Welcome Nehir from Middle East Technical University, Turkey and Elissa from JGU Mainz , Both of them start their interships in the nanodiamond group today.
May 2024
Welcome Kilian from University Mainz, he will do her master thesis on functinalized nanodiamond for intracellular sensing
August 2023
Welcome Jingyi from Goethe University Frankfurt, she will do her master thesis on HPHT systhesis of nanodiamond with color centers.
July 2023
Welcome Laura from EPFL Lausanne, she will do two-month intership in the nanodiamond group.
September 2022
Wonderful talk given by Prof. Shuailing Ma, from Ningbo University on “ The technique of large volume press and synthesis of nanopolycrystalline diamond”. Enjoyed the discussion very much.
Our work in detection of few hydrogen peroxide with NDs are out in JACS now
May 2022
Welcome Berlind from RWTH Aachen, she will do her master thesis in the nanodiamond group.
Welcome Qi, a new PhD student in our group. Wish you a good journey