Recent achievements in our group

July 21 - New review titled "Classical Polymers as Highly Tunable and Designable Heterogeneous Photocatalysts"

July 21 - New review titled "Classical Polymers as Highly Tunable and Designable Heterogeneous Photocatalysts"

Calum T. J. Ferguson* and Kai A. I. Zhang*
July 21 - Marina completes her PhD in Brazil after a one year research visit to Germany

July 21 - Marina completes her PhD in Brazil after a one year research visit to Germany

July 21 - Calum prestented recent work on classical polymer photocatalysts at MC15

July 21 - Calum prestented recent work on classical polymer photocatalysts at MC15

July 21 - Niklas defended his thesis titled "Novel design concepts for visible-light active semiconductor photocatalysts". Good luck in your future Niklas

July 21 - Niklas defended his thesis titled "Novel design concepts for visible-light active semiconductor photocatalysts". Good luck in your future Niklas

June 21 - Calum presents at part of the online catalysis talks series

June 21 - Calum presents at part of the online catalysis talks series

February 21 - Masis successfully defends his bachelor thesis

February 21 - Masis successfully defends his bachelor thesis

January 21 - Rong joins the Max Planck Graduate Center

January 21 - Rong joins the Max Planck Graduate Center

November 20 - Congratulations to Thomas in winning the MPIP poster prize

November 20 - Congratulations to Thomas in winning the MPIP poster prize

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