Publications of Hartmut Michel
All genres
Conference Paper (11)
Conference Paper
1, pp. 933 - 936 (1990)
Expression of the 33 kDa protein from the oxygen evolving complex of spinach in Escherischia coli. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Photosynthesis, Stockholm, Sweden, August 06, 1989 - August 11, 1989. Current Research in Photosynthesis 282.
Conference Paper
6, pp. 199 - 208 (1990)
Recent Advances in the Structure Analysis of Rhodopseudomonas viridis Reaction Center Mutants. Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria, Feldafing-II-Meeting. Springer Series in Biophysics 283.
Conference Paper
1, pp. 173 - 176 (1990)
The Herbicide Resistant Mutant T1 from Rhodopseudomonasviridis Altered Herbicide Binding and Three-Dimensional Structure. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Photosynthesis, Stockholm, Sweden, August 06, 1989 - August 11, 1989. Current Research in Photosynthesis 284.
Conference Paper
3, pp. 771 - 773 (1987)
Terbutryn-Resistant Mutants of Rhodopseudomonas Viridis Are Double-Mutated. Proceedings of the VIIth International Congress on Photosynthesis Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 10, 1986 - August 15, 1986. Progress in Photosynthesis Research Talk (1)
The Photosynthetic Reaction Center from the Purple Bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, Stockholm, Sweden (1989)
Other (1)
Innentitelbild: The Structure of the Neuropeptide Bradykinin Bound to the Human G‐Protein Coupled Receptor Bradykinin B2 as Determined by Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy, Angewandte Chemie 120 (9 Ed.), p. 1547 - 1547 (2008)
Editorial (1)
26 (11), p. 703 - 703 (2020)
25 Jahre BIOspektrum: mit Meilensteinen der Forschung in die Zukunft. Biospektrum Interview (1)
Ausgezeichnet – Wie wird man Nobelpreisträger? (2018)