
Solution NMR

Journal Article (202)

Journal Article
Zhang, X.; Li, Y.; Cao, F.; Sun, X.; Jin, Z.; Xue, S.; Wagner, M.; Zhi, L.: Sulfonated Covalent Organic Frameworks Anchoring Cobalt as High-Efficient and Stable Catalysts for Peroxymonosulfate Activation. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (24), 2400533 (2024)
Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Meier-Merziger, M.; Fotaras, N.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Allouch, C.; Wagner, M.; Müller, A. H. E.; Floudas, G.; Frey, H.: One-step Synthesis of Fully Biobased Two-Sided Tapered ABA-type Thermoplastic Elastomers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (26), pp. 9922 - 9933 (2024)
Journal Article
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Harley, I.; Xing, J.; Wu, Y.; Wagner, M.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Weil, T.; Ng, D. Y. W.: Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (17), pp. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
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Solid-state NMR

Journal Article (178)

Journal Article
Spyridakou, M.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Graf, R.; Beauseroy, H.; Bonduelle, C.; Lecommandoux, S.; Floudas, G.: Multiple Levels of Organization in Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers Based on Poly(γ-benzyl-l-glutamate) Produced by Aqueous ROPISA. Biomacromolecules (2025)
Journal Article
Montané, X.; Graf, R.; Pascual-José, B.; Teruel-Juanes, R.; Guardià, J.; Giamberini, M.; Reina, J. A.; Ribes-Greus, A.: Molecular mobility and dielectric properties of dendronized side chain liquid crystalline polyamines with benzoate groups as lateral spacers. Polymer Testing 142, 108658 (2025)
Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Journal Article
Kalyani, K.; van der Zee, B.; Sachnik, O.; Haease, C.; Graf, R.; Michels, J. J.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Ramanan, C.; Blom, P. W. M.: Effect of tert‐Butylation on the Photophysics of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters. Advanced Photonics Research 5, 2400022, p. 11 (2024)
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Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Garcia, M. A.; Hensler, G.; Al-Gousous, J.; Pielenhofer, J.; Wagner, M.; Lennernas, H.; Langguth, P.: Novel food drug interaction mechanism involving acyclovir, chitosan and endogenous mucus. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 49, 100491 (2023)
Journal Article
Zegota, M. M.; Müller, M.; Lantzberg, B.; Kizilsavas, G.; Coelho, J. A. S.; Moscariello, P.; Martínez Negro, M.; Morsbach, S.; Gois, P. M. P.; Wagner, M. et al.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Kuan, S. L.; Weil, T.: Dual Stimuli-Responsive Dynamic Covalent Peptide Tags: Toward Sequence-Controlled Release in Tumor-like Microenvironments. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (41), pp. 17047 - 17058 (2021)
Journal Article
Sokkar, P.; Harms, M.; Stürzel, C.; Gilg, A.; Kizilsavas, G.; Raasholm, M.; Preising, N.; Wagner, M.; Kirchhoff, F.; Ständker, L. et al.; Weidinger, G.; Mayer, B.; Münch, J.; Sanchez-Garcia, E.: Computational modeling and experimental validation of the EPI-X4/CXCR4 complex allows rational design of small peptide antagonists. Communications Biology 4 (1), 1113 (2021)
Journal Article
Harmsa, M.; Habib, M. M.W.; Nemska, S.; Nicolò, A.; Gilg, A.; Preising, N.; Sokkar, P.; Carmignani, S.; Raasholm, M.; Weidinger, G. et al.; Kizilsavas, G.; Wagner, M.; Ständker, L.; Abadi, A. H.; Jumaa, H.; Kirchhoff, F.; Frossard, N.; Sanchez-Garcia, E.; Münch, J.: An optimized derivative of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist prevents atopic dermatitis and airway inflammation. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 11 (9), pp. 2694 - 2708 (2021)
Journal Article
Noschka, R.; Wondany, F.; Kizilsavas, G.; Weil, T.; Weidinger, G.; Walther, P.; Michaelis, J.; Stenger, S.: Gran1: A Granulysin-Derived Peptide with Potent Activity against Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (16), 8392 (2021)
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