Publications of Angel Rubio

Talk (65)

Rubio, A.: New nanoscale hybrid structures made of C and BN from first principles: optoelectronic devices. International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM2013), Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria (2013)
Rubio, A.: Fundamentals of TDDFT for nonlinear phenomena of light-matter interactions: application to hybrid organic photovoltaics and charge transfer processes. CECAM Workshop on Calculation of Optical Properties of Nanostructures from First Principles, Lausanne, Switzerland (2013)
Rubio, A.: What theoretical modeling provides for our understanding and predicting properties of nanostructures and biomolecules. Colloquium of CIC Biomagune, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain (2012)
Rubio, A.: Understanding and designing of energy materials from first principles simulations: optoelectronic and hybrid-photovoltaic devices. Colloquium of the Physics Department, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg (2012)
Rubio, A.: Electronic properties of New Hybrids Made of BN and C. 5th European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMOLNA2012), Cuenca, Spain (2012)
Rubio, A.: What time-dependent density functional theory can provide to understand and design nanostructured-based optoelectronics materials. Colloquium Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Garching (2012)
Rubio, A.: Theoretical concepts for the simulation of nanostructured-based devices:towards nanostructured-based optoelectronic devices. NANOWIRES12, Paul-Drude-Institut, , Berlin, Germany (2012)
Rubio, A.: Hybrid organic photovoltaics: from a time-dependent density functional perspective. CECAM Conference: "Energy from the Sun: Computational Chemists and Physicists Take up the Challenge", Cagliari, Italy (2012)
Rubio, A.: Perspectives. HoW exciting! Hands-on Workshop on Excitations 2012. HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2012)
Rubio, A.: Modelling photo-induced dynamical processes in nanostructures and biomolecules from first principles: correlation effects and applications. Colloquium of Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Hamburg, Germany (2012)
Rubio, A.: Unraveling the electronic properties of nanostructures and biomolecules from spectroscopy: a theoretical perspective. Concepts and Applications of Stimulus-responsive Materials, Summer UPV/EHU Workshop, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain (2012)
Rubio, A.: Simulating optoelectronic devices at the nanoscale: a TDDFT perspective. 2n International Conference on Advanced Materials Modelling (ICAMM), Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Université de Nantes, Nantes France (2012)
Rubio, A.: TDDFT for light-matter interactions in strong coupling regimes. 2nd TYC workshop on energy materials, London, UK (2012)
Rubio, A.: Photodynamics of nanostructures: a TDDFT approach to the weak and strong coupling regimes. Colloquium of the Materials Physics Department, University of Oxford, Oxford, England (2012)
Rubio, A.: TDDFT for nonlinear phenomena of light-matter interactions. Symposium within the Division of Chemical Physics entitled "Density Functional Theory for Chemical Physics" March meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, USA (2012)
Rubio, A.: Ultrafast response of solids and nanostructures investigated via many-body theory and time-dependent density functional techniques. Gordon Research Conference "Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems,Understanding Complex Matter Far from Equilibrium and on Elementary Time Scales" , Galveston, TX, USA (2012)
Rubio, A.: Modeling Optoelectronic Nanostructured Devices Made of Inorganic Nanotubes. Colloquium, Faculty of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany (2011)
Rubio, A.: Non Equilibrium Dynamical Simulations of Complex Systems from Tddft. 3rd Theory Days, Stochastic and Dissipative Effects , Toulouse, France (2011)
Rubio, A.: Theoretical Concepts for the Simulation of Nanostructured-Based Devices: From Photovoltaics to Light-Emission. 4th European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMOLNA2011), Peñíscola, Spain (2011)
Rubio, A.: Theoretical Spectroscopy: Modelling Photo-Induced Dynamical Processes in Nanostructures and Oxides. Theorie-Kolloquium, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany (2011)
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