Publications of Lutz Nuhn

Journal Article (89)

Journal Article
Verstraete, G.; Vandenbussche, L.; Kasmi, S.; Nuhn, L.; Brouckaert, D.; Renterghem, J. V.; Grymonpré, W.; Vanhoorne, V.; Coenye, T.; Geest, B.G. D. et al.; Beer, T. D.; Remon, J.P.; Vervaet, C.: Thermoplastic polyurethane-based intravaginal rings for prophylaxis and treatment of (recurrent) bacterial vaginosis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 529 (1-2), pp. 218 - 226 (2017)
Journal Article
De Coen, R.; Vanparijs, N.; Risseeuw, M. D. P.; Lybaert, L.; Louage, B.; De Koker, S.; Kumar, V.; Grooten, J.; Taylor, L.; Ayres, N. et al.; Van Calenbergh, S.; Nuhn, L.; De Geest, B. G.: pH-Degradable Mannosylated Nanogels for Dendritic Cell Targeting. Biomacromolecules 17 (7), pp. 2479 - 2488 (2016)
Journal Article
Kasmi, S.; Louage, B.; Nuhn, L.; Van Driessche, A.; Van Deun, J.; Karalic, I.; Risseeuw, M.; Van Calenbergh, S.; Hoogenboom, R.; De Rycke, R. et al.; De Wever, O.; Hennink, W. E.; De Geest, B. G.: Transiently Responsive Block Copolymer Micelles Based on N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide Engineered with Hydrolyzable Ethylcarbonate Side Chains. Biomacromolecules 17 (1), pp. 119 - 127 (2016)
Journal Article
Louage, B.; Nuhn, L.; Risseeuw, M. D. P.; Vanparijs, N.; De Coen, R.; Karalic, I.; Van Calenbergh, S.; De Geest, B. G.: Well-Defined Polymer-Paclitaxel Prodrugs by a Grafting-from-Drug Approach. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 55 (39), pp. 11791 - 11796 (2016)
Journal Article
Lybaert, L.; Vanparijs, N.; Fierens, K.; Schuijs, M.; Nuhn, L.; Lambrecht, B. N.; De Geest, B. G.: A Generic Polymer-Protein Ligation Strategy for Vaccine Delivery. Biomacromolecules 17 (3), pp. 874 - 881 (2016)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.; Kaps, L.; Diken, M.; Schuppan, D.; Zentel, R.: Reductive Decationizable Block Copolymers for Stimuli-Responsive mRNA Delivery. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 37 (11), pp. 924 - 933 (2016)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.; Vanparijs, N.; De Beuckelaer, A.; Lybaert, L.; Verstraete, G.; Deswarte, K.; Lienenklaus, S.; Shukla, N. M.; Salyer, A. C. D.; Lambrecht, B. N. et al.; Grooten, J.; David, S. A.; De Koker, S.; De Geest, B. G.: pH-degradable imidazoquinoline-ligated nanogels for lymph node-focused immune activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (29), pp. 8098 - 8103 (2016)
Journal Article
Reichenwallner, J.; Thomas, A.; Nuhn, L.; Johann, T.; Meister, A.; Frey, H.; Hinderberger, D.: Tunable dynamic hydrophobic attachment of guest molecules in amphiphilic core-shell polymers. Polymer Chemistry 7 (37), pp. 5783 - 5798 (2016)
Journal Article
Vanparijs, N.; Nuhn, L.; Paluck, S. J.; Kokkinopoulou, M.; Lieberwirth, I.; Maynard, H. D.; De Geest, B. G.: Core/shell protein-reactive nanogels via a combination of RAFT polymerization and vinyl sulfone postmodification. Nanomedicine 11 (20), pp. 2631 - 2645 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z.; Schepens, B.; Nuhn, L.; Saelens, X.; Schotsaert, M.; Callewaert, N.; De Rycke, R.; Zhang, Q.; Moins, S.; Benali, S. et al.; Mespouille, L.; Hoogenboom, R.; De Geest, B. G.: Influenza-binding sialylated polymer coated gold nanoparticles prepared via RAFT polymerization and reductive amination. Chemical Communications 52 (16), pp. 3352 - 3355 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z.; Vanparijs, N.; Vandewalle, S.; Du Prez, F. E.; Nuhn, L.; De Geest, B. G.: Squaric ester amides as hydrolysis-resistant functional groups for protein-conjugation of RAFT-derived polymers. Polymer Chemistry 7 (47), pp. 7242 - 7248 (2016)
Journal Article
Hartmann, S.; Nuhn, L.; Palitzsch, B.; Glaffig, M.; Stergiou, N.; Gerlitzki, B.; Schmitt, E.; Kunz, H.; Zentel, R.: CpG-Loaded Multifunctional Cationic Nanohydrogel Particles as Self-Adjuvanting Glycopeptide Antitumor Vaccines. Advanced Healthcare Materials 4 (4), pp. 522 - 527 (2015)
Journal Article
Kaps, L.; Nuhn, L.; Aslam, M.; Brose, A.; Foerster, F.; Rosigkeit, S.; Renz, P.; Heck, R.; Kim, Y. O.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Schuppan, D.; Zentel, R.: In Vivo Gene-Silencing in Fibrotic Liver by siRNA-Loaded Cationic Nanohydrogel Particles. Advanced Healthcare Materials 4 (18), pp. 2809 - 2815 (2015)
Journal Article
Krieg, B.; Hirsch, M.; Scholz, E.; Nuhn, L.; Tabujew, I.; Bauer, H.; Decker, S.; Khobta, A.; Schmidt, M.; Tremel, W. et al.; Zentel, R.; Peneva, K.; Koynov, K.; Mason, A. J.; Helm, M.: New Techniques to Assess In Vitro Release of siRNA from Nanoscale Polyplexes. Pharmaceutical Research 32 (6), pp. 1957 - 1974 (2015)
Journal Article
Lepeltier, E.; Nuhn, L.; Lehr, C.-M.; Zentel, R.: Not just for tumor targeting: unmet medical needs and opportunities for nanomedicine. Nanomedicine 10 (20), pp. 3147 - 3166 (2015)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.: Enhancing Gene Knockdown Efficiencies by Comparing siRNA-Loaded Cationic Nanogel Particles of Different Sizes. RNA & DISEASE 2 (2015)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.: Addressing Dendritic Cells for Anticancer Immunity. ADC Review, Journal of Antibody-drug Conjugates (2014)
Journal Article
Glaffig, M.; Palitzsch, B.; Hartmann, S.; Schüll, C.; Nuhn, L.; Gerlitzki, B.; Schmitt, E.; Frey, H.; Kunz, H.: A Fully Synthetic Glycopeptide Antitumor Vaccine Based on Multiple Antigen Presentation on a Hyperbranched Polymer. Chemistry – A European Journal 20 (15), pp. 4232 - 4236 (2014)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.; Barz, M.; Zentel, R.: New Perspectives of HPMA-based Copolymers Derived by Post-Polymerization Modification. Macromolecular Bioscience 14 (5), pp. 607 - 618 (2014)
Journal Article
Nuhn, L.; Braun, L.; Overhoff, I.; Kelsch, A.; Schaeffel, D.; Koynov, K.; Zentel, R.: Degradable Cationic Nanohydrogel Particles for Stimuli-Responsive Release of siRNA. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 35 (24), pp. 2057 - 2064 (2014)
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