Publications of M. Müller

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Günther, C.; Karl, N.; Pflaum, J.; Strohmaier, R.; Gompf, B.; Eisenmenger, W.; Müller, M.; Müllen, K.: LEED, STM, and TDS studies of ordered thin films of the rhombus-shaped polycondensed aromatic hydrocarbon C54H22, on MoS2, GeS, and graphite. Langmuir 21 (2), pp. 656 - 665 (2005)
Journal Article
Berresheim, A. J.; Müller, M.; Müllen, K.: Polyphenylene Nanostructures. Chemical Reviews 99, pp. 1747 - 1785 (1999)
Journal Article
Morgenroth, F.; Kübel, C.; Müller, M.; Wiesler, U. M.; Berresheim, A. J.; Wagner, M.; Müllen, K.: From Three-dimensional Polyphenylene Dendrimers to Large Graphite Subunits. Carbon 36, pp. 833 - 837 (1998)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Kübel, C.; Morgenroth, F.; Iyer, V. S.; Müllen, K.: Oligophenylenes as building blocks for well-defined graphite subunits. Carbon 36, pp. 827 - 831 (1998)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Kübel, C.; Müllen, K.: Giant Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Chemistry - A European Journal 4, pp. 2099 - 2109 (1998)
Journal Article
Klärner, G.; Müller, M.; Morgenroth, F.; Wehmeier, M.; Soczka-Guth, T.; Müllen, K.: Conjugated oligomers and polymers - New routes, new structures. Synthetic Metals 84 (1-3), pp. 297 - 301 (1997)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Iyer, V. S.; Kübel, C.; Enkelmann, V.; Müllen, K.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by cyclodehydrogenation and skeletal rearrangement of oligophenylenes. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English 36 (15), pp. 1607 - 1610 (1997)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Morgenroth, F.; Scherf, U.; Soczka-Guth, T.; Klärner, G.; Müllen, K.: The benzene ring as modulus: Synthesis and supramolecular ordering of novel conjugated polymers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 355 (1725), pp. 715 - 726 (1997)
Journal Article
Müllen, K.; Müller, M.; Tyutyulkov, N.; Dietz, F.: Band structure of quasi-1-dimensional polycondensed pi-systems .4. Energy spectra of a class of 1-D ladder type polymers. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 8 (2-3), pp. 183 - 188 (1996)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Petersen, R. J.; Strohmaier, R.; Günther, C.; Karl, N.; Müllen, K.: Polybenzoid C-54 hydrocarbons: Synthesis and structural characterization in vapor-deposited ordered monolayers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 35 (8), pp. 886 - 888 (1996)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Mauermann-Düll, H.; Wagner, M.; Enkelmann, V.; Müllen, K.: A CYCLOADDITION CYCLODEHYDROGENATION ROUTE FROM STILBENOIDS TO EXTENDED AROMATIC-HYDROCARBONS. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 34 (15), pp. 1583 - 1586 (1995)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Morgenroth, F.; Kübel, C.; Müller, M.; Wiesler, U. M.; Berresheim, A. J.; Wagner, M.; Müllen, K.: From three-dimensional polyphenylene dendrimers to large graphite subunits. In: Fullerenes and Carbon Based Materials, pp. 833 - 837 (Eds. Delhaes, P.; Kuzmany, H.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1998)
Book Chapter
Müller, M.; Kübel, C.; Morgenroth, F.; Iyer, V. S.; Müllen, K.: Oligophenylenes as building blocks for well-defined graphite subunits. In: Fullerenes and Carbon Based Materials, pp. 827 - 831 (Eds. Delhaes, P.; Kuzmany, H.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1998)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Müller, M.: Zweidimensionale Graphitausschnitte. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (1997)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Müller, M.: Polybenzoide Kohlenwasserstoffe durch intramolekulare Diels-Alder-Reaktion. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (1994)