Publications of Jörn Wehking

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Tang, K.; Sanchez-Parra, B.; Yordanova, P.; Wehking, J.; Backes, A. T.; Pickersgill, D. A.; Maier, S.; Sciare, J.; Pöschl, U.; Weber, B. et al.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.: Bioaerosols and atmospheric ice nuclei in a Mediterranean dryland: community changes related to rainfall. Biogeosciences 19 (1), pp. 71 - 91 (2022)
Journal Article
Lang-Yona, N.; Pickersgill, D. A.; Marus, I.; Teschner, D.; Wehking, J.; Thines, E.; Pöschl, U.; Despres, V. R.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.: Corrigendum: Species Richness, rRNA Gene Abundance, and Seasonal Dynamics of Airborne Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 2200 (2019)
Journal Article
Lang-Yona, N.; Pickersgill, D. A.; Marus, I.; Teschner, D.; Wehking, J.; Thines, E.; Pöschl, U.; Despres, V. R.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.: Species Richness, rRNA Gene Abundance, and Seasonal Dynamics of Airborne Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2673 (2018)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Wehking, J.: Bioinformatic analyses of biogenic aerosol particles by classical and high-throughput sequencing: diversity, seasonal dynamics, and characterization of airborne microbial communities. Dissertation, Universität, Mainz (2018)

Working Paper (2)

Working Paper
Pickersgill, D. A.; Wehking, J.; Paulsen, H.; Thines , E.; Pöschl, U.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Després, V. R.: Lifestyle dependent occurrence of airborne fungi. Biogeosciences Discussions 14 (2017)
Working Paper
Wehking, J.; Pickersgill, D. A.; Bowers, R. M.; Teschner, D.; Pöschl, U.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Després, V. R.: Community composition and seasonal changes of archaea in coarse and fine air particulate matter. Biogeosciences Discussions 14 (2017)
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