Publications of Martin Beck

Journal Article (115)

Journal Article
Klumpe, S.; Senti, K. A.; Beck, F.; Sachweh, J.; Hampoelz, B.; Ronchi, P.; Oorschot, V.; Brandstetter, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Briggs, J. A. G. et al.; Brennecke, J.; Beck, M.; Plitzko, J. M.: In-cell structure and snapshots of copia retrotransposons in intact tissue by cryoelectron tomography. Cell 188 (2025)
Journal Article
Kreysing, J. P.; Heidari, M.; Zila, V.; Cruz-León, S.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Laketa, V.; Rohleder, L.; Welsch, S.; Köfinger, J.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.; Kräusslich, H.-G.; Beck, M.: Passage of the HIV capsid cracks the nuclear pore. Cell 188 (4), pp. 930 - 943.e21 (2025)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, P. C.; Kim, H.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Kreysing, J. P.; Andino-Frydman, E.; Cruz-León, S.; Margiotta, E.; Cernikova, L.; Kosinski, J.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.; Beck, M.: Nuclear pore permeability and fluid flow are modulated by its dilation state. Molecular Cell 85 (3), pp. 537 - 554.e11 (2025)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Rosenkranz, R. R. E.; Rodriguez-Aliaga, P.; Lee, T.-T.; Majtner, T.; Böhm, S.; Turoňová, B.; Frydman, J.; Beck, M.: In situ analysis reveals the TRiC duty cycle and PDCD5 as an open-state cofactor. Nature 637 (8047), pp. 983 - 990 (2025)
Journal Article
Khusainov, I.; Romanov, N.; Goemans, C.; Turoňová, B.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Welsch, S.; Langer, J. D.; Typas, A.; Beck, M.: Bactericidal effect of tetracycline in E. coli strain ED1a may be associated with ribosome dysfunction. Nature Communications 15, 4783 (2024)
Journal Article
Cruz-León, S.; Majtner, T.; Hoffmann, P. C.; Kreysing, J. P.; Kehl, S.; Tuijtel, M.; Schaefer, S. L.; Geißler, K.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.: High-confidence 3D template matching for cryo-electron tomography. Nature Communications 15, 3992 (2024)
Journal Article
Tuijtel, M.; Cruz-León, S.; Kreysing, J. P.; Welsch, S.; Hummer, G.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B.: Thinner is not always better: Optimizing cryo-lamellae for subtomogram averaging. Science Advances 10 (17), eadk6285 (2024)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Covino, R.; Hänelt, I.; Müller-McNicoll, M.: Understanding the cell: Future views of structural biology. Cell 187 (3), pp. 545 - 562 (2024)
Journal Article
Campbell, E. A.; Walden, H.; Walter, J. C.; Shukla, A. K.; Beck, M.; Passmore, L. A.; Xu, H. E.: AlphaFold: Research accelerator and hypothesis generator. Molecular Cell 84 (3), pp. 404 - 408 (2024)
Journal Article
Jagtap, P. K. A.; Müller, M.; Kiss, A. E.; Thomae, A. W.; Lapouge, K.; Beck, M.; Becker, P. B.; Hennig, J.: Structural basis of RNA-induced autoregulation of the DExH-type RNA helicase maleless. Molecular Cell 83, pp. 4318 - 4333 (2023)
Journal Article
Sanchez Carrillo, I. B.; Hoffmann, P. C.; Barff, T.; Beck, M.; Germain, H.: Preparing Arabidopsis thaliana root protoplasts for cryo electron tomography. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1261180 (2023)
Journal Article
Castillo Duque de Estrada, N. M.; Thoms, M.; Flemming, D.; Hammaren, H. M.; Buschauer, R.; Ameismeier, M.; Baßler, J.; Beck, M.; Beckmann, R.; Hurt, E.: Structure of nascent 5S RNPs at the crossroad between ribosome assembly and MDM2-p53 pathways. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 30, pp. 1119 - 1131 (2023)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Taniguchi, R.; Khusainov, I.; Kreysing, J. P.; Welsch, S.; Turoňová, B.; Beck, M.: Translation dynamics in human cells visualized at high resolution reveal cancer drug action. Science 381 (6653), pp. 70 - 75 (2023)
Journal Article
Seidel, M.; Romanov, N.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Becker, A.; Trevisan Doimo de Azevedo, N.; Provaznik, J.; Nagaraja, S. R.; Landry, J. J. M.; Benes, V.; Beck, M.: Co-translational binding of importins to nascent proteins. Nature Communications 14, 3418 (2023)
Journal Article
Yu, M.; Heidari, M.; Mikhaleva, S.; Tan, P. S.; Mingu, S.; Ruan, H.; Reinkemeier, C. D.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Beck, M. et al.; Hummer, G.; Lemke, E. A.: Visualizing the disordered nuclear transport machinery in situ. Nature 617 (7959), pp. 162 - 169 (2023)
Journal Article
de Teresa-Trueba, I.; Goetz, S. K.; Mattausch, A.; Stojanovska, F.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Toro-Nahuelpan, M.; Cheng, D. W. C.; Tollervey, F.; Pape, C.; Beck, M. et al.; Diz-Muñoz, A.; Kreshuk, A.; Mahamid, J.; Zaugg, J. B.: Convolutional networks for supervised mining of molecular patterns within cellular context. Nature Methods 20 (2), pp. 284 - 294 (2023)
Journal Article
Miyazawa, H.; Snaebjornsson, M. T.; Prior, N.; Kafkia, E.; Hammarén, H. M.; Tsuchida-Straeten, N.; Patil, K. R.; Beck, M.; Aulehla, A.: Glycolytic flux-signaling controls mouse embryo mesoderm development. eLife 11, e83299 (2022)
Journal Article
Hammarén, H. M.; Geissen, E.-M.; Potel, C. M.; Beck, M.; Savitski, M. M.: Protein-Peptide Turnover Profiling reveals the order of PTM addition and removal during protein maturation. Nature Communications 13, 7431 (2022)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, P. C.; Kreysing, J. P.; Khusainov, I.; Tuijtel, M.; Welsch, S.; Beck, M.: Structures of the eukaryotic ribosome and its translational states in situ. Nature Communications 13, 7435 (2022)
Journal Article
Kafkia, E.; Andres-Pons, A.; Ganter, K.; Seiler, M.; Smith, T. S.; Andrejeva, A.; Jouhten, P.; Pereira, F.; Franco, C.; Kuroshchenkova, A. et al.; Leone, S.; Sawarkar, R.; Boston, R.; Thaventhiran, J.; Zaugg, J. B.; Lilley, K. S.; Lancrin, C.; Beck, M.; Patil, K. R.: Operation of a TCA cycle subnetwork in the mammalian nucleus. Science Advances 8 (35), eabq5206 (2022)
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