Publications of Paul W. M. Blom

Journal Article (184)

Journal Article
Huang, J.; Lin, W.; Li, S.; Li, J.; Feng, H.; Lan, D.; Lin, X.; Guo, Y.; Liang, W.; Wu, L. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Niu, Q.; Ma, Y.: Hole Trap Formation in Quantum Dot Light‐Emitting Diodes Under Electrical Stress. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400231 (2024)
Journal Article
Frusconi, G.; Kovács‐Vajna, Z. M.; Blom, P. W. M.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Torricelli, F.: Microfabrication of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for High‐Performance Integrated Bioelectronics. Advanced Materials Technologies (2024)
Journal Article
Obermann, S.; Zhou, X.; Guerrero-León, L. A.; Serra, G.; Böckmann, S.; Fu, .; Dmitrieva, E.; Zhang, J.-J.; Liu, F.; Popov, A. A. et al.; Lucotti, A.; Hansen, M. R.; Tommasini, M.; Li, Y.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Wavy Graphene Nanoribbons Containing Periodic Eight-Membered Rings for Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 63 (50), e202415670 (2024)
Journal Article
Obermann, S.; Zhou, X.; Guerrero-León, L. A.; Serra, G.; Böckmann, S.; Fu, .; Dmitrieva, E.; Zhang, J.-J.; Liu, F.; Popov, A. A. et al.; Lucotti, A.; Hansen, M. R.; Tommasini, M.; Li, Y.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.: Gewellte Graphen-Nanostreifen mit Periodischen Achtgliedrigen Ringen für Lichtemittierende Elektrochemische Zellen. Angewandte Chemie 136 (50), e202415670 (2024)
Journal Article
Dou, D.; Zhou, X.; Wang, T.; Yang, Q.; Tan, X.; Ling, Z.; Manz, M.; Liu, X.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Li, X. et al.; Baumgarten, M.; Blom, P. W. M.; Li, Y.: Intramolecular Through‐Space Charge‐Transfer Effect for Achieving Room‐Temperature Phosphorescence in Amorphous Film. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (34), 2400976 (2024)
Journal Article
Kalyani, K.; van der Zee, B.; Sachnik, O.; Haease, C.; Graf, R.; Michels, J. J.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Ramanan, C.; Blom, P. W. M.: Effect of tert‐Butylation on the Photophysics of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters. Advanced Photonics Research 5, 2400022, p. 11 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, S.; Lin, W.; Feng, H.; Blom, P. W. M.; Huang, J.; Li, J.; Lin, X.; Guo, Y.; Liang, W.; Wu, L. et al.; Niu, Q.; Ma, Y.: Charge Transport in Blue Quantum Dot Light‐Emitting Diodes. Advanced Electronic Materials 10 (11), 2400142 (2024)
Journal Article
Jiang, L.; Wen, C.; Wu, X.; Obermann, S.; Gelléri, M.; Turunen, P.; Ma, J.; Dou, D.; Zhou, X.; Yang, Q. et al.; Liu, X.; Zou, Y.; Feng, X.; Blom, P. W. M.; Li, Y.: Asymmetric center manipulation allows luminescent materials with room temperature phosphorescence and polarized emission. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 170 (1), 113274 (2024)
Journal Article
Gebel, S.; Aiboudi, O.; Grigorescu, V.; Ling, Z.; Marszalek, T.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ramanan, C.; Lissel, F.; Kraft, U.: Reversible Switching of Light-Gated Organic Transistors Employing Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photo-/Thermochromic Molecules. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400455 (2024)
Journal Article
Kim, S.; Zhou, X.; Li, Y.; Yang, Q.; Liu, X.; Graf, R.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ferguson, C. T. J.; Landfester, K.: Size-Dependent Photocatalytic Reactivity of Conjugated Microporous Polymer Nanoparticles. Advanced Materials 36 (35), 2404054 (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, S.; Mandal, M.; Zhang, H.; Breiby, D. W.; Yildiz, O.; Ling, Z.; Floudas, G.; Bonn, M.; Andrienko, D.; Wang, H. I. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Pisula, W.; Marszalek, T.: Odd–Even Alkyl Chain Effects on the Structure and Charge Carrier Transport of Two-Dimensional Sn-Based Perovskite Semiconductors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (28), pp. 19128 - 19136 (2024)
Journal Article
Belleri, P.; Pons i Tarrés, J.; McCulloch, I.; Blom, P.; Kovács-Vajna, Z. M.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Torricelli, F.: Unravelling the operation of organic artificial neurons for neuromorphic bioelectronics. Nature Communications 15 (1), 5350 (2024)
Journal Article
Yildiz, O.; Wang, Z.; Brzezinski, M.; Wang, S.; Li, Z.; Michels, J. J.; Blom, P. W. M.; Pisula, W.; Marszalek, T.: Role of Meniscus Shape on Crystallization of Molecular Semiconductors and Fluid Dynamics During Meniscus-Guided Coating. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (18), 2314131 (2024)
Journal Article
Colucci, R.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Morsbach, S.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.; Kraft, U.: Organic Electrochemical Transistor-Based Immunosensors for SARS-CoV-2 Detection. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (4), pp. 2739 - 2748 (2024)
Journal Article
Sachnik, O.; Ie, Y.; Ando, N.; Tan, X.; Blom, P.; Wetzelaer, G.-J.: Single‐Layer Organic Light‐Emitting Diode with Trap‐Free Host Beats Power Efficiency and Lifetime of Multilayer Devices. Advanced Materials 36 (16), 2311892 (2024)
Journal Article
Sachnik, O.; Zhou, X.; Nikan, J.; van der Zee, B.; Li, Y.; Blom, P. W. M.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.: Reduction of Non-Radiative Losses in Trap-Free Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Dilution with A Large Bandgap Host. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (9), 2302000 (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, S.; Kalyanasundaram, S.; Gao, L.; Ling, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Bonn, M.; Blom, P. W. M.; Wang, H. I.; Pisula, W.; Marszalek, T.: Unveiling the role of linear alkyl organic cations in 2D layered tin halide perovskite field-effect transistors. Materials Horizons 11 (5), pp. 1177 - 1187 (2024)
Journal Article
Lin, W.; Huang, J.; Li, S.; Blom, P. W. M.; Feng, H.; Li, J.; Lin, X.; Guo, Y.; Liang, W.; Wu, L. et al.; Quan, N.; Ma, Y.: Study of pristine and degraded blue quantum dot light-emitting diodes by transient electroluminescence measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 135 (4), 045701 (2024)
Journal Article
Landfester, K.; Weil, T.; Gräter, F.; Bonn, M.; Blom, P.; Butt, H.-J.: Celebrating 40 Years of Polymer Innovation – The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (24), 2400881 (2024)
Journal Article
Sedghi, M.; Vael, C.; Hu, W.-H.; Bauer, M.; Padula, D.; Landi, A.; Lukovic, M.; Diethelm, M.; Wetzelaer, G.-J.; Blom, P. W. M. et al.; Nüesch, F.; Hany, R.: Formation of electron traps in semiconducting polymers via a slow triple-encounter between trap precursor particles. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 25 (1), 2312148 (2024)
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