Iontof TOF.SIMS NCS Mass Spectrometer
The instrument offers:
- surface spectrometry @ mass resolution of up to R=10.000, typ. mass range: 0-2000 m/z (sample dependent)
- detection of inorganic and organic components via ionized atoms, cluster, fragments and molecules
- surface mass spectrometric imaging (chemical mapping) of surfaces from 10 x 10 µm² up to 10 x 10 cm²
- lateral resolutions from 5 µm (spectrometry) down to 100 nm (imaging mode)
- depth profiling @ nanometer depth resolution (best for organic layer systems)
- 3D microarea analyses of 3D structured organic samples @ high lateral and vertical resolution
- low/high temperature measurements (150 K - 700 K)
- conductive and non-conductive samples under UHV conditions
- frozen-hydrated analysis of sensitive samples (e.g. tissue sections)
- typical applications: surface characterization, layers structure elucidation, mapping of chemical distributions