Publications of Fei Chen

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Chen, F.; Wegner, S.: Blue-Light-Switchable Bacterial Cell-Cell Adhesions Enable the Control of Multicellular Bacterial Communities. ACS Synthetic Biology 9 (5), pp. 1169 - 1180 (2020)
Journal Article
Sentürk, O. I.; Schauer, O.; Chen, F.; Chen, F.; Sourjik, V.; Wegner, S.: Red/Far-Red Light Switchable Cargo Attachment and Release in Bacteria-Driven Microswimmers. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1900956 (2019)
Journal Article
Huo, S.; Gong, N.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, F.; Guo, H.; Gan, Y.; Wang, Z.; Herrmann, A.; Liang, X.-J.: Gold-DNA nanosunflowers for efficient gene silencing with controllable transformation. Science Advances 5 (10), eaaw6264 (2019)
Journal Article
Xu, D.; Bartelt, S. M.; Rasoulinejad, S.; Chen, F.; Wegner, S.: Green light lithography: a general strategy to create active protein and cell micropatterns. Materials Horizons 6 (6), pp. 1222 - 1229 (2019)
Journal Article
You, J.; Chen, Y. Y.; Alsayeh, Z. M. M.; Shen, X. Y.; Li, C.; Zhao, P. X.; Chen, F.; Liu, Y. Q.; Xu, C. R.: Nanocrystals of a new camptothecin derivative WCN-21 enhance its solubility and efficacy. Oncotarget 8 (18), pp. 29808 - 29822 (2017)