Publications of Martin Wolf

Journal Article (285)

Journal Article
Martin Sabanés, N.; Krecinic, F.; Kumagai, T.; Schulz, F.; Wolf, M.; Müller, M.: Femtosecond Thermal and Nonthermal Hot Electron Tunneling Inside a Photoexcited Tunnel Junction. ACS Nano 16 (9), pp. 14479 - 14489 (2022)
Journal Article
Balos, V.; Kaliannan, N. K.; Elgabarty, H.; Wolf, M.; Kühne, T. D.; Sajadi, M.: Time-resolved terahertz–Raman spectroscopy reveals that cations and anions distinctly modify intermolecular interactions of water. Nature Chemistry 14 (9), pp. 1031 - 1037 (2022)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Stühler, R.; Dendzik, M. R.; Pincelli, T.; Dong, S.; Beaulieu, S.; Neef, A.; Li, G.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R. et al.; Claessen, R.; Rettig, L.: Ultrafast Momentum-Resolved Hot Electron Dynamics in the Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator Bismuthene. Nano Letters 22 (13), pp. 5420 - 5426 (2022)
Journal Article
Balos, V.; Garling, T.; Diaz Duque, A.; John, B.; Wolf, M.; Thämer, M.: Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum and Difference Frequency-Generation Spectroscopy Enabling Nanometer-Depth Profiling at Interfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (26), pp. 10818 - 10832 (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.: Nanoscale Heating of an Ultrathin Oxide Film Studied by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 128 (20), 206803 (2022)
Journal Article
Jiménez-Cavero, P.; Gückstock, O.; Nadvornik, L.; Lucas, I.; Seifert, T.; Wolf, M.; Rouzegar, R.; Brouwer, P. W.; Becker, S.; Jakob, G. et al.; Kläui, M.; Guo, C.; Wan, C.; Han, X.; Jin, Z.; Zhao, H.; Wu, D.; Morellón, L.; Kampfrath, T.: Transition of laser-induced terahertz spin currents from torque- to conduction-electron-mediated transport. Physical Review B 105 (18), 184408 (2022)
Journal Article
Cirera, B.; Litman, Y.; Lin, C.; Akkoush, A.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Rossi, M.; Kumagai, T.: Charge Transfer-Mediated Dramatic Enhancement of Raman Scattering upon Molecular Point Contact Formation. Nano Letters 22 (6), pp. 2170 - 2176 (2022)
Journal Article
Cherasse, M.; Dong, J.; Trippé-Allard, G.; Deleporte, E.; Garrot, D.; Maehrlein, S. F.; Wolf, M.; Chen, Z.; Papalazarou, E.; Marsi, M. et al.; Rueff, J.-P.; Taleb-Ibrahimi, A.; Perfetti, L.: Electron Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskites Reveal the Role of Organic Cations on the Screening of Local Charges. Nano Letters 22 (5), pp. 2065 - 2069 (2022)
Journal Article
Kölker, A.; Wolf, M.; Koch, M.: Ultra-shallow dopant profiles as in-situ electrodes in scanning probe microscopy. Scientific Reports 12, 3783 (2022)
Journal Article
Niemann, R.; Waßerroth, S.; Lu, G.; Gewinner, S.; De Pas, M.; Schöllkopf, W.; Caldwell, J. D.; Wolf, M.; Paarmann, A.: Long-wave infrared super-resolution wide-field microscopy using sum-frequency generation. Applied Physics Letters 120 (13), 131102 (2022)
Journal Article
Paßler, N.; Ni, X.; Hu, G.; Matson, J. R.; Carini, G.; Wolf, M.; Schubert, M.; Alù, A.; Caldwell, J. D.; Folland, T. G. et al.; Paarmann, A.: Hyperbolic shear polaritons in low-symmetry crystals. Nature 602 (7898), pp. 595 - 600 (2022)
Journal Article
Bierhance, G.; Markou, A.; Gückstock, O.; Rouzegar, S. M.; Behovits, Y.; Chekhov, A.; Wolf, M.; Seifert, T.; Felser, C.; Kampfrath, T.: Spin-voltage-driven efficient terahertz spin currents from the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl. Applied Physics Letters 120 (8), 082401 (2022)
Journal Article
Puppin, M.; Nicholson, C. W.; Monney, C.; Deng, Y.; Xian, R. P.; Feldl, J.; Dong, S.; Dominguez, A.; Hübener, H.; Rubio, A. et al.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.: Excited-state band structure mapping. Physical Review B 105 (7), 075417 (2022)
Journal Article
Schüler, M.; Pincelli, T.; Dong, S.; Devereaux, T. P.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L.; Ernstorfer, R.; Beaulieu, S.: Polarization-Modulated Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy: Toward Circular Dichroism without Circular Photons and Bloch Wave-function Reconstruction. Physical Review X 12 (1), 011019 (2022)
Journal Article
Maklar, J.; Schüler, M.; Windsor, Y. W.; Nicholson, C. W.; Puppin, M.; Walmsley, P.; Fisher, I. R.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Sentef, M. A. et al.; Rettig, L.: Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System. Physical Review Letters 128 (2), 026406 (2022)
Journal Article
Sidiropoulos, T.P.H.; Di Palo, N.; Rivas, D.E.; Severino, S.; Reduzzi, M.; Nandy, B.; Bauerhenne, B.; Krylow, S.; Vasileiadis, T.; Danz, T. et al.; Elliott, P.; Sharma, S.; Derwhurst, K.; Ropers, C.; Joly, Y.; Garcia, K.M.E.; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Biegert, J.: Probing the Energy Conversion Pathways between Light, Carriers, and Lattice in Real Time with Attosecond Core-Level Spectroscopy. Physical Review X 11 (4), 041060 (2021)
Journal Article
Chekhov, A.; Behovits, Y.; Heitz, J.; Denker, C.; Reiss, D.A.; Wolf, M.; Weinelt, M.; Brouwer, P.W.; Münzenberg, M.; Kampfrath, T.: Ultrafast Demagnetization of Iron Induced by Optical versus Terahertz Pulses. Physical Review X 11 (4), 041055 (2021)
Journal Article
Heitz, J.; Nadvornik, L.; Balos, V.; Behovits, Y.; Chekhov, A.; Seifert, T.; Olejník, K.; Kašpar, Z.; Geishendorf, K.; Novák, V. et al.; Campion, R. P.; Wolf, M.; Jungwirth, T.; Kampfrath, T.: Optically Gated Terahertz-Field-Driven Switching of Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs. Physical Review Applied 16 (06), 064047 (2021)
Journal Article
Beaulieu, S.; Schüler, M.; Schusser, J.; Dong, S.; Pincelli, T.; Maklar, J.; Neef, A.; Reinert, F.; Wolf, M.; Rettig, L. et al.; Minár, J.; Ernstorfer, R.: Unveiling the orbital texture of 1T-TiTe2 using intrinsic linear dichroism in multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy. npj Quantum Materials 6 (1), 93 (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Hammud, A.; Wolf, M.; Kumagai, T.: Anti-Stokes Light Scattering Mediated by Electron Transfer Across a Biased Plasmonic Nanojunction. ACS Photonics 8 (9), pp. 2610 - 2617 (2021)
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