Prof. Dr. Martin Baumgarten
Group Leader
Organic, Physical Organic and Materials Science Chemistry

He received his PhD in organic chemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin after working with Prof. Dr. H. Kurreck and Prof. Dr. W. Lubitz in 1988. From 1988-1990 he held a postdoctoral position at Princeton University with Prof. G.C. Dismukes studying the Photosystem II, the water splitting enzyme and Mn model complexes. In 1990 he joined the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz as a project leader. In 1996/97 he achieved his habilitation and was appointed Privatdozent at the J. G.-University of Mainz. From 1999–2002 his group participated at the graduate college on "kinetics and mechanisms of ion reactions" of the Technical University of Darmstadt. For 2 semesters 2001/2002 he was guest professor at the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, teaching organic chemistry. In 2004 he was appointed visiting professor of northeast normal university in Changchun, China. Since 2006 he represents the MPI-P at the graduate school. His primary interests focus on synthesis of novel conjugated oligomers, polymers, and dendrimers organic high spin molecules and molecular magnets, organic and hypbrid spin networks.
His primary interests focus on the synthesis and characterization of novel pi-polymers with defined conjugation length and organic high spin molecules as building blocks for molecular magnets, charge and spin distribution in extended pi-systems, and quantum theoretical calculations of electronic structures.
Employed since 1990 at MPI for Polymer Research.
Dec. 1996 Habilitation in Organic Chemistry “Privatdozent”, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
1988-1990 Postdoctoral studies at Princeton University, NJ, USA, in Biophysics (with Prof. Dr. G.C. Dismukes)
June 1988 PhD Defense
Sept. 1983- June 1988 Research for the Ph.D. thesis in Organic Chemistry at FU-Berlin (Prof. W. Lubitz, Prof. H. Kurreck).
1977-1983 Studies of Chemistry and Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin
Previous positions:
1988-1990 Postoctoral Position and DFG-funds Princeton University
1983-1988 Lab assistent in Organic Chemistry, FU-Berlin
Research topics: Conjugated polymers for light emitting diodes (OLED) and ambipolar transistors (OFET), Organic Spin Chemistry and Spin Networks, Molecular Models for Bose Einstein Condensates, Polyphenylene Dendrimers for light emission and sensing.
Publications (> 250 publications, number of first or last or corresponding author >100):
Awards or specialities:
- 2010 Professorship from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.
- Transregional Research Center SFB/TR49 2007-2019
- 2006 representative of MPI-P at Matcor graduate school, Mainz.
- 2004 Visiting Professor at Northeast Normal University, Changchun.
- 2001/2002 Guest visiting Professor at University of Saarland, Saarbrücken ( 1 year).
- 1999-2002 Graduate College TU-Darmstadt.
- Supervision and cosupervision of students, graduate students and postdocs, PhD defenses.