Publications of Julia Stähler

Talk (76)

Stähler, J.: Inverse Surface Photovoltage-Driven Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition in ZnO Featuring Ultrafast Recovery. Symposium on the occasion of Andrea Cavalleri’s 50th Birthday, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2019)
Stähler, J.: Taming ZnO: Following the Many Pathways of Optical Excitations in a Recalcitrant Material From Femto- to Microseconds. 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, FKA 20, Vienna, Austria (2019)
Stähler, J.: Band Gap Engineering on Ultrafast Timescales. Department Seminar, Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany (2019)
Stähler, J.: Band Gap Engineering on Ultrafast Timescales. Paris Ultrafast 2019, International Conference on Ultrafast and Nonlinear Dynamics of Quantum Materials, Paris, France (2019)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Quasiparticle Dynamics in ZnO and at Its Interface With an Organic Chromophore. Colloquium of the CRC 951, Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics (HIOS), Berlin, Germany (2019)
Stähler, J.: Understanding Charge Carrier & Exciton Dynamics in ZnO and at Its Surfaces From Femto- to Microseconds. Department Colloquium, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA (2019)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Quasiparticle Dynamics in ZnO and at Its Interface With an Organic Chromophore. LACUS Day, Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2019)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Quasiparticle Dynamics in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide and at Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Interfaces. Nanoscience Colloquium DESY, Hamburg, Germany (2019)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Quasiparticle Dynamics in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide and at Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Interfaces. International conference on Non-equilibrium dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain, CRC 1242, Kerkrade, The Netherlands (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control and Inhibition of a Photoinduced Phase Transition in an Excitonic Insulator. 2018 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Warsaw, Poland (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electron Solvation Dynamics at the Origin of an Electrochemical Reaction Chain. Workshop on excitations in solids, HoW exciting! 2018, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Stähler, J.: Challenging Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Condensed Matter and at Interfaces. Selection Symposium of the Lise Meitner Excellence Program 2018, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Mor, S.; Herzog, M.; Golez, D.; Werner, P.; Eckstein, M.; Monney, C.; Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control and Inhibition of the Photoinduced Structural Phase Transition in the Excitonic Insulator. LACUS Seminar, Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electron Solvation Dynamics and Chemistry at the DMSO/Cu(111) Interface. IMAMPC2018, 9th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Stähler, J.: Es werde Licht - Und zwar schnell! Schule MIT Wissenschaft Hamburg, Konferenz für MINT-Lehrkräfte, Hamburg, Germany (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control and Self-Protection from a Structural Phase Transition in an Excitonic Insulator. DPG-Frühjahrstagung und EPS-CMD27, Focus Session: Structural Dynamics in Nanoscale Materials, Probed by Ultrafast Electron Pulses II, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electron Solvation Dynamics and Chemistry in Polar Solvents. Photoionization and Photodetachment, Gordon Research Conference, GRC, Galveston, TX, USA (2018)
Stähler, J.: Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control and Self-Protection from a Photoinduced Phase Transition in an Excitonic Insulator. ICEL 2017 - International Conference on Extreme Light, Szeged, Hungary (2017)
Stähler, J.: Exciting! Ultrafast Dynamics in Condensed Matter after Light Absorption. Award Ceremony of the Edith Flanigen Award 2016, CRC 1109, Berlin, Germany (2016)
Stähler, J.: Photoinduced Transient Band Gap Enhancement in the Excitonic Insulator Ta2NiSe5. International conference on dynamic pathways in multidimensional landscapes, Berlin, Germany (2016)
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