Publications of Saleem Anwar

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Abolhasani, M. M.; Azimi, S.; Mousavi, M.; Anwar, S.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Shirvanimoghaddam, K.; Naebe, M.; Michels, J. J.; Asadi, K.: Porous graphene/poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanofibers for pressure sensing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 51907 (2021)
Journal Article
Anwar, S.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Jiang, S.; Abolhasani, M. M.; Rocha, P. R. F.; Asadi, K.: Piezoelectric Nylon-11 Fibers for Electronic Textiles, Energy Harvesting and Sensing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2004326 (2020)
Journal Article
Abolhasani, M. M.; Naebe, M.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Shirvanimoghaddam, K.; Anwar, S.; Michels, J. J.; Asadi, K.: Hierarchically Structured Porous Piezoelectric Polymer Nanofibers for Energy Harvesting. Advanced Science 7 (13), 2000517 (2020)
Journal Article
Tiedemann, P.; Anwar, S.; Kemmer-Jonas, U.; Asadi, K.; Frey, H.: Synthesis and Solution Processing of Nylon-5 Ferroelectric Thin Films: The Renaissance of Odd-Nylons? Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 1900468 (2020)
Journal Article
Anwar, S.; Jeong, B.; Abolhasani, M. M.; Zajaczkowski, W.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Asadi, K.: Polymer field-effect transistor memory based on a ferroelectric nylon gate insulator. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (16), pp. 5535 - 5540 (2020)
Journal Article
Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Heidler, J.; Hasnain, A.; Anwar, S.; Lu, H.; Müllen, K.; Asadi, K.: Doping free transfer of graphene using aqueous ammonia flow. RSC Advances 10 (2), pp. 1127 - 1131 (2020)
Journal Article
Anwar, S.; Asadi, K.: One-Dimensional Polarization Dynamics in Ferroelectric Polymers. ACS Macro Letters 8 (5), pp. 525 - 529 (2019)
Journal Article
Abolhasani, M. M.; Naebe, M.; Shirvanimoghaddam, K.; Fashandi, H.; Khayyam, H.; Joordens, M. A.; Pipertzis, A.; Anwar, S.; Berger, R.; Floudas, G. et al.: Thermodynamic approach to tailor porosity in piezoelectric polymer fibers for application in nanogenerators. Nano Energy 62, pp. 594 - 600 (2019)
Journal Article
Anwar, S.; Pinkal, D.; Zajaczkowski, W.; von Tiedemann, P.; Sharifi Dehsari, H.; Kumar, M.; Lenz, T.; Kemmer-Jonas, U.; Pisula, W.; Wagner, M. et al.: Solution-processed transparent ferroelectric nylon thin films. Science Advances 5 (8), eaav3489 (2019)
Journal Article
Kumar, M.; Sharifi Dehsari, H.; Anwar, S.; Asadi, K.: Air-stable memory array of bistable rectifying diodes based on ferroelectric-semiconductor polymer blends. Applied Physics Letters 112 (12), 123302 (2018)
Journal Article
Sharifi Dehsari, H.; Kumar, M.; Saad, A.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Yan, C.; Anwar, S.; Glasser, G.; Asadi, K.: Thin-Film Polymer Nanocomposites for Multiferroic Applications. ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (11), pp. 6247 - 6257 (2018)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Anwar, S.: Solution processed ferroelectric nylons. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2020)