Publications of Eugene F. Mikhailov
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
: Water uptake of subpollen aerosol particles: hygroscopic growth, CCN activation, and liquid-liquid phase separation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (9), pp. 6999 - 7022 (2021)
Journal Article
13 (4), pp. 2035 - 2056 (2020)
High-humidity tandem differential mobility analyzer for accurate determination of aerosol hygroscopic growth, microstructure, and activity coefficients over a wide range of relative humidity. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3.
Journal Article
: Long-term measurements (2010–2014) of carbonaceous aerosol and carbon monoxide at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in central Siberia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (23), pp. 14365 - 14392 (2017)
Journal Article
10 (3), pp. 1269 - 1280 (2017)
Tandem configuration of differential mobility and centrifugal particle mass analysers for investigating aerosol hygroscopic properties. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5.
Journal Article
: Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review. Tellus B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 74, pp. 24 - 163 (2013)
Working Paper (4)
Working Paper
: Water uptake of subpollen aerosol particles: hygroscopic growth, CCN activation, and liquid-liquid phase separation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 20 (2020)
Working Paper
: Long-term measurements (2010–2014) of carbonaceous aerosol and carbon monoxide at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in central Siberia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Working Paper
Dependence of the hygroscopicity parameter κ on particle size, humidity and solute concentration: implications for laboratory experiments, field measurements and model studies. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 17 (2017)
Working Paper
Tandem configuration of differential mobility and centrifugal particle mass analysers for investigating aerosol hygroscopic properties. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 8 (2016), 63 pp.
Preprint (1)
: Respiratory aerosols and droplets in the transmission of infectious diseases. (2021)