Publications of Martin Wolf

Journal Article (285)

Journal Article
Gonella, G.; Backus, E. H. G.; Nagata, Y.; Bonthuis, D. J.; Loche, P.; Schlaich, A.; Netz, R. R.; Kühnle, A.; McCrum, I. T.; Koper, M. T. M. et al.; Wolf, M.; Winter, B.; Meijer, G.; Campen, R. K.; Bonn, M.: Water at charged interfaces. Nature Reviews Chemistry 5 (7), pp. 466 - 485 (2021)
Journal Article
Gückstock, O.; Nadvornik, L.; Seifert, T.; Borchert, M.; Jakob, G.; Schmidt, G.; Woltersdorf, G.; Kläui, M.; Wolf, M.; Kampfrath, T.: Modulating the polarization of broadband terahertz pulses from a spintronic emitter at rates up to 10 kHz. Optica 8 (7), pp. 1013 - 1019 (2021)
Journal Article
Dong, S.; Puppin, M.; Pincelli, T.; Beaulieu, S.; Christiansen, D.; Hübener, H.; Nicholson, C. W.; Xian, R. P.; Dendzik, M. R.; Deng, Y. et al.; Windsor, Y. W.; Selig, M.; Malic, E.; Rubio, A.; Knorr, A.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function. Natural Sciences 1 (1), e10010 (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.: Atomic Point Contact Raman Spectroscopy of a Si(111)-7 × 7 Surface. Nano Letters 21 (9), pp. 4057 - 4061 (2021)
Journal Article
Nadvornik, L.; Borchert, M.; Brandt, L.; Schlitz, R.; de Mare, K. A.; Výborný, K.; Mertig, I.; Jakob, G.; Kläui, M.; Goennenwein, S. T. B. et al.; Wolf, M.; Woltersdorf, G.; Kampfrath, T.: Broadband Terahertz Probes of Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Disentangle Extrinsic and Intrinsic Contributions. Physical Review X 11 (2), 021030 (2021)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Esposito, V.; Porer, M.; Rittmann, J.; Leuenberger, D.; Kubli, M. et al.; Savoini, M.; Abreu, E.; Johnson, S. L.; Beaud, P.; Ingold, G.; Staub, U.; Fisher, I. R.; Ernstorfer, R.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.: Nonequilibrium Charge-Density-Wave Order Beyond the Thermal Limit. Nature Communications 12, 2499 (2021)
Journal Article
Beaulieu, S.; Dong, S.; Tancogne-Dejean, N.; Dendzik, M. R.; Pincelli, T.; Maklar, J.; Xian, R. P.; Sentef, M. A.; Wolf, M.; Rubio, A. et al.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Ultrafast dynamical Lifshitz transition. Science Advances 7 (17), eabd9275 (2021)
Journal Article
Seifert, T.; Martens, U.; Radu, F.; Ribow, M.; Beritta, M.; Nadvornik, L.; Starke, R.; Jungwirth, T.; Wolf, M.; Radu, I. et al.; Münzenberg, M.; Oppeneer, P. M.; Woltersdorf, G.; Kampfrath, T.: Frequency-Independent Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in DyCo5, Co32Fe68 and Gd27Fe73 Thin Films from DC to 40 THz. Advanced Materials 33 (14), 2007398 (2021)
Journal Article
Gückstock, O.; Nadvornik, L.; Gradhand, M.; Seifert, T.; Bierhance, G.; Rouzegar, S. M.; Wolf, M.; Vafaee, M.; Cramer, J.; Syskaki, M. A. et al.; Woltersdorf, G.; Mertig, I.; Jakob, G.; Kläui, M.; Kampfrath, T.: Terahertz Spin‐to‐Charge Conversion by Interfacial Skew Scattering in Metallic Bilayers. Advanced Materials 33 (9), 2006281 (2021)
Journal Article
Xian, R. P.; Acremann, Y.; Agustsson, S. Y.; Dendzik, M. R.; Bühlmann, K.; Curcio, D.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Pressacco, F.; Heber, M.; Dong, S. et al.; Pincelli, T.; Demsar, J.; Wurth, W.; Hofmann, P.; Wolf, M.; Scheidgen, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: An open-source, end-to-end workflow for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy. Scientific Data 7, 442 (2020)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Dong, S.; Beaulieu, S.; Pincelli, T.; Dendzik, M. R.; Windsor, Y. W.; Xian, R. P.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Rettig, L.: A quantitative comparison of time-of-flight momentum microscopes and hemispherical analyzers for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (12), 123112 (2020)
