Publications of Axel Knop-Gericke

Journal Article (297)

Journal Article
Türk, H.; Götsch, T.; Schmidt, F.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; J. L. G., (. d. H.; Vinke, I. C.; Eichel, R.-A.; Schlögl, R.; Reuter, K. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Lunkenbein, T.; Scheurer, C.: Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells – Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations. ChemCatChem 14 (19), e202200300 (2022)
Journal Article
Streibel, V.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Teschner, D.; Carbonio, E.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Jones, T.: Merging operando and computational X-ray spectroscopies to study the oxygen evolution reaction. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 35, 101039 (2022)
Journal Article
Javed, H.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Mom, R. V.: Structural Model for Transient Pt Oxidation during Fuel Cell Start-up Using Electrochemical X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14 (31), pp. 36238 - 36245 (2022)
Journal Article
Santaya, M.; Jiménez, C. E.; Troiani, H. E.; Carbonio, E.; Arce, M. D.; Toscani, L. M.; Garcia-Diez, R.; Wilks, R. G.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Bär, M. et al.; Mogni, L. V.: Tracking the nanoparticle exsolution/reoxidation processes of Ni-doped SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3−δ electrodes for intermediate temperature symmetric solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (29), pp. 15554 - 15568 (2022)
Journal Article
Arrigo, R.; Blume, R.; Large, A. I.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Held, G.: Dynamics over a Cu-graphite electrode during the gas-phase CO2 reduction investigated by APXPS. Faraday Discussions 236, pp. 126 - 140 (2022)
Journal Article
Starr, D. E.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Favaro, M.; Vadilonga, S.; Mertin, M.; Reichardt, G.; Schmidt, J.-S.; Siewert, F.; Schulz, R. et al.; Viefhaus, J.; Jung, C.; van de Krol, R.: The Berlin Joint Lab for Electrochemical Interfaces, BElChem: A Facility for In-situ and Operando NAP-XPS and NAP-HAXPES Studies of Electrochemical Interfaces at BESSY II. Synchrotron Radiation News 35 (3), pp. 54 - 60 (2022)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Bernsmeier, D.; Jones, T.; Zeller, P.; Carbonio, E.; Chuang, C.-H.; Falling, L.; Streibel, V.; Mom, R.; Hammud, A. et al.; Hävecker, M.; Arrigo, R.; Stotz, E.; Lunkenbein, T.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Krähnert, R.; Schlögl, R.: The rise of electrochemical NAPXPS operated in the soft X-ray regime exemplified by the oxygen evolution reaction on IrOx electrocatalysts. Faraday Discussions 236, pp. 103 - 125 (2022)
Journal Article
Mom, R.; Falling, L.; Kasian, O.; Algara-Siller, G.; Teschner, D.; Crabtree, R. H.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Jones, T.: Operando Structure-Activity-Stability Relationship of Iridium Oxides during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Catalysis 12 (9), pp. 5174 - 5184 (2022)
Journal Article
Codeço, C. F. S.; Klyushin, A.; Carbonio, E.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Jones, T.; Rocha, T. C. R.: Insights into the electronic structure of hydroxyl on Ag(110) under near ambient conditions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (15), pp. 8832 - 8838 (2022)
Journal Article
Kenmoe, S.; Douma, D. H.; Raji, A. T.; M’Passi-Mabiala, B.; Götsch, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Spohr, E.: X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) at the O K-Edge of Bulk Co3O4: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Nanomaterials 12 (6), 921 (2022)
Journal Article
Mom, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.: Hydroxylation of Platinum Surface Oxides Induced by Water Vapor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (3), pp. 879 - 883 (2022)
Journal Article
Arrigo, R.; Blume, R.; Streibel, V.; Genovese, C.; Roldan, A.; Schuster, M. E.; Ampelli, C.; Perathoner, S.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Hävecker, M. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Centi, G.: Dynamics at Polarized Carbon Dioxide-Iron Oxyhydroxide Interfaces Unveil the Origin of Multicarbon Product Formation. ACS Catalysis 12 (1), pp. 411 - 430 (2022)
Journal Article
Panafidin, M.A.; Bukhtiyarov, A.V.; Prosvirin, I.P.; Chetyrin, I.A.; Klyushin, A.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Smirnova, N.S.; Markov, P.V.; Mashkovsky, I.S.; Zubavichus, Y.V. et al.; Stakheev, A.Y.; Bukhtiyarov, V.I.: A mild post-synthesis oxidative treatment of Pd-In/HOPG bimetallic catalysts as a tool of their surface structure fine tuning. Applied Surface Science 571, 151350 (2022)
Journal Article
Dreyer, M.; Cruz, D.; Hagemann, U.; Zeller, P.; Heidelmann, M.; Salamon, S.; Landers, J.; Rabe, A.; Ortega, K. F.; Najafishirtari, S. et al.; Wende, H.; Hartmann, N.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Behrens, M.: The Effect of Water on the 2-Propanol Oxidation Activity of Co-Substituted LaFe1−CoxO3 Perovskites. Chemistry – A European Journal 27 (68), pp. 17127 - 17144 (2021)
Journal Article
Bukhtiyarov, A. V.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Panafidin, M. A.; Fedorov, A. Y.; Klyushin, A.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Zubavichus, Y. V.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.: Near-Ambient Pressure XPS and MS Study of CO Oxidation over Model Pd-Au/HOPG Catalysts: The Effect of the Metal Ratio. Nanomaterials 11 (12), 3292 (2021)
Journal Article
Falling, L.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Mom, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Teschner, D.; Jones, T.: The ladder towards understanding the oxygen evolution reaction. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 30, 100842 (2021)
Journal Article
Panafidin, M.A.; Bukhtiyarov, A. V.; Prosvirin, I.P.; Chetyrin, I.A.; Klyushin, A.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Smirnova, N.S.; Markov, P.V.; Mashkovsky, I.S.; Zubavichus, Y.V. et al.; Stakheev, A.Y.; Bukhtiyarov, V.I.: SRPES and STM data for the model bimetallic Pd-In/HOPG catalysts: Effects of mild post-synthesis oxidative treatments. Data in Brief 39, 107626 (2021)
Journal Article
Ronge, E.; Ohms, J.; Roddatis, V.; Jones, T.; Sulzmann, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Kurz, P.; Jooss, C.; Skorupska, K.: Operation of calcium-birnessite water-oxidation anodes: interactions of the catalyst with phosphate buffer anions. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 5 (21), pp. 5535 - 5547 (2021)
Journal Article
Toghan, A.; Greiner, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Imbihl, R.: Identification of the surface species in electrochemical promotion: ethylene oxidation over a Pt/YSZ catalyst. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (38), pp. 21591 - 21598 (2021)
Journal Article
Türk, H.; Schmidt, F.; Götsch, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; Vinke, I. C.; de Haart, L. G. J.; Eichel, R.-A.; Reuter, K. et al.; Schlögl, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Scheurer, C.; Lunkenbein, T.: Complexions at the Electrolyte/Electrode Interface in Solid Oxide Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (18), 2100967 (2021)
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