Publications of Angel Rubio
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Journal Article (72)
Journal Article
24 (23), 233202 (2012)
Time-dependent density-functional theory in massively parallel computer architectures: the OCTOPUS project. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal Article
85 (11), 115129 (2012)
Role of nonlocal exchange in the electronic structure of correlated oxides. Physical Review B
Journal Article
85, 085424 (2012)
Channeling of charge carrier plasmons in carbon nanotubes. PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Journal Article
84 (24), 245117 (2011)
Strong electronic correlation in the hydrogen chain: A variational Monte Carlo study. Physical review / B
Journal Article
84 (15), 155118 (2011)
Plasmon dispersion in molecular solids: Picene and potassium-doped picene. Physical review / B
Journal Article
84 (8), 085406 (2011)
Dielectric screening in two-dimensional insulators: Implications for excitonic and impurity states in graphane. Physical review / B
Journal Article
84 (7), 075107 (2011)
Nonlinear phenomena in time-dependent density-functional theory: What Rabi oscillations can teach us. Physical review / B
Journal Article
391 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (2011)
Time-dependent density-functional and reduced density-matrix methods for few electrons: Exact versus adiabatic approximations. Chemical Physics
Journal Article
83 (14), 144115 (2011)
Coupling of excitons and defect states in boron-nitride nanostructures. Physical Review B
Journal Article
83 (4), 042501 (2011)
Charge transfer in time-dependent density-functional theory via spin-symmetry breaking. Physical Review A
Journal Article
391 (10), pp. 120 - 129 (2011)
Assessment of dressed time-dependent density-functional theory for the low-lying valence states of 28 organic chromophores. Chemical Physics
Journal Article
83 (3), 032503 (2011)
Density functional theory beyond the linear regime: Validating an adiabatic local density approximation. Physical Review. A
Journal Article
48 (3), pp. 575 - 596 (2010)
The doping of carbon nanotubes with nitrogen and their potential applications. Carbon
Journal Article
10, pp. 1172 - 1176 (2010)
Doped Graphene as Tunable Electron−Phonon Coupling Material. Nano Letters
Journal Article
82, pp. 1843 - 1885 (2010)
The physical and chemical properties of heteronanotubes. Reviews of Modern Physics
Journal Article
105, 016101 (2010)
Rare-Earth Surface Alloying: A New Phase for GdAu2. Physical review letters
Journal Article
104, 226804 (2010)
Strong Charge-Transfer Excitonic Effects and the Bose-Einstein Exciton Condensate in Graphane. Physical review letters
Journal Article
82, 125444 (2010)
Combined experimental and ab initio study of the electronic structure of narrow-diameter single-wall carbon nanotubes with predominant (6,4),(6,5) chirality. Physical review / B
Journal Article
133 (15), 151103 (2010)
Communication: Systematic shifts of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital peak in x-ray absorption for a series of 3d metal porphyrins. The Journal of Chemical Physics
Journal Article
81, 245429 (2010)
Modeling nanoscale gas sensors under realistic conditions: Computational screening of metal-doped carbon nanotubes. Physical review / B