Journal Article
Beaulieu, S.; Schusser, J.; Dong, S.; Schüler, M.; Pincelli, T.; Dendzik, M. R.; Maklar, J.; Neef, A.; Ebert, H.; Hricovini, K. et al.; Wolf, M.; Braun, J.; Rettig, L.; Minár, J.; Ernstorfer, R.: Revealing Hidden Orbital Pseudospin Texture with Time-Reversal Dichroism in Photoelectron Angular Distributions. Physical Review Letters 125 (21), 216404 (2020)
Journal Article
Lapointe, F.; Wolf, M.; Campen, R. K.; Tong, Y.: Probing the Birth and Ultrafast Dynamics of Hydrated Electrons at the Gold/Liquid Water Interface via an Optoelectronic Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (43), pp. 18619 - 18627 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhukov, S. S.; Balos, V.; Hoffman, G.; Alom, S.; Belyanchikov, M.; Nebioglu, M.; Roh, S.; Pronin, A.; Bacanu, G. R.; Abramov, P. et al.; Wolf, M.; Dressel, M.; Levitt, M. H.; Whitby, R. J.; Gorshunov, B.; Sajadi, M.: Rotational coherence of encapsulated ortho and para water in fullerene-C60 revealed by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 18329 (2020)
Journal Article
Dendzik, M. R.; Xian, R. P.; Perfetto, E.; Sangalli, D.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Dong, S.; Beaulieu, S.; Pincelli, T.; Pressacco, F.; Curcio, D. et al.; Agustsson, S. Y.; Heber, M.; Hauer, J.; Wurth, W.; Brenner, G.; Acremann, Y.; Hofmann, P.; Wolf, M.; Marini, A.; Stefanucci, G.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Observation of an Excitonic Mott Transition through Ultrafast Core-cum-Conduction Photoemission Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 125 (09), 096401 (2020)
Journal Article
Müller, M.; Martin Sabanés, N.; Kampfrath, T.; Wolf, M.: Phase-Resolved Detection of Ultrabroadband THz Pulses inside a Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junction. ACS Photonics 7 (8), pp. 2046 - 2055 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Cirera, B.; Sun, Y.; Hamada, I.; Müller, M.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.: Dramatic Enhancement of Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering Mediated by Atomic Point Contact Formation. Nano Letters 20 (8), pp. 5879 - 5884 (2020)
Journal Article
Puppin, M.; Polishchuk, S.; Colonna, N.; Crepaldi, A.; Dirin, D. N.; Nazarenko, O.; De Gennaro, R.; Gatti, G.; Roth, S.; Barillot, T. et al.; Poletto, L.; Xian, R. P.; Rettig, L.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Kovalenko, M. V.; Marzari, N.; Grioni, M.; Chergui, M.: Evidence of Large Polarons in Photoemission Band Mapping of the Perovskite Semiconductor CsPbBr3. Physical Review Letters 124 (20), 206402 (2020)
Journal Article
Elgabarty, H.; Kampfrath, T.; Bonthuis, D. J.; Balos, V.; Kaliannan, N. K.; Loche, P.; Netz, R. R.; Wolf, M.; Kühne, T. D.; Sajadi, M.: Energy transfer within the hydrogen bonding network of water following resonant terahertz excitation. Science Advances 6 (17), eaay7074 (2020)
Journal Article
Balos, V.; Bierhance, G.; Wolf, M.; Sajadi, M.: Terahertz-Magnetic-Field Induced Ultrafast Faraday Rotation of Molecular Liquids. Physical Review Letters 124 (09), 093201 (2020)
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