Publications of Matthias Scheffler

Working Paper (17)

Working Paper
Kloppenburg, J.; Nemec, L.; Lange, B.; Scheffler, M.; Blum, V.: The (3×3)-SiC-(¯1¯1¯1) Reconstruction: Atomic Structure of the Graphene Precursor Surface from a Large-Scale First-Principles Structure Search. (2019)
Working Paper
Acosta, C. M.; Ouyang, R.; Fazzio, A.; Scheffler, M.; Ghiringhelli, L. M.; Carbogno, C.: Analysis of Topological Transitions in Two-dimensional Materials by Compressed Sensing. (2018)
Working Paper
Nieminen, R. M.; Bonella, S.; Drury, L.; Scheffler, M.; Molinari, E.: Three European Centers of Excellence in Computational Science. Psi-k Scientific Highlight Of The Month (133) pp. 1 - 13 (2016), 13 pp.
Working Paper
Ghiringhelli, L. M.; Carbogno, C.; Levchenko, S. V.; Mohamed, F. R.; Huhs, G.; Lüders, M.; Oliveira, M.; Scheffler, M.: Towards a Common Format for Computational Materials Science Data. Psi-k Scientific Highlight Of The Month (131) pp. 1 - 16 (2016), 16 pp.

Issue (1)

Focus on Advances in Surface and Interface Science (Special issue). New Journal of Physics 9 (2007)

Editorial (1)

Ghiringhelli, L. M.; Baldauf, C.; Bereau, T.; Brockhauser, S.; Carbogno, C.; Chamanara, J.; Cozzini, S.; Curtarolo, S.; Draxl, C.; Dwaraknath, S. et al.; Fekete, Á.; Kermode, J.; Koch, C. T.; Kühbach, M.; Ladines, A. N.; Lambrix, P.; Himmer, M.-O. L.; Levchenko, S. V.; Oliveira, M.; Michalchuk, A.; Miller, R.; Onat, B.; Pavone, P.; Pizzi, G.; Regler, B.; Rignanese, G.-M.; Schaarschmidt, J.; Scheidgen, M.; Schneidewind, A.; Sheveleva, T.; Su, C.; Usvyat, D.; Valsson, O.; Wöll, C.; Scheffler, M.: Shared Metadata for Data-Centric Materials Science. Scientific Data 10, 626 (2023)
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