Publications of Tanja Weil

Journal Article (244)

Journal Article
Kappler, J.; Klostermann, S. V.; Lange, P. L.; Dyballa, D. M.; Veith, L.; Schleid, T.; Weil, T.; Kästner, J.; Buchmeiser, M. R.: Sulfur-Composites Derived from Poly(acrylonitrile) and Poly(vinylacetylene) - A Comparative Study on the Role of Pyridinic and Thioamidic Nitrogen. Batteries & Supercaps 6 (3), e202200522 (2023)
Journal Article
Kaygisiz, K.; Ender, A. M.; Gačanin, J.; Kaczmarek, L. A.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Nalakath, A. N.; Winterwerber, P.; Mayer, F. J.; Räder, H. J.; Marszalek, T. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Synatschke, C. V.; Weil, T.: Photoinduced Amyloid Fibril Degradation for Controlled Cell Patterning. Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2), 2200294 (2023)
Journal Article
Olari, L.-R.; Bauer, R.; Miró, M. G.; Vogel, V.; Rayas, L. C.; Groß, R.; Gilg, A.; Klevesath, R.; Alfonso, A. A. R.; Kaygisiz, K. et al.; Rupp, U.; Pant, P.; Mieres-Pérez, J.; Steppe, L.; Schäffer, R.; Rauch-Wirth, L.; Conzelmann, C.; Müller, J. A.; Zech, F.; Gerbl, F.; Bleher, J.; Preising, N.; Ständker, L.; Wiese, S.; Thal, D. R.; Haupt, C.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Wagner, M.; Sanchez-Garcia, E.; Weil, T.; Stenger, S.; Fändrich, M.; von Einem, J.; Read, C.; Walther, P.; Kirchhoff, F.; Spellerberg, B.; Münch, J.: The C-terminal 32-mer fragment of hemoglobin alpha is an amyloidogenic peptide with antimicrobial properties. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 80 (6), 151 (2023)
Journal Article
Rauch-Wirth, L.; Renner, A.; Kaygisiz, K.; Weil, T.; Zimmermann, L.; Rodriguez-Alfonso, A. A.; Schütz, D.; Wiese, S.; Ständker, L.; Weil, T. et al.; Schmiedel, D.; Münch, J.: Optimized peptide nanofibrils as efficient transduction enhancers for in vitro and ex vivo gene transfer. Frontiers in Immunology 14 (2023)
Journal Article
Rijns, L.; Su, L.; Maxeiner, K.; Morgese, G.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.; Dankers, P. Y. W.: Introducing carbohydrate patterning in mannose-decorated supramolecular assemblies and hydrogels. Chemical Communications 59 (15), pp. 2090 - 2093 (2023)
Journal Article
Wanek, T.; Mairinger, S.; Raabe, M.; Alam, M. N. A.; Filip, T.; Stanek, J.; Winter, G.; Xu, L.; Laube, C.; Weil, T. et al.; Rasche, V.; Kuntner, C.: Synthesis, radiolabeling, and preclinical in vivo evaluation of 68Ga-radiolabelled nanodiamonds. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 116-117, 108310 (2023)
Journal Article
Winter, G.; Eberhardt, N.; Löffler, J.; Raabe, M.; Alam, M. N. A.; Hao, L.; Abaei, A.; Herrmann, H.; Kuntner, C.; Glatting, G. et al.; Solbach, C.; Jelezko, F.; Weil, T.; Beer, A. J.; Rasche, V.: Preclinical PET and MR Evaluation of 89Zr- and 68Ga-Labeled Nanodiamonds in Mice over Different Time Scales. Nanomaterials 12 (24), 4471 (2022)
Journal Article
Rodríguez-Alfonso, A.; Heck, A.; Ruiz-Blanco, Y. B.; Gilg, A.; Ständker, L.; Kuan, S. L.; Weil, T.; Sanchez-Garcia, E.; Wiese, S.; Münch, J. et al.; Harms, M.: Advanced EPI-X4 Derivatives Covalently Bind Human Serum Albumin Resulting in Prolonged Plasma Stability. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (23), 15029 (2022)
Journal Article
Naskar, N.; Liu, W.; Qi, H.; Stumper, A.; Fischer, S.; Diemant, T.; Behm, R. J.; Kaiser, U.; Rau, S.; Weil, T. et al.; Chakrabortty, S.: A Carbon Nanodot Based Near-Infrared Photosensitizer with a Protein-Ruthenium Shell for Low-Power Photodynamic Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14 (43), pp. 48327 - 48340 (2022)
Journal Article
