Publications of Michael Hävecker

Journal Article (177)

Journal Article
Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Hävecker, M.; Kaichev, V.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Mayer, R. W.; Schlögl, R.: Combined application of XANES and XPS to study oxygen species adsorbed on Ag foil. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 470 (1-2), pp. 302 - 305 (2001)
Journal Article
Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Hävecker, M.; Kaichev, V. V.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Mayer, R. W.; Schlögl, R.: X-ray absorption and photoemission studies of the active oxygen for ethylene epoxidation over silver. Catalysis Letters 74 (3-4), pp. 121 - 125 (2001)
Journal Article
Schlögl, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Wild, U.; Frickel, D.; Ressler, T.; Jentoft, R. E.; Wienold, J.; Mestl, G.; Blume, A. et al.; Timpe, O.; Uchida, Y.: In situ analysis of metal-oxide systems used for the selective oxidation catalysis: how essential is chemical complexity? Topics in Catalysis 15 (2-4), pp. 219 - 228 (2001)
Journal Article
Vinogradov, A. S.; Preobrajenski, A. B.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Molodtsov, S. L.; Krasnikov, S. A.; Nekipelov, S. V.; Szargan, R.; Hävecker, M.; Schlögl, R.: Observation of the back-donation in 3d metal cyanide complexes through N K absorption spectra. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 114-116, pp. 813 - 818 (2001)
Journal Article
Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Schlögl, R.: Characterisation of active phases of a copper catalyst for methanol oxidation under reaction conditions: an in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy study in the soft energy range. Topics in Catalysis 15 (1), pp. 27 - 34 (2001)
Journal Article
Mayer, R. W.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Investigation of ammonia oxidation over copper with in situ NEXAFS in the soft X-ray range: Influence of pressure on the catalyst performance. Catalysis Letters 74 (3-4), pp. 115 - 119 (2001)
Journal Article
Vinogradov, A. S.; Preobrajenski, A. B.; Krasnikov, S. A.; Szargan, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.: Nature and decay processes of N K and O K excitations in the NaNO2 crystal. Poverchnost 2, pp. 57 - 61 (2001)
Journal Article
Bürgi, T.; Atamny, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Schlögl, R.; Baiker, A.: Adsorption mode of ethyl pyruvate on platinum: an in situ XANES study. Catalysis Letters 66 (3), pp. 109 - 112 (2000)
Journal Article
Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Schlögl, R.: Probing the electronic structure of an active catalyst surface under high pressure reaction conditions: the oxidation of methanol over copper. Catalysis Letters 66 (4), pp. 215 - 220 (2000)
Journal Article
Böttger, I.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Timpe, O.; Gottschall, R.; Hävecker, M.; Ressler, T.; Schlögl, R.: Catalytic methanol oxidation over copper: observation of reaction-induced nanoscale restructuring by means of in situ time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Chemistry – A European Journal 6 (10), pp. 1870 - 1876 (2000)
Journal Article
Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Schlögl, R.: High-pressure low-energy XAS: a new tool for probing reacting surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 10 (3-4), pp. 187 - 198 (2000)
Journal Article
Reinke, P.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.: Interaction of diamond with water: an in situ XANES investigation. Surface Science 447 (1-3), pp. 229 - 236 (2000)
Journal Article
Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Partial methanol oxidation over copper: active sites observed by means of in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2 (15), pp. 3473 - 3481 (2000)
Journal Article
Vinogradov, A. S.; Preobrajenski, A. B.; Molodtsov, S. L.; Krasnikov, S. A.; Szargan, R.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.: Nitrogen and oxygen core excitations in solid NaNO2 studied by X-ray absorption and resonant photoemission. Chemical Physics 249 (2-3), pp. 249 - 258 (1999)
Journal Article
Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.: High-pressure soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy: application of a new in situ spectroscopic method in catalysis research. Applied Surface Science 142 (1-4), pp. 438 - 442 (1999)
Journal Article
Knop-Gericke, A.; Hävecker, M.; Neisius, T.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.: New experimental technique: X-ray absorption spectroscopy detector for in situ studies in the soft X-ray range (250 eV ⩽ hv ⩽ 1000 eV) under reaction conditions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 406 (2), pp. 311 - 322 (1998)
Journal Article
Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schedel-Niedrig, T.; Schlögl, R.: High‐Pressure Soft X‐Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: A Contribution to Overcoming the “Pressure Gap” in the Study of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37 (13-14), pp. 1939 - 1942 (1998)

Book Chapter (41)

Book Chapter
Blume, R.; Hävecker, M.; Zafeiratos, S.; Teschner, D.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Gregoratti, L.; Barinov, A.; Kiskinova, M.: Ruthenium Active Catalytic States: Oxidation States and Methanol Oxidation Reactions. In: Nanostructured Catalysts: Selective Oxidations, Vol. 19, pp. 248 - 265 (Eds. Hess, C.; Schlögl, R.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2011)
Book Chapter
Kovnir, K.; Teschner, D.; Armbrüster, M.; Schnörch, P.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Grin, Y.; Schlögl, R.: Pinning the catalytic centre: A new concept for catalysts development. In: BESSY Highlights 2007, pp. 22 - 23 (Ed. Godehusen, K.). Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H. (BESSY), Berlin (2008)
Book Chapter
Schnörch, P.; Vass, E.; Zafeiratos, S.; Teschner, D.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: In situ XPS study on Mo-based oxides under conditions of selective oxidation of C3 hydrocarbons. In: BESSY Annual Report 2007, pp. 90 - 91 (Ed. Godehusen, K.). Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H. (BESSY), Berlin (2008)
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