Publications of Jutta Kröhnert

Journal Article (45)

Journal Article
Klose, B. S.; Jentoft, R. E.; Hahn, A. H. P.; Ressler, T.; Kröhnert, J.; Wrabetz, S.; Yang, X.; Jentoft, F. C.: Mechanical stress induced activity and phase composition changes in sulfated zirconia catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 217 (2), pp. 487 - 490 (2003)
Journal Article
Jentoft, F. C.; Klokishner, S.; Kröhnert, J.; Melsheimer, J.; Ressler, T.; Timpe, O.; Wienold, J.; Schlögl, R.: The structure of molybdenum-heteropoly acids under conditions of gas phase selective oxidation catalysis: a multi-method in situ study. Applied Catalysis A 256 (1-2), pp. 291 - 317 (2003)
Journal Article
Melsheimer, J.; Kröhnert, J.; Ahmad, R.; Klokishner, S.; Jentoft, F. C.; Mestl, G.; Schlögl, R.: UV/Vis/near-IR spectroscopic characteristics of H4-xCsxPVMo11O40 (x=0,2) catalyst under different temperatures and gas atmospheres. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4 (11), pp. 2398 - 2408 (2002)
Journal Article
Roddatis, V. V.; Su, D. S.; Beckmann, E.; Jentoft, F. C.; Braun, U.; Kröhnert, J.; Schlögl, R.: The structure of thin zirconia films obtained by self-assembled monolayer mediated deposition: TEM and HREM study. Surface and Coatings Technology 151-152, pp. 63 - 66 (2002)
Journal Article
Mestl, G.; Ilkenhans, T.; Spielbauer, D.; Dieterle, M.; Timpe, O.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Knözinger, H.; Schlögl, R.: Thermally and Chemically Induced Structural Transformations of Keggin-Type Heteropoly Acid Catalysts. Applied Catalysis A 210 (1-2), pp. 13 - 34 (2001)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Teschner, D.; Vass, E. M.; Zafeiratos, S.; Schnörch, P.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Sauer, H.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R. et al.; Hutchings, G.; Pozdnyakova-Tellinger, O.; Lázár, K.; Wootsch, A.: Preferential oxidation of CO over supported and alloy catalysts in H2-rich gas for fuel cell application. In: BESSY Annual Report 2006, pp. 89 - 91 (Ed. Godehusen, K.). Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H. (BESSY), Berlin (2007)
Book Chapter
Teschner, D.; Vass, E.; Zafeiratos, S.; Schnörch, P.; Hävecker, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Sauer, H.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R. et al.; Pozdnyakova, O.; Wootsch, A.: Preferential CO oxidation in H2 (PROX) on Pt/CeO2 catalyst, high-pressure XPS and in-situ DRIFTS study. In: BESSY Annual Report 2005, pp. 254 - 256 (Ed. Godehusen, K.). Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H. (BESSY), Berlin (2006)

Talk (11)

Tzolova-Müller, G.; Hävecker, M.; Kröhnert, J.; Grüne, P.; Wolfram, T.; Schlögl, R.; Trunschke, A.: Structural rearrangements of surface vanadia species during oxidative dehydrogenation of propane: In-situ UV-vis and NEXAFS studies. American Chemical Society, Fall 2010 National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts [USA] (2010)
Tzolova-Müller, G.; Kröhnert, J.; Hävecker, M.; Grüne, P.; Wolfram, T.; Schlögl, R.; Trunschke, A.: Structure and reaction dynamics of vanadium oxide surface species supported on Ti-SBA-15. Second German-Russian Seminar on Catalysis «Bridging the Gap between Model and Real Catalysis», Kloster Seon [Germany] (2010)
Wrabetz, S.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R.: Surface characterization of Pt/H-mordenite catalysts by adsorption calorimetry. 18. Ulm-Freiberger Kalorimetrietage, Freiberg/Sachsen [Germany] (2009)
Jentoft, F. C.; Tzolova-Müller, G.; Chan Thaw, C.; Chakarova, K.; Kröhnert, J.; Garin, F.; Villegas, J. I.; Murzin, D. Y.: In Situ Spectroscopic Investigation of the Deactivation of H-Mordenite and Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts during Alkane Isomerization. 14th International Congress on Catalysis, Seoul [Korea] (2008)
Jentoft, F. C.; Kröhnert, J.; Schlögl, R.; Subbotina, I. R.; Kazansky, V. B.: IR Extinction Coefficients as a Criterion for Chemical Activation upon Adsorption. 106. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Graz, Austria (2007)
Subbotina, I. R.; Kazansky, V. B.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R.: IR Extinction Coefficients of Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Zeolites and Sulfated Zirconia as a Measure of Their Chemical Activation via Polarization. EuropaCat-VII – Catalysis: a key to richer and cleaner society, Sofia, Bulgaria (2005)
Teschner, D.; Pozdnyakova, O.; Wootsch, A.; Kröhnert, J.; Steinhauer, B.; Sauer, H.; Paál, Z.; Jentoft, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Reaction mechanism of preferential CO oxidation in excess hydrogen (PROX) on ceria supported Pt and Pd catalysts. Oxidation state and surface species as revealed by in-situ techniques. Seventh European Congress on Catalysis, Sofia, Bulgaria (2005)
Wrabetz, S.; Kröhnert, J.; Hahn, A.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R.: Surface properties of Fe-promoted sulfated zirconia catalysts: Probe molecule adsorption studied by microcalorimetry & IR spectroscopy. 16. Ulm-Freiberger-Kalorimetrietage, Freiberg / Sachsen (2005)
Bron, M.; Bonifer, M.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Teschner, D.; Kröhnert, J.; Jentoft, F. C.; Schlögl, R.; Claus, P.: Towards the pressure and material gap in heterogeneous catalysis: hydrogenation of acrolein over silver catalysts. 13th International Conference on Catalysis, Paris/France (2004)
Knobl, S.; Timpe, O.; Othman, D.; Abdullah, N.; Basher, Q.; Jentoft, R. E.; Girgsdies, F.; Kröhnert, J.; Wagner, J. B.; Melsheimer, J. et al.; Niemeyer, D.; Abd Hamid, S. B.; Schlögl, R.: Controlled Precipitation of Mo Oxide Catalysts. 103. Bunsentagung, Dresden (2004)
Jentoft, F. C.; Kröhnert, J.; Schlögl, R.: Identifikation katalytisch aktiver Zentren von Heteropolyverbindungen durch Infrarotspektroskopie an adsorbierten Sondenmolekülen. Chemiedozententagung 2003, Chemnitz, Germany (2003)

Poster (43)

Hamilton, N.; Wolfram, T.; Tzolova-Müller, G.; Kröhnert, J.; Carrero, C.; Trunschke, A.; Schomäcker, R.; Schlögl, R.: Exploring the influence of the support in vanadium oxide catalysts for partial oxidation of light alkanes. 45. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker , Weimar [Germany] (2012)
Schwach, P.; Frandsen, W.; Kröhnert, J.; Trunschke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Magnesium oxide as model catalyst for the OCM reaction. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin [Germany] (2011)
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