Publications of Daniele Selli

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Sood, A.; Xiong, F.; Chen, S.; Wang, H.; Selli, D.; Zhang, J.; McClellan, C. J.; Sun, J.; Donadio, D.; Cui, Y. et al.: An electrochemical thermal transistor. Nature Communications 9, 4510 (2018)
Journal Article
Xiong, S.; Selli, D.; Neogi, S.; Donadio, D.: Native surface oxide turns alloyed silicon membranes into nanophononic metamaterials with ultralow thermal conductivity. Physical Review B 95, 180301 (2017)
Journal Article
Selli, D.; Boulfelfel, S. E.; Schapotschnikow, P.; Donadio, D.; Leoni, S.: Hierarchical thermoelectrics: crystal grain boundaries as scalable phonon scatterers. Nanoscale 8 (6), pp. 3729 - 3738 (2016)
Journal Article
Craco, L.; Selli, D.; Seifert, G.; Leoni, S.: Revealing the hidden correlated electronic structure of strained graphene. Physical Review B 91 (20 ), 205120 (2015)