Kissmann, A.-K.; Wolf , D.; Krämer, M.; Müller, F.; Amann, V.; Xing, H.; Gottschalk, K.-E.; Weil, T.; Eichmann, R.; Schäfer, P. et al.; Rosenau, F.: Polyclonal Aptamer Libraries from a FluRoot-SELEX for the Specific Labeling of the Apical and Elongation/Differentiation Zones of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 12220 (2022)
Journal Article
Alleva, N.; Winterwerber, P.; Whitfield, C.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Nanoscale patterning of polymers on DNA origami. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 10 (37), pp. 7512 - 7517 (2022)
Journal Article
Yu, H.; Wang, S.; Huang, J.; Fu, Y.; Wagner, M.; Weil, T.; Zhong, F.; Zhao, W.; Wu, Y.: Light-Controlled Traceless Protein Labeling via Decaging Thio-o-naphthoquinone Methide Chemistry. Organic Letters 24 (37), pp. 6816 - 682 (2022)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Zhang, Y.; Krämer, M.; Kissmann, A.-K.; Henkel, M.; Weil, T.; Knippschild, U.; Rosenau, F.: A Polyclonal Selex Aptamer Library Directly Allows Specific Labelling of the Human Gut Bacterium Blautia producta without Isolating Individual Aptamers. Molecules 27 (17), 5693 (2022)
Journal Article
Kneißle, K.; Krämer, M.; Kissmann, A.-K.; Xing, H.; Müller, F.; Amann, V.; Noschka, R.; Gottschalk, K.-E.; Bozdogan, A.; Andersson, J. et al.; Weil, T.; Spellerberg, B.; Stenger, S.; Rosenau, F.: A Polyclonal SELEX Aptamer Library Allows Differentiation of Candida albicans, C. auris and C. parapsilosis Cells from Human Dermal Fibroblasts. Journal of Fungi 8 (8), 856 (2022)
Journal Article
Liang, J.; Weil, T.: Diamond nanothreads built of small aromatic molecules. Matter 5 (8), pp. 2513 - 2516 (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, Y.; Balasubramanian, P.; Wang, Z.; Coelho, J. A. S.; Prslja, M.; Siebert, R.; Plenio, M. B.; Jelezko, F.; Weil, T.: Detection of Few Hydrogen Peroxide Molecules Using Self-Reporting Fluorescent Nanodiamond Quantum Sensors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (28), pp. 12642 - 12651 (2022)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Zhang, Y.; Krämer, M.; Kissmann, A.-K.; Amann, V.; Raber, H. F.; Weil, T.; Stieger, K. R.; Knippschild, U.; Henkel, M. et al.; Andersson, J.; Rosenau, F.: A Polyclonal Aptamer Library for the Specific Binding of the Gut Bacterium Roseburia intestinalis in Mixtures with Other Gut Microbiome Bacteria and Human Stool Samples. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (14), 7744 (2022)
Journal Article
Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Moscariello, P.; Xiang, S.; Wu, Y.; Ren, Y.; Whitfield, C.; Xu, L.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Han, S. et al.; Mücke, D.; Qi, H.; Wagner, M.; Kaiser, U.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: In Situ Assembly of Platinum(II)-Metallopeptide Nanostructures Disrupts Energy Homeostasis and Cellular Metabolism. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (27), pp. 12219 - 12228 (2022)
Journal Article
Alfieri, M. L.; Weil, T.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Ball, V.: Polydopamine at biological interfaces. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 305, 102689 (2022)
Journal Article
Häring, M.; Amann, V.; Kissmann, A.-K.; Herberger, T.; Synatschke, C.; Kirsch-Pietz, N.; Perez-Erviti, J. A.; Otero-Gonzalez, A. J.; Morales-Vicente, F.; Andersson, J. et al.; Weil, T.; Stenger, S.; Rodríguez, A.; Ständker, L.; Rosenau, F.: Combination of Six Individual Derivatives of the Pom-1 Antibiofilm Peptide Doubles Their Efficacy against Invasive and Multi-Resistant Clinical Isolates of the Pathogenic Yeast Candida albicans. Pharmaceutics 14 (7), 1332 (2022)
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