Publications of Angel Rubio

Talk (65)

Rubio, A.: Optoelectronic and hybrid-photovoltaic devices from first principles simulations. Seminar, Physical Chemistry department (ISIC), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2014)
Rubio, A.: Modeling Optoelectronic and Hybrid-Photovoltaic Devices within TDDFT. Colloquium Physikalische Chemie, Department of Chemistry, Universität München, Munich, Germany (2014)
Rubio, A.: Understanding light-induced processes in energy materials from first principles TDDFT simulations. Workshop on Material Challenges in Devices for Fuel Solar Production and Employment, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2014)
Rubio, A.: Modeling energy materials from first principles simulations: optoelectronic and hybrid-photovoltaic devices. Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain (2014)
Rubio, A.: Extensions of density functional theory approaches to treating quantum phenomena and quantum entanglement. APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (2014)
Rubio, A.: Multi-scale modeling in chemistry and materials science: combining classical and quantum mechanics. Colloquium of the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Madrid, Spain (2014)
Rubio, A.: Non equilibrium dynamical processes in low dimensional systems from time-dependent density functional theory. Colloquio of the Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (2014)
Rubio, A.: Light-Induced Processes in Finite and Extended Systems from TDDFT. VI International Conference BIFI 2014 on Exploring the Role of Computation in Science: from Biology to Physics, Zaragoza, Spain (2014)
Rubio, A.: Open Session about Challenges and Standing Problems. 6th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque. Spain (2014)
Rubio, A.: Non Linear Processes in Low Dimensional Systems within Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. The "March" Meeting, a Symposium in Honor of Professor Norman H. March, Namur, Belgium (2013)
Rubio, A.: Impacto de la teoría en Nanociencia: nuevos materiales y dispositivos. Science Dissemination Talk, Nanotecnología, Fundación Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, Valencia, Spain (2013)
Rubio, A.: Non equilibrium dynamical processes in finite and extended systems from a time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) perspective. MPQ Colloquium, München, Germany (2013)
Rubio, A.: Light-Induced Dynamical Processes in Finite and Extended Systems from TDDFT. Modeling Single-Molecule Junctions: Novel Spectroscopies and Control, Berlin, Germany (2013)
Rubio, A.: From Pure to Doped Carbon-Based Nano-Materials: Recent Advances and Applications. Hetero NanoCarb, Castelldefells, Barcelona, Spain (2013)
Rubio, A.: Static and time-dependent density-functional schemes for bond-breaking and bond formation, correlation effects including Mott insulators. Institut fuer Chemie (AG Quantenchemie, Prof. Sauer), 
Humboldt Universitaet , Berlin, Germanyk (2013)
Rubio, A.: A TDDFT perspective on nonlinear electronic processes: optics, photoemission and resonant tunneling. Workshop on Learning from the past, looking to the future, Berlin, Germanyk (2013)
Rubio, A.: Time-dependent density functional theory for non-linear phenomena in solids and nanostructures: fundamentals and applications. Electronic structure calculations with the GPAW code: Users and developers meeting, Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark (2013)
Rubio, A.: Non equilibrium dynamical processes in finite and extended systems: a TDDFT and many-body perspective. Workshop on Dynamics of Matter: Advances in Theory, CFEL, Hamburg, Germany (2013)
Rubio, A.: How non linear and charge transfer processes are captured in time-dependent density functional theory. TD-DFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory ) conference, University , Nantes, France (2013)
Rubio, A.: Supercomputación Científica en Euskadi 2013. Colloquium, San Sebastian, Spain (2013)
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