Publications of Angel Rubio
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Talk (65)
Optoelectronic and hybrid-photovoltaic devices from first principles simulations. Seminar, Physical Chemistry department (ISIC), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2014)
Modeling Optoelectronic and Hybrid-Photovoltaic Devices within TDDFT. Colloquium Physikalische Chemie, Department of Chemistry, Universität München, Munich, Germany (2014)
Understanding light-induced processes in energy materials from first principles TDDFT simulations. Workshop on Material Challenges in Devices for Fuel Solar Production and
Employment, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2014)
Modeling energy materials from first principles simulations: optoelectronic and hybrid-photovoltaic devices. Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain (2014)
Extensions of density functional theory approaches to treating quantum phenomena and quantum entanglement. APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (2014)
Multi-scale modeling in chemistry and materials science: combining classical and quantum mechanics. Colloquium of the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Madrid, Spain (2014)
Non equilibrium dynamical processes in low dimensional systems from time-dependent density functional theory. Colloquio of the Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (2014)
Light-Induced Processes in Finite and Extended Systems from TDDFT. VI International Conference BIFI 2014 on Exploring the Role of Computation in Science: from Biology to Physics, Zaragoza, Spain (2014)
Open Session about Challenges and Standing Problems. 6th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque. Spain (2014)
Non Linear Processes in Low Dimensional Systems within Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. The "March" Meeting, a Symposium in Honor of Professor Norman H. March, Namur, Belgium (2013)
Impacto de la teoría en Nanociencia: nuevos materiales y dispositivos. Science Dissemination Talk, Nanotecnología, Fundación Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, Valencia, Spain (2013)
Non equilibrium dynamical processes in finite and extended systems from a time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) perspective. MPQ Colloquium, München, Germany (2013)
Light-Induced Dynamical Processes in Finite and Extended Systems from TDDFT. Modeling Single-Molecule Junctions: Novel Spectroscopies and Control, Berlin, Germany (2013)
From Pure to Doped Carbon-Based Nano-Materials: Recent Advances and Applications. Hetero NanoCarb, Castelldefells, Barcelona, Spain (2013)
Static and time-dependent density-functional schemes for bond-breaking and bond formation, correlation effects including Mott insulators. Institut fuer Chemie (AG Quantenchemie, Prof. Sauer),
Humboldt Universitaet , Berlin, Germanyk (2013)
A TDDFT perspective on nonlinear electronic processes: optics, photoemission and resonant tunneling. Workshop on Learning from the past, looking to the future, Berlin, Germanyk (2013)
Time-dependent density functional theory for non-linear phenomena in solids and nanostructures: fundamentals and applications. Electronic structure calculations with the GPAW code: Users and developers meeting, Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark (2013)
Non equilibrium dynamical processes in finite and extended systems: a TDDFT and many-body perspective. Workshop on Dynamics of Matter: Advances in Theory, CFEL, Hamburg, Germany (2013)
How non linear and charge transfer processes are captured in time-dependent density functional theory. TD-DFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory ) conference, University , Nantes, France (2013)
Supercomputación Científica en Euskadi 2013. Colloquium, San Sebastian, Spain (2013)