Publications of E. Bourtsoukidis
All genres
Journal Article (27)
Journal Article
15 (6), pp. 3359 - 3378 (2015)
Diel and seasonal changes of biogenic volatile organic compounds within and above an Amazonian rainforest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22.
Journal Article
28 (1), pp. 193 - 204 (2014)
Impact of flooding and drought conditions on the emission of volatile organic compounds of Quercus robur and Prunus serotina. Trees-Structure and Function 23.
Journal Article
14 (19), pp. 10823 - 10843 (2014)
The link between atmospheric radicals and newly formed particles at a spruce forest site in Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24.
Journal Article
19 (3), pp. 153 - 167 (2014)
On-line field measurements of BVOC emissions from Norway spruce (Picea abies) at the hemiboreal SMEAR-Estonia site under autumn conditions. Boreal Environment Research 25.
Journal Article
14 (13), pp. 6495 - 6510 (2014)
From emissions to ambient mixing ratios: online seasonal field measurements of volatile organic compounds over a Norway spruce-dominated forest in central Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 26.
Journal Article
10 (6), pp. 4241 - 4257 (2013)
Seasonal measurements of total OH reactivity emission rates from Norway spruce in 2011. Biogeosciences 27.
Journal Article
9 (11), pp. 4337 - 4352 (2012)
Ozone stress as a driving force of sesquiterpene emissions: a suggested parameterisation. Biogeosciences Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Volatile organic compound emissions from vegetation and their responses to environmental and meteorological parameters measured with Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass spectrometry techniques. Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2013)
Working Paper (5)
Working Paper
Segregation in the atmospheric boundary layer: The case of OH – isoprene. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 19 (2019)
Working Paper
Oxidation processes in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere: Evidence from the Modelling of HOx Measurements over Cyprus. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 18 (2018)
Working Paper
An aircraft gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer System for Organic Fast Identification Analysis (SOFIA): design, performance and a case study of Asian monsoon pollution outflow. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 10 (2017)
Working Paper
Daytime formation of nitrous acid at a coastal remote site in Cyprus indicating a common ground source of atmospheric HONO and NO. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 16 (2016)
Working Paper
Atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) in tropical, boreal, temperate and marine environments. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (2016)
Preprint (1)
21 (2021)
Shipborne measurements of methane and carbon dioxide in the Middle East and Mediterranean areas and contribution from oil and gas emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions