Publications of Robert Schlögl

Journal Article (1092)

Journal Article
Machado, R.; Dimitrakopoulou, M.; Girgsdies, F.; Löser, P.; Xie, J.; Wittich, K.; Weber, M.; Geske, M.; Glaum, R.; Karbstein, A. et al.; Rosowski, F.; Titlbach, S.; Skorupska, K.; Tarasov, A.; Schlögl, R.; Schunk, S. A.: Platinum Group Metal-Doped Tungsten Phosphates for Selective C-H Activation of Lower Alkanes. ACS Catalysis 12, pp. 13116 - 13130 (2022)
Journal Article
Türk, H.; Götsch, T.; Schmidt, F.; Hammud, A.; Ivanov, D.; J. L. G., (. d. H.; Vinke, I. C.; Eichel, R.-A.; Schlögl, R.; Reuter, K. et al.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Lunkenbein, T.; Scheurer, C.: Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells – Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations. ChemCatChem 14 (19), e202200300 (2022)
Journal Article
Zeradjanin, A. R.; Narangoda, P.; Masa, J.; Schlögl, R.: What Controls Activity Trends of Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction?-Activation Energy Versus Frequency Factor. ACS Catalysis 12 (18), pp. 11597 - 11605 (2022)
Journal Article
Hegen, O.; Gómez, J. I. S.; Grünwald, C.; Rettke, A.; Sojka, M.; Klucken, C.; Pickenbrock, J.; Filipp, J.; Schlögl, R.; Ruland, H.: Bridging the Analytical Gap Between Gas Treatment and Reactor Plants in Carbon2Chem®. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 94 (10), pp. 1405 - 1412 (2022)
Journal Article
Pollok, C. H.; Göbel, C.; Gómez, J. I. S.; Schlögl, R.; Ruland, H.: A Gas Generating System for Complex Gas Mixtures – Multifunctional Application in PTR Method Optimization and Downstream Methanol Synthesis. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 94 (10), pp. 1438 - 1451 (2022)
Journal Article
Ristig, S.; Poschmann, M.; Folke, J.; Gómez-Cápiro, O.; Chen, Z.; Sanchez-Bastardo, N.; Schlögl, R.; Heumann, S.; Ruland, H.: Ammonia Decomposition in the Process Chain for a Renewable Hydrogen Supply. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 94 (10), pp. 1413 - 1425 (2022)
Journal Article
Schittkowski, J.; Zeidler-Fandrich, B.; Müller, T.; Schlögl, R.; Ruland, H.: The Carbon2Chem® Laboratory in Oberhausen - A Workplace for Lab-Scale Setups within the Cross-Industrial Project. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 94 (10), pp. 1397 - 1404 (2022)
Journal Article
Streibel, V.; Velasco Vélez, J.; Teschner, D.; Carbonio, E.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Jones, T.: Merging operando and computational X-ray spectroscopies to study the oxygen evolution reaction. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 35, 101039 (2022)
Journal Article
Plodinec, M.; Nerl, H. C.; Lunkenbein, T.; Schlögl, R.: Deactivation Mechanism of Ni Nanoparticles in Dry Reforming of Methane Revealed by Operando TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), pp. 146 - 148 (2022)
Journal Article
Velasco Vélez, J.; Bernsmeier, D.; Jones, T.; Zeller, P.; Carbonio, E.; Chuang, C.-H.; Falling, L.; Streibel, V.; Mom, R.; Hammud, A. et al.; Hävecker, M.; Arrigo, R.; Stotz, E.; Lunkenbein, T.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Krähnert, R.; Schlögl, R.: The rise of electrochemical NAPXPS operated in the soft X-ray regime exemplified by the oxygen evolution reaction on IrOx electrocatalysts. Faraday Discussions 236, pp. 103 - 125 (2022)
Journal Article
Haase, F.; Rabe, A.; Schmidt, F.; Herzog, A.; Jeon, H.; Frandsen, W.; Narangoda, P. V.; Spanos, I.; Ortega, K. F.; Timoshenko, J. et al.; Lunkenbein, T.; Behrens, M.; Bergmann, A.; Schlögl, R.; Roldan Cuenya, B.: Role of Nanoscale Inhomogeneities in Co2FeO4 Catalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (27), pp. 12007 - 12019 (2022)
Journal Article
Schlögl, R.: Interfacial catalytic materials; challenge for inorganic synthetic chemistry. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 77 (6), pp. 475 - 485 (2022)
Journal Article
Papakonstantinou, G.; Spanos, I.; Dam, A. P.; Schlögl, R.; Sundmacher, K.: Electrochemical evaluation of the de-/re-activation of oxygen evolving Ir oxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (23), pp. 14579 - 14591 (2022)
Journal Article
Kraus, P.; Wolf, E.; Prinz, C.; Bellini, G.; Trunschke, A.; Schlögl, R.: Towards automation of operando experiments: A case study in contactless conductivity measurements. Digital Discovery 1 (3), pp. 241 - 254 (2022)
Journal Article
Lin, Y.; Yu, L.; Tang, L.; Song, F.; Schlögl, R.; Heumann, S.: In Situ Identification and Time-Resolved Observation of the Interfacial State and Reactive Intermediates on a Cobalt Oxide Nanocatalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Catalysis 12 (9), pp. 5345 - 5355 (2022)
Journal Article
Sandoval Diaz, L.; Schlögl, R.; Lunkenbein, T.: Quo Vadis Dry Reforming of Methane?—A Review on Its Chemical, Environmental, and Industrial Prospects. Catalysts 12 (5), p. 465 (2022)
Journal Article
Codeço, C. F. S.; Klyushin, A.; Carbonio, E.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Jones, T.; Rocha, T. C. R.: Insights into the electronic structure of hydroxyl on Ag(110) under near ambient conditions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (15), pp. 8832 - 8838 (2022)
Journal Article
Ghampson, I. T.; Lundin, S.-T. B.; Vargheese, V.; Kobayashi, Y.; Huff, G.; Schlögl, R.; Trunschke, A.; Oyama, S. T.: Methane selective oxidation on metal oxide catalysts at low temperatures with O2 using an NO/NO2 oxygen atom shuttle. Journal of Catalysis 408, pp. 401 - 412 (2022)
Journal Article
Sauer, J.; Schlögl, R.; Trunschke, A.; Oyama, S. T.: Foreword. Journal of Catalysis 408, p. 329 - 329 (2022)
Journal Article
Kenmoe, S.; Douma, D. H.; Raji, A. T.; M’Passi-Mabiala, B.; Götsch, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Spohr, E.: X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) at the O K-Edge of Bulk Co3O4: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Nanomaterials 12 (6), 921 (2022)
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