Publications of Nicolas Hörmann
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
171 (12), 126501 (2024)
On the pH-Dependence of the Hupd Peak of Pt-Group Nanoparticles. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2.
Journal Article
160 (23), 214706 (2024)
Constant potential energetics of metallic and semiconducting electrodes: A benchmark study on 2D materials. The Journal of Chemical Physics 3.
Journal Article
128 (13), pp. 5524 - 5531 (2024)
Converging Divergent Paths: Constant Charge vs Constant Potential Energetics in Computational Electrochemistry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 4.
Journal Article
19 (23), pp. 8815 - 8825 (2023)
Ab Initio-Based Modeling of Thermodynamic Cyclic Voltammograms: A Benchmark Study on Ag(100) in Bromide Solutions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5.
Journal Article
19 (22), pp. 8323 - 8331 (2023)
Controlled Electrochemical Barrier Calculations without Potential Control. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6.
Journal Article
159 (19), 194702 (2023)
Cavity formation at metal-water interfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics 7.
Journal Article
13 (9), pp. 5780 - 5786 (2023)
Electroreduction of CO2 in a Non-aqueous Electrolyte-The Generic Role of Acetonitrile. ACS Catalysis 8.
Journal Article
122 (12), pp. 10777 - 10820 (2022)
Implicit Solvation Methods for Catalysis at Electrified Interfaces. Chemical Reviews 9.
Journal Article
12 (10), pp. 6143 - 6148 (2022)
Field Effects at Protruding Defect Sites in Electrocatalysis at Metal Electrodes? ACS Catalysis 10.
Journal Article
155 (19), 194702 (2021)
Static and dynamic water structures at interfaces: A case study with focus on Pt(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics 11.
Journal Article
33 (26), 264004 (2021)
Thermodynamic cyclic voltammograms: peak positions and shapes. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12.
Journal Article
17 (3), pp. 1782 - 1794 (2021)
Thermodynamic Cyclic Voltammograms Based on Ab Initio Calculations: Ag(111) in Halide-Containing Solutions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Talk (7)
Divergent Paths, Convergent Insights: Constant Charge vs. Constant Potential Methods. Atomistic Modelling of Solid-Liquid Interfaces in Electrocatalysis, Leiden, The Netherlands (2024)
From Atomistic Interactions to Cyclic Voltammograms and Back Again. 1st International Conference on Nanoscale Catalysis and Energy Conversion, OPERANDO SPM 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Resolving the Structure of Cu(100) in Iodine Containing Solutions. 73rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Online Event (2022)
Towards a Realistic Description of Electrified Solid-Liquid Interfaces. DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Regensburg, Germany (2022)
Field Effects at Protruding Defect Sites in Electrocatalysis at Metal Electrodes? FHI-Workshop on Current Research Topics at the FHI, Potsdam, Germany (2022)
Theoretical Description of Non-nernstian Thermodynamic Cyclic Voltammograms. 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Online Event (2021)
First-Principles Solvation Models for Electrochemistry at Extended Electrodes. FHI-Workshop on Current Research Topics at the FHI, Online Event (2020)
Thesis - Master (1)
Thesis - Master
Investigation of oxidized Cu surfaces using Gaussian Approximation Potentials. Master, Technische Universität, München (2021)