Publications of Adrian Jost

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Schiebel, R.; Aardema, H. M.; Calleja, M. L.; Dragoneas, A.; Heins, L.; Hrabe de Angelis, I.; Pöhlker, C.; Slagter, H.; Vonhof, H.; Walter, D. et al.; Arns, A. I.; Adolphs, N.; Auderset, A.; Basic, S.; Bieler, A.; Brüwer, J. D.; Chaabane, S.; Cheng, Y.; Chiliński, M. T.; Cybulski, J. D.; Disper, T.; Duprey, N.; Eichele, G.; Fiedler, B.; Fischer, A.; Foreman, A. D.; Fuchs, B. M.; Galer, S.; Härri, J.; Jochum, K. P.; Jost, A.; Jung, J.; Kleta, H.; Lammel, G.; Larink, O.; Leibold, P.; Martinez-Garcia, A.; Moretti, S.; Müller, J.-G.; Nillius, B.; Pan, X.; Raj, S. S.; Repschläger, J.; Rodrigues, E.; Ruff, S. E.; Schmitt, M.; Schmitter, J. L.; Lara, A. S.; Silva, P.; Smart, S. M.; Sörgel, M.; Stoll, B.; Su, H.; Vogt, M.; Wald, T.; Weber, B.; Weber, J.; Weis, U.; Amann, R.; Arístegui, J.; Dittmar, T.; González, M.; O’Dea, A.; Pöschl, U.; Haug, G. H.: Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht Eugen Seibold for Climate Geochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (17), e2023JD040581 (2024)
Journal Article
Beirle, S.; Borger, C.; Jost, A.; Wagner, T.: Improved catalog of NOx point source emissions (version 2). Earth System Science Data 15 (7), pp. 3051 - 3073 (2023)
Journal Article
Wagner, T.; Warnach, S.; Beirle, S.; Bobrowski, N.; Jost, A.; Pukite, J.; Theys, N.: Investigation of three-dimensional radiative transfer effects for UV–Vis satellite and ground-based observations of volcanic plumes. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16 (6), pp. 1609 - 1662 (2023)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Jost, A.; Beirle, S.; Borger, C.; Theys , N.; Ziegler, S.; Wagner, T.: Improving global SO2 emission inventories using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI satellite data. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-18365. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, April 14, 2024 - April 19, 2024. (2024)

Thesis - Bachelor (1)

Thesis - Bachelor
Jost, A.: The relationship of volcanic emissions to the seismic activity of the Etna volcano. Bachelor, Mainz (2021)

Preprint (1)

Wagner, T.; Warnach, S.; Beirle, S.; Bobrowski, N.; Jost, A.; Pukite, J.; Theys, N.: Investigation of 3D-effects for UV/vis satellite and ground based observations of volcanic plumes. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 15 (2022)
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