenko, J.; Rettenmaier, C.; Herzog, A.; Yoon, A.; Chee, S. W.; Oener, S.; Hejral, U.; Haase, F.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Selectivity control of Cu nanocrystals in a gas-fed flow cell through CO2 pulsed electroreduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (19), pp. 7578 - 7587 (2021)
Journal Article
Roldan Cuenya, B.; Bergmann, A.; Kley, C.; Grosse, P.; Oener, S.: Klimaneutralität mittels Katalyse. Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2020, 11659628 (2021)
Journal Article
Roldan Cuenya, B.; Bergmann, A.; Kley, C.; Grosse, P.; Oener, S.: Maßgeschneiderte Katalysatoren für die grüne Energiewirtschaft. Highlights aus dem Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2020, pp. 8 - 10 (2021)
Journal Article
Roldan Cuenya, B.; Bergmann, A.; Kley, C.; Grosse, P.; Oener, S.: Tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry. Highlights from the yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2020, pp. 8 - 10 (2021)
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