Publications of Sayantan Chatterjee

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Krevert, C. S.; Chavez, D.; Chatterjee, S.; Stelzl, L. S.; Pütz, S.; Roeters, S. J.; Rudzinski, J. F.; Fawzi, N. L.; Girard, M.; Parekh, S. H. et al.: Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of the Intrinsically Disordered Domain of the Fused in Sarcoma Protein Results in Substantial Slowing of Hydration Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (49), pp. 11224 - 11234 (2023)
Journal Article
Maltseva, D.; Chatterjee, S.; Yu, C.-C.; Brzezinski, M.; Nagata, Y.; Gonella, G.; Murthy, A. C.; Stachowiak, J. C.; Fawzi, N. L.; Parekh, S. H. et al.: Fibril formation and ordering of disordered FUS LC driven by hydrophobic interactions. Nature Chemistry 15, pp. 1146 - 1154 (2023)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, S.; Maltseva, D.; Kan, Y.; Hosseini, E.; Gonella, G.; Bonn, M.; Parekh, S. H.: Lipid-driven condensation and interfacial ordering of FUS. Science Advances 8 (31), eabm7528 (2022)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, S.; Kan, Y.; Brzezinski, M.; Koynov, K.; Regy, R. M.; Murthy, A. C.; Burke, K. A.; Michels, J. J.; Mittal, J.; Fawzi, N. L. et al.: Reversible Kinetic Trapping of FUS Biomolecular Condensates. Advanced Science 9 (4), 2104247 (2022)
Journal Article
Kumar, S.; Paul, A.; Chatterjee, S.; Pütz, S.; Nehra, N.; Wang, D. S.; Nisar, A.; Jennings, C. M.; Parekh, S. H.: Effect of ambient temperature on respiratory tract cells exposed to SARS-CoV-2 viral mimicking nanospheres - An experimental study. Biointerphases 16 (1), 011006 (2021)