Publications of Woosun Jang
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
146 (40), pp. 27886 - 27902 (2024)
Atomic Insights into the Competitive Edge of Nanosheets Splitting Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2.
Journal Article
18 (12), 2107557 (2022)
Antioxidant Triggered Metallic 1T’ Phase Transformations of Chemically Exfoliated Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) Nanosheets. Small 3.
Journal Article
4 (6), pp. 5912 - 5920 (2021)
First-Principles Calculations of Heteroanionic Monochalcogenide Alloy Nanosheets with Direction-dependent Properties for Anisotropic Optoelectronics. ACS Applied Nano Materials 4.
Journal Article
20 (4), pp. 533 - 540 (2021)
Hydrogen-doped viscoplastic liquid metal microparticles for stretchable printed metal lines. Nature Materials Talk (1)
Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Surface Structure Predictions. NANO KOREA 2019 Symposium, The 17th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition, Ilsan, South Korea (2019)