Publications of Alexander Paarmann
All genres
Journal Article (46)
Journal Article
103 (21), 213506 (2013)
Microelectrode for energy and current control of nanotip field electron emitters. Applied Physics Letters 42.
Journal Article
41, 04021 (2013)
Interband excitation and carrier relaxation as displacive driving force for coherent phonons. EPJ Web of Conferences 43.
Journal Article
41, 10007 (2013)
Coherent Electron Source for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging. EPJ Web of Conferences 44.
Journal Article
110 (6), 067402 (2013)
Ultrafast Evolution of the Excited-State Potential Energy Surface of TiO2 Single Crystals Induced by Carrier Cooling. Physical Review Letters 45.
Journal Article
112 (11), 113109 (2012)
Coherent femtosecond low-energy single-electron pulses for time-resolved diffraction and imaging: A numerical study. Journal of Applied Physcis 46.
Journal Article
13 (23), pp. 11351 - 11358 (2011)
Excitonic effects in two-dimensional vibrational spectra of liquid formamide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Conference Paper (8)
Conference Paper
11124, 111240O. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications: Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications X, San Diego, Calif., USA, August 11, 2019 - August 15, 2019. SPIE, Bellingham, Washington (2019)
The THz sum-frequency counterparts of stimulated Raman scattering. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 48.
Conference Paper
Synchronized Mid-Infrared Pulses at the Fritz Haber Institute IR-FEL. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, pp. 188 - 191 (Eds. Bishofberger, K.; Carlsten, B.; Schaa, V. R. W.). 38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference (FEL2017), Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20, 2017 - August 25, 2017. JACoW, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
Nonlinear Response and Strong Coupling of Surface Phonon Polaritons. In: Quantum Nano-Photonics, pp. 425 - 426 (Eds. Di Bartolo, B.; Silvestri, L.; Cesaria, M.; Collins, J.). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Quantum Nano-Photonics, Erice, Sicily, Italy, July 03, 2017 - August 04, 2017. Springer, Dordrecht (2018)
Conference Paper
Mid-Infrared Second Harmonic Spectroscopy Probing Surface Phonon Polariton Localization in SiC Nanopillars. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, FW1B.3. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, June 05, 2016 - June 10, 2016. OSA, Washington, DC (2016)
Conference Paper
Second Harmonic Phonon Spectroscopy of α-Quartz. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, FTu4A.5. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, June 05, 2016 - June 10, 2016. OSA, Washington, DC (2016)
Conference Paper
9512, 95121L. Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III, Prague, Czech Republic, April 13, 2015. SPIE, Bellingham, Washington (2015)
The new IR and THz FEL facility at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 53.
Conference Paper
Visualization of Photocurrents in Nanoobjects by Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Point-Projection Imaging. 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Okinawa, Japan, July 07, 2014 - July 11, 2014. Ultrafast Phenomena XIX: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, pp. 667 - 670 (2015)
Conference Paper
The New IR FEL Facility at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin. In: Proceedings of the 36th Free Elecron Laser Conference, WEB04, pp. 629 - 634 (Eds. Chrin, J.; Reiche, S.; Schaa, V. R. W.). 36th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Basel, Switzerland, August 25, 2014 - August 29, 2014. (2015)
Talk (51)
Free-Electron Laser-Based Infrared Microscopy. Radboud Summer School, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2024)
Near-Field Imaging of Ultra-Confined Polaritons in Van der Waals Crystals. FHI-Workshop on Current Research Topics at the FHI, Potsdam, Germany (2024)
Phonon Polaritons in Low-Symmetry Crystals. SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, CA, USA (2024)
Nanoimaging of Symmetry-Broken Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons Using the FELBE Near-Field Optical Microscope. Scientifc Advisory Board Meeting, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany (2023)
Phonon Polaritons in Low-Symmetry Crystals. 39th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids, DyProSo 2023, Dresden, Germany (2023)
Phonon Polaritons in Low-Symmetry Crystals. Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany (2023)