Publications of Klaus Müllen

Journal Article (1897)

Journal Article
Scherer, U.; Shen, Y. J.; Adam, M.; Bietsch, W.; Von Schütz, J. U.; Müllen, K.: EXTENDED HOMOLOGS OF TETRATHIOALKYL-TETRATHIAFULVALENES. Advanced Materials 5 (2), pp. 109 - 112 (1993)
Journal Article
Journal Article
Tyutyulkov, N.; Dietz, F.; Müllen, K.; Baumgarten, M.; Karabunarliev, S.: STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF NONCLASSICAL POLYMERS .9. NONALTERNANT POLYMERS. Theoretica Chimica Acta 86 (4), pp. 353 - 367 (1993)
Journal Article
Tyutyulkov, N.; Karabunarliev, S.; Müllen, K.; Baumgarten, M.: BAND-STRUCTURE OF QUASI-1D POLYCONDENSED HYDROCARBONS .2. ENERGY-SPECTRA OF RIBBON POLYMERS IN RELATION TO GRAPHITE. Synthetic Metals 53 (2), pp. 205 - 225 (1993)
Journal Article
Wegener, S.; Müllen, K.: NEW LADDER POLYMERS VIA REPETITIVE DIELS-ALDER REACTION UNDER HIGH-PRESSURE. Macromolecules 26 (12), pp. 3037 - 3040 (1993)
Journal Article
Wegner, R.; Beye, N.; Fanghänel, E.; Scherer, U.; Wirschem, R.; Müllen, K.: NOVEL OLIGOMERIC TTF SYSTEMS WITH EXTENDED CONJUGATION. Synthetic Metals 53 (3), pp. 353 - 363 (1993)
Journal Article
Woo, H. S.; Lhost, O.; Graham, S. C.; Bradley, D. D. C.; Friend, R. H.; Quattrocchi, C.; Bredas, J. L.; Schenk, R.; Müllen, K.: OPTICAL-SPECTRA AND EXCITATIONS IN PHENYLENE VINYLENE OLIGOMERS. Synthetic Metals 59 (1), pp. 13 - 28 (1993)
Journal Article
Baumgarten, M.; Karabunarliev, S.; Koch, K.-H.; Müllen, K.; Tyutyulkov, N.: Band structure of quasi-one-dimensional polycondensed aromatic hydrocarbons I. Poly(periacene)s. Synthetic Metals 47 (1), pp. 21 - 36 (1992)
Journal Article
Baumgarten, M.; Müller, U.; Bohnen, A.; Müllen, K.: Oligo(9,10‐anthrylene), organische Verbindungen mit stabilen Hochspinzuständen. Angewandte Chemie 104 (4), pp. 482 - 485 (1992)
Journal Article
Gregorius, H.; Baumgarten, M.; Reuter, R.; Tyutyulkov, N.; Müllen, K.: meta‐Phenyleneinheiten als Konjugationsbarrieren in Phenylenvinylenketten. Angewandte Chemie 104 (12), pp. 1621 - 1623 (1992)
Journal Article
Kistenmacher, A.; Adam, M.; Baumgarten, M.; Pawlik, J.; Räder, H. J.; Müllen, K.: Synthesis of new soluble triphenodithiazines and investigation of their donor properties. Chemische Berichte 125 (6), pp. 1495 - 1500 (1992)
Journal Article
Tyutyulkov, N.; Dietz, F.; Müllen, K.; Baumgarten, M.: Energy spectra of the poly[peri-acene]s: analytical solution of the LCAO MO problem. Chemical Physics 163 (1), pp. 55 - 58 (1992)
Journal Article
Tyutyulkov, N.; Karabunarliev, S.; Müllen, K.; Baumgarten, M.: A class of narrow-band high-spin organic polymers II. Polymers with indirect exchange interaction. Synthetic Metals 52 (1), pp. 71 - 85 (1992)
Journal Article
Alexander, J.; Baumgarten, M.; Klabunde, K.-U.; Müllen, K.: Reductive transformations-14. Regioselective addition of carbanions to the “aromatic” pyrene isomer dicyclopenta(ef,kl)heptalene. Tetrahedron Letters 32 (6), pp. 735 - 738 (1991)
Journal Article
Koch, K.-H.; Fahnenstich, U.; Baumgarten, M.; Müllen, K.: Polynaphthylenes and oligorylenes, soluble electrophores and chromophores. Synthetic Metals 42 (1-2), pp. 1619 - 1622 (1991)
Journal Article
Müllen, K.; Baumgarten, M.; Tyutyulkov, N.; Karabunarliev, S.: A class of narrow-band high-spin organic polymers I. Polymers with direct exchange interaction between orthogonal PI-orbitals. Synthetic Metals 40 (1), pp. 127 - 135 (1991)
Journal Article
Wagner, M.; Wohlfarth, W.; Müllen, K.: Anthracene and Anthraquinone Oligomers with ortho-Cyclophane Linkage through Repeated Diels-Adler Reaction Of 1,2,5,6-Tetra-exo-Methylenecyclooctane. Chimia 42 (11 ), pp. 377 - 379 (1988)

Book Chapter (32)

Book Chapter
Turchinovich, D.; Mics, Z.; Jensen, S.; Parvez, K.; Ivanov, I.; Tielrooij, K.-J.; Koppens, F. H. L.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Bonn, M.: Inherent Resistivity of Graphene to Strong THz Fields. In: Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, pp. 623 - 625 (Eds. Yamanouchi, I.; Cundiff, S.; de Vivie-Riedle, R.; Kuwata-Gonokami, M.; DiMauro, L.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2015)
Book Chapter
Basche, T.; Köhn, A.; Gauss, J.; Müllen, K.; Paulsen, H.; Zentel, R.: Optical Properties of Assemblies of Molecules and Nanoparticles. In: From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials, pp. 61 - 113 (Eds. Basche, T.; Müllen, K.; Schmidt, M.). Springer International Publishing (2014)
Book Chapter
Binder, K.; Butt, H.-J.; Floudas, G.; Frey, H.; Hsu, H.-P.; Landfester, K.; Kolb, U.; Kühnle, A.; Maskos, M.; Müllen, K. et al.; Paul, W.; Schmidt, M.; Spiess, H. W.; Virnau, P.: Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks: Complex Polymer Architectures. In: From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials, pp. 115 - 210 (Eds. Basche, T.; Müllen, K.; Schmidt, M.). Springer International Publishing (2014)
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