Publications of Antonia Herzog
All genres
Journal Article (23)
Journal Article
12, 6736 (2021)
Dynamic transformation of cubic copper catalysts during CO2 electroreduction and its impact on catalytic selectivity. Nature Communications 22.
Journal Article
11 (14), pp. 3727 - 3736 (2020)
Linking the evolution of catalytic properties and structural changes in copper-zinc nanocatalysts using operando EXAFS and neural-networks. Chemical Science 23.
Journal Article
141 (50), pp. 19879 - 19887 (2019)
Operando Insight into the Correlation between the Structure and Composition of CuZn Nanoparticles and their Selectivity for the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society Talk (1)
Key Intermediates and Cu Active Sites for the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Ethylene and Ethanol. PRiME 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA (2024)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Operando Insights into Size and Shape-controlled Cu-based Nanocatalysts for the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 toward C2+ products. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin (2023)