Publications of Ingo Lieberwirth

Journal Article (212)

Journal Article
Acar, H. Y.; Kas, R.; Yurtsever, E.; Ozen, C.; Lieberwirth, I.: Emergence of 2MPA as an Effective Coating for Highly Stable and Luminescent Quantum Dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (23), pp. 10005 - 10012 (2009)
Journal Article
Chen, C. H.; Ding, N.; Wang, L.; Yu, Y.; Lieberwirth, I.: Some new facts on electrochemical reaction mechanism for transition metal oxide electrodes. Journal of Power Sources 189 (1), pp. 552 - 556 (2009)
Journal Article
Ding, N.; Feng, X. Y.; Liu, S. H.; Xu, J.; Fang, X.; Lieberwirth, I.; Chen, C. H.: High capacity and excellent cyclability of vanadium (IV) oxide in lithium battery applications. Electrochemistry Communications 11 (3), pp. 538 - 541 (2009)
Journal Article
Ding, N.; Liu, S. H.; Feng, X. Y.; Gao, H. T.; Fang, X.; Xu, J.; Tremel, W. G.; Lieberwirth, I.; Chen, C. H.: Hydrothermal Growth and Characterization of Nanostructured Vanadium-Based Oxides. Crystal Growth & Design 9 (4), pp. 1723 - 1728 (2009)
Journal Article
Ding, N.; Xu, J.; Yao, Y. X.; Wegner, G.; Fang, X.; Chen, C. H.; Lieberwirth, I.: Determination of the diffusion coefficient of lithium ions in nano-Si. Solid State Ionics 180 (2-3), pp. 222 - 225 (2009)
Journal Article
Ding, N.; Xu, J.; Yao, Y. X.; Wegner, G.; Lieberwirth, I.; Chen, C. H.: Improvement of cyclability of Si as anode for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 192 (2), pp. 644 - 651 (2009)
Journal Article
Efecan, N.; Shahwan, T.; Eroglu, A. E.; Lieberwirth, I.: Characterization of the uptake of aqueous Ni2+ ions on nanoparticles of zero-valent iron (nZVI). Desalination 249 (3), pp. 1048 - 1054 (2009)
Journal Article
Feng, X. L.; Liang, Y. Y.; Zhi, L. J.; Thomas, A.; Wu, D. Q.; Lieberwirth, I.; Kolb, U.; Müllen, K.: Synthesis of Microporous Carbon Nanofibers and Nanotubes from Conjugated Polymer Network and Evaluation in Electrochemical Capacitor. Advanced Functional Materials 19 (13), pp. 2125 - 2129 (2009)
Journal Article
Pingel, P.; Zen, A.; Neher, D.; Lieberwirth, I.; Wegner, G.; Allard, S.; Scherf, U.: Unexpectedly high field-effect mobility of a soluble, low molecular weight oligoquaterthiophene fraction with low polydispersity. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 95 (1), pp. 67 - 72 (2009)
Journal Article
Reinhold, F.; Kolb, U.; Lieberwirth, I.; Gröhn, F.: Assemblies of Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymers and Oppositely Charged Dendrimers. Langmuir 25 (3), pp. 1345 - 1351 (2009)
Journal Article
Üzüm, C.; Shahwan, T.; Eroglu, A. E.; Hallam, K. R.; Scott, T. B.; Lieberwirth, I.: Synthesis and characterization of kaolinite-supported zero-valent iron nanoparticles and their application for the removal of aqueous Cu2+ and Co2+ ions. Applied Clay Science 43 (2), pp. 172 - 181 (2009)
Journal Article
Wang, J. J.; Sun, L.; Mpoukouvalas, K.; Lienkamp, K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Fassbender, B.; Bonaccurso, E.; Brunklaus, G.; Muehlebach, A.; Beierlein, T. et al.; Tilch, R.; Butt, H.-J.; Wegner, G.: Construction of Redispersible Polypyrrole Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Application in Polymer Electronics. Advanced Materials 21 (10-11), pp. 1137 - 1141 (2009)
Journal Article
Yang, M.; Wang, W.; Lieberwirth, I.; Wegner, G.: Multiple H-Bonds Directed Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic and Plate-Like Codendrimer with Janus Faces at Water-Air Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (17), pp. 6285 - 6294 (2009)
Journal Article
Ding, N.; Liu, S. H.; Chen, C. H.; Lieberwirth, I.: An electron microscopic investigation of structural variation of V2O5 fibers after working as ethanol sensors. Applied Physics Letters 93 (17), 173510 (2008)
Journal Article
Karabelli, D.; Üzüm, C.; Shahwan, T.; Eroglu, A. E.; Scott, T. B.; Hallam, K. R.; Lieberwirth, I.: Batch removal of aqueous Cu2+ ions using nanoparticles of zero-valent iron: A study of the capacity and mechanism of uptake. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47 (14), pp. 4758 - 4764 (2008)
Journal Article
Shabbir, S.; Zulfiqar, S.; Lieberwirth, I.; Kausar, A.; Sarwar, M. I.: Compatibilizing effect of functionalized polystyrene blends: a study of morphology, thermal, and mechanical properties. Surface and Interface Analysis 40 (5), pp. 906 - 913 (2008)
Journal Article
Üzüm, C.; Shahwan, T.; Eroglu, A. E.; Lieberwirth, I.; Scott, T. B.; Hallam, K. R.: Application of zero-valent iron nanoparticles for the removal of aqueous Co2+ ions under various experimental conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal 144 (2), pp. 213 - 220 (2008)
Journal Article
Yang, M.; Zhang, Z.; Yuan, F.; Wang, W.; Hess, S.; Lienkamp, K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Wegner, G.: Self-assembled structures in organogels of amphiphilic diblock codendrimers. Chemistry-A European Journal 14 (11), pp. 3330 - 3337 (2008)
Journal Article
Zhi, L. J.; Hu, Y. S.; El Hamaoui, B.; Wang, X.; Lieberwirth, I.; Kolb, U.; Maier, J.; Müllen, K.: Precursor-controlled formation of novel carbon/metal and carbon/metal oxide nanocomposites. Advanced Materials 20 (9), pp. 1727 - 1731 (2008)
Journal Article
Zulfiqar, S.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ahmad, Z.; Sarwar, M. I.: Influence of oligomerically modified reactive montmorillonite on thermal and mechanical properties of aromatic polyamide-clay nanocomposites. Acta Materialia 56 (17), pp. 4905 - 4912 (2008)
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