Publications of Rumiana Dimova

Journal Article (174)

Journal Article
Sapp, K.; Aleksanyan, M.; Kerr, K.; Dimova, R.; Sodt, A.: Kinetic relaxation of giant vesicles validates diffusional softening in a binary lipid mixture. Physical Review E 107 (5), 054403 (2023)
Journal Article
Schamberger, B.; Roschger, A.; Ziege, R.; Anselme, K.; Amar, M. B.; Bykowski, M.; Castro, A. P. G.; Cipitria, A.; Coles, R.; Dimova, R. et al.; Eder, M.; Ehrig, S.; Escudero, L. M.; Evans, M. E.; Fernandes, P. R.; Fratzl, P.; Geris, L.; Gierlinger, N.; Hannezo, E.; Iglič, A.; Kirkensgaard, J. J. K.; Kollmannsberger, P.; Kowalewska, Ł.; Kurniawan, N. A.; Papantoniou, I.; Pieuchot, L.; Pires, T. H. V.; Renner, L.; Sageman-Furnas, A.; Schröder-Turk, G. E.; Sengupta, A.; Sharma, V. R.; Tagua, A.; Tomba, C.; Trepat, X.; Waters, S. L.; Yeo, E.; Bidan, C. M.; Dunlop, J. W. C.: Curvature in biological systems: its quantification, emergence and implications across the scales. Advanced Materials 35 (13), 2206110 (2023)
Journal Article
Stephan, M. S.; Dunsing, V.; Pramanik, S.; Chiantia, S.; Barbirz, S.; Robinson, T.; Dimova, R.: Biomimetic asymmetric bacterial membranes incorporating lipopolysaccharides. Biophysical Journal 122 (11), pp. 2147 - 2161 (2023)
Journal Article
Aleksanyan, M.; Lira, R. d.; Steinkühler, J.; Dimova, R.: GM1 asymmetry in the membrane stabilizes pores. Biophysical Journal 121 (17), pp. 3295 - 3302 (2022)
Journal Article
Benk, L. T.; Benk, A. S.; Lira, R. d.; Cavalcanti-Adam, E. A.; Dimova, R.; Lipowsky, R.; Geiger, B.; Spatz, J. P.: Integrin αIIbβ3 activation and clustering in minimal synthetic cells. Advanced nanoBiomed research 2 (4), 2100094 (2022)
Journal Article
Erkan-Candag, H.; Krivic, D.; Gsell, M. A. F.; Aleksanyan, M.; Stockner, T.; Dimova, R.; Tiapko, O.; Groschner, K.: Characterization of DAG binding to TRPC channels by target-dependent cis–trans isomerization of OptoDArG. Biomolecules 12 (6), 799 (2022)
Journal Article
Ewins, E.; Han, K.; Bharti, B.; Robinson, T.; Velev, O. D.; Dimova, R.: Controlled adhesion, membrane pinning and vesicle transport by Janus particles. Chemical Communications 58 (18), pp. 3055 - 3058 (2022)
Journal Article
Fabiani, C.; Georgiev, V.; Peñalva, D.A.; Sigaut, L.; Pietrasanta, L.; Corradi, J.; Dimova, R.; Antollini, S.S.: Membrane lipid organization and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function: a two-way physiological relationship. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 730, 109413 (2022)
Journal Article
Faizi, H. A.; Dimova, R.; Vlahovska, P. M.: A vesicle microrheometer for high-throughput viscosity measurements of lipid and polymer membranes. Biophysical Journal 121 (6), pp. 910 - 918 (2022)
Journal Article
Faizi, H. A.; Tsui, A.; Dimova, R.; Vlahovska, P. M.: Bending rigidity, capacitance, and shear viscosity of giant vesicle membranes prepared by spontaneous swelling, electroformation, gel-assisted, and phase transfer methods: a comparative study. Langmuir 38 (34), pp. 10548 - 10557 (2022)
Journal Article
Georgiev, V.; Avalos Padilla, Y.; Fernàndez-Busquets, X.; Dimova, R.: Femtoliter injection of ESCRT-III proteins into adhered giant unilamellar vesicles. Bio-protocol 12 (4), e4328 (2022)
Journal Article
Joseph, A.; Wagner, A. M.; Garay-Sarmiento, M.; Aleksanyan, M.; Haraszti, T.; Söder, D.; Georgiev, V. N.; Dimova, R.; Percec, V.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.: Zwitterionic dendrimersomes: a closer xenobiotic mimic of cell membranes. Advanced Materials 34 (49), 2206288 (2022)
Journal Article
Kabelka, I.; Georgiev, V.; Marx, L.; Pajtinka, P.; Lohner, K.; Pabst, G.; Dimova, R.; Vácha, R.: Magainin 2 and PGLa in bacterial membrane mimics III: membrane fusion and disruption. Biophysical Journal 121 (5), pp. 852 - 861 (2022)
Journal Article
Marušič, N.; Otrin, L.; Rauchhaus, J.; Zhao, Z.; Kyrilis, F. L.; Hamdi, F.; Kastritis, P. L.; Dimova, R.; Ivanov, I.; Sundmacher, K.: Increased efficiency of charge-mediated fusion in polymer/lipid hybrid membranes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (20), e2122468119 (2022)
Journal Article
Marušič, N.; Zhao, Z.; Otrin, L.; Dimova, R.; Ivanov, I.; Sundmacher, K.: Fusion-induced growth of biomimetic polymersomes: behavior of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(ethylene oxide) vesicles in saline solutions under high agitation. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 43 (5), 2100712 (2022)
Journal Article
Pramanik, S.; Steinkühler, J.; Dimova, R.; Spatz, J.; Lipowsky, R.: Binding of His-tagged fluorophores to lipid bilayers and giant vesicles. Soft Matter 18 (34), pp. 6372 - 6383 (2022)
Journal Article
Sabri, E.; Aleksanyan, M.; Brosseau, C.; Dimova, R.: Effects of solution conductivity on macropore size dynamics in electroporated lipid vesicle membranes. Bioelectrochemistry 147, 108222 (2022)
Journal Article
Wójcik, A.; Stephan, M.; Ryczek, W.; Olechowska, K.; Wydro, P.; Dimova, R.; Broniatowski, M.: Interactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their nitro derivatives with bilayer and monolayer models of fungal membranes. Journal of Molecular Liquids 360, 119591 (2022)
Journal Article
Zhao, Z.; Roy, D.; Steinkühler, J.; Robinson, T.; Lipowsky, R.; Dimova, R.: Super-resolution imaging of highly curved membrane structures in giant vesicles encapsulating molecular condensates. Advanced Materials 34 (4), 2106633 (2022)
Journal Article
Avalos Padilla, Y.; Georgiev, V.; Dimova, R.: ESCRT-III induces phase separation in model membranes prior to budding and causes invagination of the liquid-ordered phase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1863 (10), 183689 (2021)
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