Publications of Martin Wolf
All genres
Conference Paper (35)
Conference Paper
Ultrafast coherent control of spin waves with intense terahertz magnetic transients. In: Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010, JThC3. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010, San Jose, CA, USA, May 06, 2010 - May 21, 2010. OSA (2010)
Conference Paper
Ultra-intense THz source and extreme THz nonlinearities in condensed matter. In: CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference, 5192557. 2009 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE), Munich, Germany, June 14, 2009 - June 19, 2009. IEEE (2009)
Conference Paper
Ultrafast dynamics of coherent optical phonons in α-quartz. In: Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, pp. 235 - 237 (Eds. Corkum, P.; Nelson, K. A.; Riedle, E.; Schoenlein, R. W.; De Silvestri, S.). Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf., Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 09, 2008 - June 13, 2008. Springer, Berlin (2009)
Conference Paper
Terahertz Nonlinear Response and Coherent Population Control of Dark Excitons in Cu2O. 16th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Stresa, Italy, June 09, 2008 - June 13, 2008. Ultrafast Phenomena XVI: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, pp. 663 - 665 (2009)
Conference Paper
7214, 72140A, (2009)
Ultrafast far-infrared optics of carbon nanotubes. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIII, San Jose, CA, USA, January 25, 2009 - January 26, 2009. Proceedings SPIE 326.
Conference Paper
148 (1), 12041, (2009)
Broken symmetries and photoexcitation of 1T-TaS2. 63rd Yamada Conf. on Photo-Induced Phase Transition And Cooperative Phenomena (PIPT3), Osaka, Japan, November 11, 2008 - November 15, 2008. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 327.
Conference Paper
Ultrafast electron relaxation dynamics in laser-ionized gases observed with time-resolved THz spectroscopy. In: IEEE Digest: 33rd Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), p. 186 - 186. 33rd Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Pasadena, CA, September 15, 2008 - September 19, 2008. IEEE, New York, NY 10017, USA (2008)
Conference Paper
Ultrafast changes in the far-infrared conductivity of carbon nanotubes. In: IEEE Digest: 33rd Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), p. 185 - 185. 33rd Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Pasadena, CA, September 15, 2008 - September 19, 2008. IEEE, New York, NY 10017, USA (2008)
Conference Paper
532-535, pp. 113 - 119 (2003)
Isotope effects in the thermal desorption of water from Ru(001). 7th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology (NANO-7)/21st European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-21), Malmo, Sweden, June 24, 2002 - June 28, 2002. Surface Science 330.
Conference Paper
THz pump-probe measurements of electrons in non-polar liquids. In: Ultrafast Phenomena XII. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, pp. 459 - 462 (Eds. Elsässer, T.; Mukamel, S.; Murnane, M.N.; Scherer, N.F.). Ultrafast Phenomena XII, Charleston, SC, USA, July 09, 2000 - July 13, 2000. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2001)
Talk (119)
Ultrafast Dynamics Probed by Time-Resolved and Local Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale. X. International Symposium Ultrafast Dynamics & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics 2023, Hersonissos, Greece (2023)
Pushing the Limit of Local Spectroscopy: Raman Spectroscopy of a Single Ad-atom and Nanoscale Coherent Phonon Spectroscopy. 12th International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics (USD12), Beanasque, Spain (2022)
Electronic and Structural Dynamics Probed by Time-Resolved ARPES and TERS in k-Space and Real Space. International Conference, PIPT7, Photoinduced Phase Transitions and Cooperative Phenomena, Michigan State University, Online Event (2021)
Recent Advances in Probing Excited States at Interfaces by Time-Resolved ARPES. ICII-2021, International Conference on Internal Interfaces, Castle Rheinfels, Sankt Goar, Germany (2021)
Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics at Surfaces Probed by Time-Resolved ARPES. GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Paderborn, Online Event (2021)
Probing Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics of Solids and at Surfaces on Their Intrinsic Timescales. Workshop, Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs, European XFEL, Online Event (2021)
Recent Advances in Probing Excited States of Solids by Time-Resolved ARPES. European XFEL Science Seminar, Online Event (2021)
Ultrafast Surface Dynamics and Local Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale. Stuttgarter Physikalisches ONLINE Kolloquium, University of Stuttgart, Online Event (2020)
Ultrafast Surface Dynamics and Local Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale. Physikalisches Kolloquium, Department of Physics, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany (2019)
Beyond the Molecular Movie: The Ultrafast Electronic Structure View on Surface Dynamics. Condensed Matter Colloquium, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland (2019)