Publications of Katrin Winkel

Journal Article (63)

Journal Article
Loerting, T.; Schustereder, W.; Winkel, K.; Salzmann, C. G.; Kohl, I.; Mayer, E.: Amorphous Ice: Stepwise Formation of Very-High-Density Amorphous Ice from Low-Density Amorphous Ice at 125 K. Physical Review Letters 96, 025702 (2006)
Journal Article
Scheuermann, M.; Geil, B.; Winkel, K.; Fujara, F.: Deuteron spin lattice relaxation in amorphous ices. The Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 224503 (2006)
Journal Article
Koza, M. M.; Geil, B.; Winkel, K.; Köhler, C.; Czeschka, F.; Scheuermann, M.; Schober, H.; Hansen, T.: Nature of Amorphous Polymorphism of Water. Physical Review Letters 94, 125506 (2005)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Giovambattista, N.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Loerting, T.: Amorphous ices. In: Liquid Polymorphism, Vol. 152, 152 Ed., pp. 139 - 173. John Wiley & Sons (2013)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Fuentes-Landete, V.; Mitterdorfer, C.; Handle, P.H.; Ruiz, G.N.; Bernard, J.; Bogdan, A.; Seidl, M.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Stern, J.; Fuhrmann, S. et al.; Loerting, T.: Crystalline and amorphous ices. In: Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Water: Fundamentals as the Basis for Understanding the Environment and Promoting Technology, Vol. 187, pp. 173 - 208. (2015)

Poster (1)

Winkel, K.; Schustereder, W.; Kohl, I.; Salzmann, C.; Mayer, E.; Loerting, T.: Isothermal amorphous-amorphous-amorphous transitions in water. 11th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI 2006), Bremerhaven (2006)
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